When there is a damsel in distress, there is always a knight ready with lance and shield in hand, to charge into battle for his lady fair. Mantra thinks this is a fairy tale. Can she convince you?
In the fairy tale version, the knight is a healthful, youthful man filled with chivalry and abundant courage. He is the man of the young girl’s princess dreams.
But then there is reality…
Women see men with different lenses than the idealist wannabe princess. They find different ones attractive: different heights, different shapes, different ages. They weigh characteristics like ambition, courage and ingenuity differently on an individual basis. In life, they understand the trade off for character is far more important than the pretty package which first catches their eye.
What happens when the trade off does not happen? Mantra brings you a modern day knight who may not have seen how important it was to sharpen different skills as others faded away.
Simply titled Rust, this narrative poem reveals what happens we get caught up in the everyday and let the events preclude our care of the ravages of time.
Tonight, the angels all have broken wings.
The rescuers bowled over like scattered pins.
No electricity flows through the lines,
And the signal has been interrupted.
For once, the need arose for you to mount
A trustworthy steed and charge into the fray.
Yet, there you stand, mired to the ground
In the shambles of your life disrupted.
Your charger lay on the lawn, emaciated
The froth on his breast and lips coarse and stiff.
His knotted legs could not support his weight,
Much less carry you victoriously again.
Your armor lay crumpled upon the floor,
Covered in neglectful dust of uselessness.
Even were it clean, it no longer fits.
Complacent girth could never get in.
Your weapon stands lazy on the bureau top.
Its hammer rusted solid. Its firing pin laid dull.
The shield is near, but with no more care.
Its shine is gone in scratches and dimpled dents.
In folly, you march toward battle unarmed
With nothing more than bluster and pride.
You tramp before the demons raised high
Above the castle which was to be your own.
Battlements tumbled in evil laughter.
Blood poured out upon the stone.
A fiend hisses, “Fine sir, where were you?”
Unwitting, your only answer: “I didn’t hear the phone.”
(c) Red Dwyer
Have you ever missed the call to come to a loved one’s aid? Has “life” ever gotten in the way of taking care of yourself or those nearest you? Are you caught up in the everyday? Could you jump to someone’s rescue if you were needed?
Is the knight incommunicado?Â
/ July 30, 2012get me a knight quick red im always in need hope your well looks like your busy being a mother gran and brilliant writer and forgot to say wife xxjen
jennygoth recently posted..New Theme: Balloons
/ July 30, 2012Now, Jen, I see you as the damsel with the sword!! <3 So very nice to see you tonight. Hope you had a wonderful weekend! xxx
Valentine Logar
/ July 30, 2012You and I have talked so often of our knights errant, late to the fight or yelling ‘run honey’ as they charge ahead of us from the battle.
Woe, tidings late in the day of their busy times and distracted minutes, turns on the roads leading away.
Rust indeed my sister, my tower doors open and rooms empty out to the courtyard more rapidly than the prince knows.
/ July 30, 2012Methinks the tower has already emptied. It would be a far better venture than rebuilding these parapets.
/ July 30, 2012Life has certainly gotten in the way of taking care of myself on more than one occasion. Responsibilities call, life calls and through inadvertence I neglected myself way too often. I’m remedying that slowly but surely. It’s pretty simple, my daughter came first, I took a back seat.
Absolutely, if someone needed my help and I was able to do it, I would … Although, if it requires duct tape, a handgun and my bringing the shovel, I’d have to think about it. LOL !
/ July 30, 2012I have a bag of lime…does that help?
/ July 30, 2012Hahaha! What a good idea! Hand truck too… I think that’d just be wise.
/ July 30, 2012Have one of those, too 😉
/ July 30, 2012aahhahaha! Meet you out back. I just have to stop at the store and get gloves.
/ July 30, 2012Got those…Plenty of those!
/ July 31, 2012Yah but I need my own how am I going to put … you know, that “item” in my car? DNA and all that stuff…one must be careful you know. And wear a hair net okay? 🙂
Okay. It’s official. We know too much.
/ July 31, 2012Oh, you mean the giant roll of Visqueen? It comes in widths of 10, 20 and 30 feet. Then again, there is the tarpaulin method. Yeah, I am pretty sure we know why too much. But just think, there are only a couple thousand witnesses to eliminate 🙂
/ July 31, 2012What witnesses? I don’t see any witnesses and they didn’t see anything either. At the end of the day, it’s hard evidence that puts people away … the rest is mere speculation from those with an imagination who have watched too many movies and/or read too many books.
Bwaahahaha! (I think I just went over to the other side… but, you can’t really prove it. (insert peals of laughter here.)
/ July 31, 2012I think if we frame it correctly, we can get script recommendations to make this entire affair far more plausible 🙂 Is that not the JOB of editors???? *wicked grin*
/ July 31, 2012YES … then we could blame them… no? 🙂 hahaha!
/ July 31, 2012Great minds think so much alike 😉
Wendy Reid
/ July 30, 2012I would love a knight or two in my life. Yes, in the past I believe that I have been that knight for others but not every time I should have been. Life got in the way and if there had been any way of knowing the consequences beforehand, I would have made more of an effort to be there.
Wendy Reid recently posted..20 Awesome Quotes
/ July 30, 2012Ah, the cracked crystal ball. I think we all have them. Manufacturer’s defect.
Friggin Loon
/ July 30, 2012Forget a friggin knight, a decent man would be a good start 😉
Friggin Loon recently posted..Bearman, Have You Heard?
/ July 30, 2012Do they have a shortage of them there?
/ July 30, 2012No one ever considers the fuzzy little Wombies!
Binky recently posted..Shallow Life
MJ Logan
/ July 30, 2012I’ve gone. loaded gun in pocket. Saddled on trusty steed (ok…pickup truck).
Thankfully all that was needed was to arrive and the only bravery required was going.
MJ Logan recently posted..Merry Go Round
/ July 30, 2012Any idea how many trip with that level of responsibility?
Alexandra Heep
/ July 30, 2012I am a sucker for medieval stuff and knights and metaphors. Love it.
Alexandra Heep recently posted..You Might be a Facebook Addict if:
/ July 30, 2012Me, too. I have loads about chivalry and such.
The Heretic
/ July 30, 2012In the roleplaying/Dungeons & Dragons version the knight goes in to rescue the damsel in distress from the dragon, but the player rolls a “1” botching his attempt and ends up going from being a hero to “canned human”. Cooked in under a minute.
The Heretic recently posted..Easy Money
/ July 30, 2012Ah, the prehistoric days before microwaves! Great to see you tonight!
/ July 30, 2012Is this about me??
Binky recently posted..Shallow Life
/ July 30, 2012Do you have a dented shield and rusty gun?
/ July 31, 2012The other day, I was painting my toenails, remembering how I didn’t even have a chance to paint my toes when the kids were little. There just wasn’t time. So I just stopped wearing sandals. I still remember that and consider it a luxary of time when I paint my nails, just so I can look better.
Barb recently posted..Planning My WordPress Afterlife
/ July 31, 2012That is a great example. I just engage everyone in the toe painting. Clear nail polish works on boys when the grown folk frown on girly things for boys.