This has been a whirlwind week. I have been touched and amazed by quite a bit this week. Beavers, bloggers and buggers all featured this week. Grab a cuppa and snuggle into a rocker. Let’s talk.
Log Jam Job
Apparently, the beavers who jammed up the Internet stream have almost all been evicted. I spent a good portion of the early week investigating why the Internet was broken in the United States. You may well be amazed what you can find out when you look. I worked with a couple of ISP, web hosts and wireless providers to get the information highway back up to cruising speed.
I am always taken a bit aback by those who offer me jobs. This makes me somewhat of an anomaly. Most people leap at new job offers. Me? I work too much now. The thought of punching a clock again gives me hives.
I have gotten to asking by proposers if they would take referrals. Fortunately (from my perspective), they say no. I cannot imagine adding a talent agency to my current plate. Give me another year. I will revisit.
What all of it meant personally was, I have seen some smiling faces which had been missing and were weary of complaining about no access. If you are still seeing M3 on your computer as though it is a mobile site, please do let me know. I will see if I cannot rattle some fibre optic for you.
Prep Work
April is just around the corner. That means the A to Z Challenge. If you were not here last year, take a cruise through some of the most enduring posts on The M3 Blog. You may have gotten the email pointing to this year’s page. (Hover your mouse over The Map.) We are going to steam our way through writing a successful book.
If you are going to participate, leave a comment. Until the linky list is both live and portable, the A to Z 2013 page will serve as a jumping off point for readers. I am hoping the randomizer will be ready before the end of April this year.
If you have not signed up, click the A to Z in the right side bar for the list. Only one more week to sign up.
You say some of the most amazing things. The M3 Readers are 100% why I do this. We had fun naming fractals on Wednesday (ish). We had a great time talking about and finding Inner Child on Thursday. You connected with me on Friday on Made Red.
What I enjoy most about our discussions is how you take the time to read and respond to what others have to say. You just rock.
My names for this week’s fractals:
- Irish Throwing Star
- Golf Pants
- Sunflower Spiral
- Peacock Orbit
- Couples’ Skate
Right Turn, Clyde!

Right turn, Clyde.
Nearly all of The M3 Readers know I think People Suck. If you do not, click. It opens in another tab. We will wait.
What has Clyde’s crank turned all the way left are people who suck. In specific, people who encourage indiscriminate breeding. Feel free to pick a species.
Over the last year, you have gotten glimpses of Beau (associate editor at RedmundPro) as he has grown into an adult. Weighing in at a full five pounds, he is as big as he is going to get. He was a rescue from the starve list at a puppy mill.
Thursday, Little V was fraternizing with a litter of ten puppies. With a sufficient amount of coaching, she was able to appropriately ask for a puppy from the litter. Regardless of how many daggers my eyes threw at the person in possession of said puppies, I was moved by one myself. Meet Bacchus.
Nothing special. Just another dog. A tag-wagging, yipping, licking, puppy-breath-breathing wad of fur. Another one to be in love with Man Cub. So what?
Like most of the dogs which come into my life, he has a story. He had a ringworm on his face. He has dermatitis from not-so-ideal living conditions. He has worms. His mother is invisidog. His father is undoubtedly super dog (able to sire pups and disappear). I know only what his physical characteristics and siblings could tell me while I had them to compare.
He is a descendant of a Rottweiler of considerable size. Somewhere along the way, a boxer was introduced into the bloodline, who may or may not have been dating a bulldog. Just a few litters back, a buff Chow Chow made an appearance. He is a sorrel with black makeup, a black mouth and striped tongue, a white blaze, a few white toes and a white goatee. He is cute and will be huge.
Yes, I know. I am a sucker. But not this kind…
Oh, right, what makes him special. He is currently an only child. His nine litter mates proceeded to the shelter. Those who work at the shelter made the call not to keep them… Sit down… because they had ringworm.
If my eyebrow had gone any higher, it would have met my scalp. Rather than spend $3 on the cure for ringworm and spend the time to make the little dogs suitable for adoption, it makes more sense to exterminate them at $8 per injection plus the veterinarian visit.
Enter Ape
Before you waste all of your ire on the shelter, think about the real problem here: Indiscriminate breeding.
Ten puppies are a lot of mouths to feed. These puppies were reported as dumped. It is not rocket science to figure out they were not dumped into a fenced yard. While the dam was nowhere to be seen, there is more than probable cause to believe she was enjoying the air conditioning. No? Let’s look closely.
1. Knows what the food bowl is, how to use it and where to look for it.
2. Made no effort to fight the collar.
3. Is about two weeks (or one large bag of puppy chow) from whelping age.
4. Is teething… on chairs.
5. Is curious about everything and the champion against packing paper… almost.
Unless you are willing to raise all of the litter, do not breed your dog. It is not an accident. Dogs do not practice the rhythm method. They do not forget their birth control pills and do not have opposable thumbs to apply condoms.
So, when you pick out the doggie in the window (at the shelter), do the rest of the world a favor by spaying or neutering your dog. If all you can handle is one dog, be sure you only have one dog. It is cheaper to get your dog (and/or cat) fixed when it comes into heat the first time than it is to wait until pregnancy. Save money by not overpopulating your own house or someone else’s or a shelter.
What? Orangs prefer cats.
Until next time,
How do we get this message out to younger owners? Name a reason why people believe the myth spay/neuter reduces a pet’s life enjoyment. Will you help get this message out?
Hashtags: #rescue #pets
Thank you for sharing The M3 Blog with hashtags.
Valentine Logar
/ March 24, 2013Bacchus is a champion! What a handsome boy, I suspect you are right on the mix. You know my feelings on the rest, azzhats all from those who dumped to those who decided to not save.
I just got a call from our local shelter, they are full and looking for homes. I wish I could but no space or time at the inn right now.
Gremlins in the wires, nationwide. You go…they will simply move on to the next free space. You do know this, right?
/ March 24, 2013I do know that. I am hoping they will settle in the spammer portion of the net. *wicked grin* What we really need is a Kickstarter for a spay/neuter grant. Hmm. See what you did there? xxx
/ March 24, 2013hmmm…my internet wasn’t down. I guess you saved me before I knew it…thanks
Cute dog…so sad about his siblings
Bearman recently posted..Grumpy Cat vs Grumpy Cat
/ March 24, 2013Ohio, for some reason, was not affected by this. It was everything south of Virginia from coast to coast.
Derek Mansker
/ March 25, 2013Oh, thanks for saving the world again. I guess I didn’t notice, but I am north of Virginia, so I guess that is why.
Derek Mansker recently posted..A Life Changed By Love
/ March 25, 2013LOL! Just any other Tuesday.
/ March 24, 2013Hi Red… I love this post and a STANDING OVATION to you, as well, for bringing up this sad tale of tails…
I just don’t get it – especially when so many clinics will neuter/spay for FREE!!! It’s pure laziness, methinks!
Glad I was north of the log jam – no problems here – does that mean our federal gov’t was under cyber attack again?
have a wonderful week!!
BuddhaKat recently posted..F.R.A.C.T.A.L.S.
/ March 24, 2013Where you live there are free clinics. PAWS does not fund spay/neuter here like they do in many other places. They sponsor shots, but the vets here will not accept their payments for the S/N. Avarice is horrible and creates more problems than many realize.
As to the Internet, no. There was a large communication network with server overloads which were kicking traffic off by not picking up additional signal. There was no back up for the signals they were not catching.
/ March 24, 2013Why does a puppy chewing a cloth always make me gooey! Hope his brothers and sisters find good homes.
/ March 24, 2013No shot. They all died before I posted this.
/ March 24, 2013This dog’s adorable, Red!!! π
What’s the A to Z April Challenge?? Won’t be able to participate but I’m curious. π I have to write a research thesis… I have one month left to write it… crazy challenge. Ahhhhhhhhh! π
/ March 24, 2013It is a post a day (Monday through Saturday) where the post are a letter from the alphabet. Click on the page to see the words I am going to do. I bet you could do it by posting a piece of art for each letter. You have so many you could probably just schedule them all! xxx
Tess Kann
/ March 24, 2013Bacchus is a handsome pup. My what a bloodline he has.
I agree with spaying pets. All my pets have come from the SPCA. Lost, found and abandoned animals. which have been considered as adoptable are spayed and the new owners are charged for this. It costs about $175.00 for a fixed pet here. No-one does it for free.
Tess Kann recently posted..Sunday Snippet β Critique Blog Hop
/ March 24, 2013That is even higher than here. Unless you mean the adoption fee, spay and shots, in which case it is not too far off.
/ March 25, 2013aaawww…Bacchus is sooo adorable!!
Love that photo of you and him.
We don’t have a lot of shelter here…I would love to adopt more reptiles if such shelter exist
/ March 25, 2013We have a few reptile shelters. Most reptile rescue is peer-to-peer. xxx
Derek Mansker
/ March 25, 2013Where is Bob Barker when you need him? I don’t know why people don’t do this. We have a cat and took care of that a long time ago. As a side, my boys were asking me for a dog the other day. I told them that we will get a dog when they move out and we are lonely. They didn’t find that answer to be appealing. π
Derek Mansker recently posted..A Life Changed By Love
/ March 25, 2013Bwahahaha! I find it hysterical! π