Saturday Evening Post

What a terrifically busy and fun week! The faded yellow sun has finally fallen enough for the air conditioning to go off. Clyde has a question. Grab a cuppa and snuggle into a rocker. Let’s talk.

Celebrations & Welcome

We acknowledged a few birthdays this week and took some wild rides. If you have not voted on a gift for El Guapo, please do. The poll will be retired by Sunday. I have a ton of things to wrap. Thank you to all who networked with the Widowed Blog Hop, Phil, El Guapo and all of the many blogs who participated in what is affectionately being called the “Bash of the Blogosphere“.

I want to extend the welcome mat all the way off the porch to all the new bloggers who have joined the ranks of the M3 Readers. If you get lost, the pull cord is under About Momma… just ask. If you have not already, please stop by the Green Room (top menu bar) and leave a link to your blog. It is the official jumping off point for M3 Readers.

Schedules or “I can read.”

I get it. The SIB has been filled for two solid weeks with people questioning my sanity and my ability to read… either words or a calendar. If you could not tell by this week, we are returning to our regularly scheduled programming. Over the next two months, we will be adding two more blog hops to the month, but the spotlight, Friday Follies, SEP, FTP and Hot Flash are all in place.

Yes, Mantra is returning to Mondays. Her last outing met with some consternation, but rightly so. Genocide and social castes are often not taken well.


No Daddy is stripping everyone else off the M3 server. This should mean a decrease in the 500 errors they give you. They are growing more accustomed to the traffic around this place and realized the whole for a blog mentality is just as ludicrous as it sounds.


Two new pages are set to go live this week. One will outline the parameters and rates for advertising on M3. No, this in no way means we are going to stop linking to every blog worth following. It does mean you can put your products, books and businesses in the direct line of sight of the M3 Readers.

Mind the volume…but never let it be silent.

The second is going to be the M3 soundtrack. If you have no idea what this is, check out the request at the end of this week’s Friday Follies or to the featured status on the 5,000 page. To say your choices thus far have amazed and amused me is frankly so sublime it is hardly noticeable. I was brought to tears with some… both kinds.

If you have not seen Clyde’s new page, check out what the orang is planning for the next few months. His first tour date is on the calendar.

Mystery Solved


I have more than 5,000 contacts.

One of the things which has been concerning me is the lack of comments. I had chalked it up to the erratic schedule and No Daddy nonfeasance shenanigans, but have discovered a culprit which Clyde may address or may become a Red Hat post at the Tilted Tiara. Zuckerbrat has determined he needs to make more money. To that end, everyone who has a fan page fans of fan pages have been dealt a nasty blow.

[Redacted large explanation which would drive away math phobes.]

In short, if I want the fans of the 5,000 page to see the M3 posts on FB, I must pay $5 per post for an ad to show… wait for it… only to fans (who subscribed to see such things) or to fans and their friends. Needless to say, the mutiny has begun.

If you have a fan page, leave a link to it on the 5,000 wall. I will like it from 5,000 and put your page in my readers’ feed. I have been playing FB a long time. This works.

Right Turn, Clyde!

Right turn, Clyde.

One of the things Clyde ran across this week was auras. Being a curious sort, he was eavesdropping on a SIB conversation.

A side-effect of the most asked question (How do you get so much done?), one of the questions I routinely ask is:

What do you see when you look at me?

Now, being as this question is posed in the SIB, looking at me is either in the mind or via photograph. The answers are as diverse as the people to whom I post the query.

  • A confidant woman
  • Too smart for your own good
  • The busiest person on the planet
  • A therapist
  • A friend

To which, I answer, Guilty. As luck would have it, the person with whom I was pinging had answered the question in much the way everyone else does, but followed it with a novel addendum. In pertinent part:

You have this aura …about you that is mysterious.”

No, I did not leave it alone. (Where do you think you are? We are talking about the SIB!) I asked what color.


I am not going to get out the scientific and mathematical implements to bludgeon you (unless you ask really nicely). The associations we make between people and energy are significant to our relationships. We looked at it in Tarnished Silence and with the M3 soundtrack. We associate sounds, especially music, with others. Likewise, we associate color with people as well.

Quick… What color was your grandfather’s favorite (tie, jacket, pair of boots)? What is the most common color flower you (give, receive)? What is the predominant color of the art in your house? What color will Mate always put on when you are going somewhere special? Do you paint one room in every house a certain color? Do you find the colors in the gifts people present you in the same family?

Even with my handle being a color, it is not the color most often associated with me. In fact, only those who live on my pet peeve list see me as red as opposed to just Red.

Enter Ape

She did, however.

Given the nature of the rendering of virtual reality is different based on screen settings, Clyde was curious how anyone could begin to associate a color with someone they had met on the Internet. It is far simpler than one would imagine, especially if one has no working knowledge of frequency hopping, fiber optics or digitization.

As we read what others have on offer, we are exposed to the concepts they find important, the events which shape their lives and beliefs, the pain they have experienced and the level of engagement with which they are comfortable. It can be a powerful amount of information to process.

While we know the complete picture is impossible to see, we can make ascertainments with confidence based on our working social structures. The irony is we can feel the energy in the same way we find suspense in adventure novels and terror in ghost stories. We communicate to one another on a base level: one of pure energy.

It is enough to make an ape wonder.

Until next time,

Red Signature

What color do you associate with yourself? What color do you associate with me? Why (to both)? Do you think everyone associates your favorite color with you? Answer any of the questions from the “Why?” section.

Just a bit of business: The polls for El Guapo and Story Time will both end with tomorrow’s Flash in the Pan. Please vote in both. If you are not on Facebook, please leave your music choices in the comments.

When you tweet and +1 this post, please use the #hashtags: #auras and #Internet. Thank you for sharing!

© Red Dwyer 2012
Re-Blogging of this or any other post on The M3 Blog
is expressly forbidden.
Copyright and Privacy Policy available in The Office. 
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  1. Laurie76

     /  December 8, 2012

    I associate whatever color means constant headache with me. You? I see blue at the moment, of course it could the headache and wish for silence talking.

  2. One of the things which has been concerning me is the lack of comments.

    Red you cover a lot of material on your posts and I don’t even know what much to which you allude even means. No doubt though, your pen generates electricity.

    • One of my mottos, Carl, is: If you do not know, ask. I do not shame ppl who ask questions…unless they as if I am crazy or demonic. Then, I laugh, wholeheartedly. Great to see you tonight.

  3. oohhhh that makes sense now 😉 so I was going to say … for the color I most associate with myself but it changes. So what color would you pick for me? (I am practicing diversion – or the art of not answering the question.. its scientific ) I like how you asked others to pick songs they associate with you – I bet it, well you said too it is interesting to se what they come up with.. I am. almost tempted .
    Great SEP very informative when’s Clyde coming to RNWS??? oh i have to ask doh!
    lotsa love hugs and …stuff (the good and glittery kind)<3 Lizzie
    Lizzie Cracked recently posted..Real Girl, Real WorldMy Profile

    • Lavender. Duh. You are so lavender and sparkly. Seriously, what color do you think yours is?

      • purple you can encompass every and any emotion in purple.. true least i think..I am a gradient scale of purples…. with a little blue on the end and second and third are blue and yellow andddddd red.. just sometimes a bit.. maybe.. purple works

        sparkly is awesome <3
        Lizzie Cracked recently posted..Real Girl, Real WorldMy Profile

        • Purples are intuitive, idealist, magical and artistic. Lavender is imagination, visionary, daydreamer, etheric. Blue is in a comment to Alex. Yellow is intelligence, playful, optimist and creative. Red is money and relationship worries, anger and friction. To be more specific, you have to tell me what kind of red. Not what you may have thought.

          The sparkles? Silvery means intuitively receptive to new ideas and nurturing. <3

  4. I try not to associate with colors as I find them to be a bad influence.

    I don’t really associate a color with you, me, or anything, really. At least not that I’m aware of.

    • I find that so interesting. Considering you are an artist, it seems so strange you do not associate color knowingly. Hmm.

      • It has to be the red and
        the green for you dear Red 🙂
        Of course mine is black
        but blue and green are also
        colours that I like 🙂

        I hope that you are enjoying
        a lovely morning my great friend 🙂

        Andro xxx

        • I will never get away from the green in my aura. It signifies change, teaching, growth and balance with a caring for animals and others. It is the #2 color guessed for me, and rightly so.

          While your favorite color may well be black, you are much more vibrant than a dark aura. Greens and blues, especially the lighter greens against the darker blues. It leave just enough for the yellows to stand out. 🙂

          • Yes there is room for those brighter
            colours and thank you for noticing 🙂

            Do have a lovely day today Red 🙂 😉

            Andro xxx

      • Numbers had/have colors for me. But over the years, I noticed some colors shifted. For instance, 2 might have started out pink, but eventually was red, and now is indeterminate. Seven was blue, but sometimes black. I think 1 was always white and still is. Nine was yellow-orange, and still is.

        • I am not sure which I find more intriguing: the fact you associate numbers and colors or that they have changed. White as one is not uncommon as it is the beginning and assumed pure. So, I have to know, what was four?

          • How droll! that you chose 4 to ask about, for it is always red! Eight, BTW is navy blue. Seven is royal blue (at least, at the moment).

          • Oh, that is funny! Four is very much my number. always has been.

      • Perhaps it is strange, but I find it strange that so many people associate colors with things and people. I never have. Maybe I’m color-mind blind.
        Binky recently posted..Stick To Your RibsMy Profile

        • That is a distinct possibility. Not everyone does it. There are fewer who do not than do, but there is nothing odd about not.

    • That’s interesting, Binky, as you have a blue background and blue glasses.

      • The background is simply a reflection of my website color theme of blue and orange. It wasn’t really selected to reflect or reinforce a personality.
        Binky recently posted..Stick To Your RibsMy Profile

        • Blue and orange…the color of sunsets. And the cover of The Horse Tamers — a completely unplanned, organic choice.

          • We have gone all over blue, but orange is the one color most missing from all the talk. Orange is the color of passion. It represents courage, adventure, stamina and production.

  5. Birthdays? Where? Mine was today!

    Color: My favorite color is purple, but it took me until way into adulthood to figure it out. However, I do not have a lot of purple clothes. My wardrobe is mostly black and gray. I would never paint a room gray, I simply wear the color because it looks good on me (I think).

    We just painted our rooms: pale berry for the bedroom (and I cannot stand pink so don’t dare call it pink), blue sky for the living room, and sunflower for the kitchen and bathroom.

    So, I am all over the place with colors, but in general I prefer jewel tones. Can’t stand pastels, they seem weak to me.
    Alexandra Heep recently posted..FreebiesMy Profile

  6. I am blue. Even right now I am wearing a blue shirt. If not blue, them some color that is made from mixing blue with something else.

    As for you Red… well need I say more?


    • You are very blue. Since I have known you, always blue. I have my days when I am very red, and it underlies most everything I do. And my color is a variant of red.

  7. You? You are always going to be Red to Purple on the color spectrum.

    Me? I am always going to be Blue to Purple on the color spectrum. Even my hair is undertoned with lavender.

    • Hey I like the sound of that Val 😉 🙂
      I hope that your weekend has been
      a very exciting one so far 🙂

      Andro xxx

    • You are another lavender and purple. Always have been. You have some red tones and a lot of blue tones, but mostly clear purples. You are another one with sparkles, but yours are more gold than silver. <3

  8. I’ve no idea WHAT colour I am! 🙂

    I like blue, but then I’m a guy and we do…

    Love and hugs!

    prenin recently posted..Saturday – Doug threatens suicide. Again.My Profile

  9. Looks like I’m here in time for the updates! Have a wonderful Sunday friend xx
    Christy Birmingham recently posted..Poem: Full ColorMy Profile

    • Well, hello, busy stranger!! I am so pleased to see you <3 I hope you are relaxing this weekend. You are a good one to ask the music question! Even if it is not Tuesday 🙂

  10. Let’s see….you send off a LOT of red vibes because you are sassy and vibrant…and a bit more sassy…but, I think you are a lot of pink…pink is love right? Just because I know you share your sass with me out of love <3 … you know, pass on your ideas and your strength when I'm floundering.

    As for me…I think that I'm bright pink…maybe green? I don't know. Purple? Hmmm….that's a hard one.
    Candy recently posted..Someone Else’s BitterMy Profile

    • I do see a lot of pink for you. It is artistic, sensitive, compassionate and tender. It means you are a clear listener. You are definitely green, the color of teaching. If you are reading the comments, you can figure out purple. <3 Great to see you, sweets. <3


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