Dearest M3 Readers,
These last weeks have been an exercise in breaking with tradition and schedule. Neither of which are my forte. (Wonders again how autistic she really is.) I need to thank you for a few things.
First, for appreciating my (relatively) wordless Friday evening post. While I normally allow the roller coaster of my life not to make my readers motion sick, I was not in the frame of mind to deal with the level of lunacy necessary to produce Friday Follies this week.
Although my competition is mighty, I may consider the occasional pictorial post. You may well be amazed at how diverse my interests truly are when you see some of the things I routinely photograph.
Second, for your endless interest in the myriad thoughts I scribe to the post. I am ever humbled by your presence to the scribbling.
Third, for your massive intellect and wit. After what seems like a month of travel, to sit before my screen to process comments was a roller coaster of a different sort.
Your comments make me hurt for you, sympathize (or empathize) with you, make me wonder what post you were reading, test my A&M personality*, humble me, make me blush and cause me to laugh until I have tears in my eyes.
In getting to know you, you have taught me to expect, which is not my way. In what can only be described as an optimist’s oxymoron, I learned long ago to expect nothing. When I get it, I am not disappointed. And before someone smacks me for being pessimistic, it is left-handed optimism: What I do receive is a welcome surprise.
Well, most of the time. Every once in a while there is a worm in the pineapple.
It really is a circle.
We keep returning to topics of friends and marriage (which all apply to rearing children, or do I need to post an explanation?) in what I would definitely not call irony. I see us in the discovery phase of our relationship.
See, I pick your brains for so many (non-zombie) reasons. For one, you give me tons of ideas about which to write, poll, research, read, give a damn… which for me can sometimes be a chore, as often my givadam is busted. Recently, though, I cut up its credit card, so I believe it is on the road to recovery.
Oops. I did that.
I have recently dropped the ball in being a better Quaint. I could insert one or two (dozen) excuses here, except I find excuses empty. Rather, I shall be more vigilant it not happen again.
Since I have asked over 500 questions on this blog (even if you do not include the polls), now it is time for you to turn the tables.
What question do you have for me?
*There are generally two types of people B&C people and A&D people. To get from A to D, some people absolutely must know where B&C are. The A&D people can figure it out. By the time most get to D, I am waiting much further down the alphabet. When I give directions I normally submit A and G, telling you I will meet you about M. (Did I mention M is my favorite letter?)
/ January 21, 2012I’m an A&I person. “I” is the shortcut for intuition. The actual letter is arbitrary. The real letter is “how the hell did I get here?” Maybe I’m an A&? type. How about A&T where “T” is shorthand for tardus. I climb in and when I arrive I have no logical idea how I get where I am. Aha! That’s the key. Logical people must arrive at their destination using a sequence of letters. I’ve been known to do that but when my dragon is in charge, we could just as easily begin with “Q”. Yes, that’s my favorite starting letter — a question.
/ January 21, 2012I just get there. For me the journey is the fun part, so why read the script. Must be throwback to a life where I was a man and refused to ask directions, but still got there. Ride the dragon. We will get there…eventually. Smacks of why my watch is just for show.
Thanks for the giggles, John.
/ January 22, 2012I have always been a “W” person. Ever since I was old enough to form words I have been a a “W” person. My first words according to those where were there was not Mama, Papa or anything as sweet as that. No indeed not. My first word was “Why”.
I still have to know Why, all my journeys seem to start with either Why or Why Not.
/ January 22, 2012Why is the most powerful question. Such a little word. Reminds me of nitroglycerin. And such a great vehicle.
/ January 22, 2012No questions Red, just a big thank you for being there and making people think!!! 🙂
God Bless!
/ January 22, 2012You are so very welcome. I like the conversations when everyone is right there with me scratching the head. Hope you are having a grand Sunday!
/ January 22, 2012My question for you? Ah where to start… From writer to writer: how do you get so many posts done in one day? Seriously! Do you have them planned out in advance and drafts made days before? I need to get me some of that Red energy juice 🙂
/ January 22, 2012Ironic you ask me this on a day when I only post once 😉 I have the ideas for series in advance. I work on the posts a few days in advance, but often toss the drafts because the comments from the day before cover all I would have put into the post. The fun pieces I write on the fly. While I have some things already scheduled over the course of the spring and summer (and one fall piece), I listen closely to the audience for things they want or need. This means changing what I would like to cover.
As to the overall volume, I only publish on here a little less than 1/2 of what I write in a day. Some days, that is 1,500 words here, others 3,500 words. I simply write that much 😉
/ January 23, 2012Thanks Red for explaining this to me. I have started making use of the save draft button for WordPress, so that I can work on a blog post and not feel like I have to publish it that day. It allows me to get a bit ahead on my blog and also plan a few days ahead. I understand what you mean about scheduling, as well as having to revise posts along the way. Keep up the great work girlie gal!
/ January 22, 2012Christy B has asked the question that I was thinking of and you certainly do add a lot of interesting postings on many subjects, but you know the best part is that all of your postings have a nice following and that just shows how everyone appreciates your input, not just because of the varying topics but for the reason that you have a very nice way of sharing your knowledge with your reader base.
You have shared much since I started following your Space and like you have already mentioned here, one gets to know a person, and through these exchanges the friendship is forged making the whole experience of blogging worthwhile as we not only call in to read your words of wisdom and importance, but we also feel quite at home here too, which is always a very nice feeling.
Yes there are also those idiots that are jealous of your popularity but anyone with an ounce of sense can instantly recognise the quality of your postings, and those are your most frequent of followers that look forward to your next adventure. Keep up the most excellent work Red you are certainly doing a fine job here and no mistake 🙂
Have a lovely rest of evening my great friend 🙂
Androgoth XXx
/ January 22, 2012Why thank you, Andro. I hope to be quite back to myself over the next couple days after I make up the hours when I was driving. And there are so many benefits of blogging. When the topics are heady, it means I get to flex my brain. More resilient against the zombie attacks…in person and in the inbox 😉
I hope your candle is not dripping on the table, as it appears to be burning at both ends again, my friend.
/ January 22, 2012Actually it is still rather early for me and I will be adding another script before I leave for the morning, well as soon as I have thought of one of course? 🙂
I think that I will be using a certain graphic for this one, the winged creature perhaps? 🙂 Keep flexing Red, you are doing excellently so far and I know that everyone here is enjoying the ride 🙂
Androgoth XXx
/ January 22, 2012I look forward to what may fly in your script tonight! 😉 😉 I shall be along when you post it. As for now, I have a few more comments to attend and see if anyone pounces on tonight’s offering as it has been quite a topic of conversation these last days.
/ January 22, 2012No questions, but I want some more of that “red energy juice”. I have no idea what letter(s) I am — not sure I understand the concept, but I’ve been sick, so maybe tomorrow. I’m glad you’re a prolific writer because that means more good stuff for us to read:) Angie
/ January 22, 2012Hope you get to feeling better, Angie! Rest up and be sure to stay hydrated…yeah, yeah…the Momma in me never is off. Red.
/ January 22, 2012Yes get well soon my friend 🙂
Androgoth Xx
/ January 23, 2012I have lots of questions, but they will be answered soon. I will admit that as busy as you are, there is always time for your readers. So with that being said, I do not believe your give a damn is broken at all.
/ January 23, 2012Thank you. I try to keep up. Looking forward to your questions.
/ January 23, 2012Not a chance and you look after me don’t you?
/ January 23, 2012Of course I do 😉
/ January 24, 2012My only question would be the same asked and answered above. I always wonder how you get so much written. Clearly you are not human.
You are in a league of your own Red. I can’t think of any other blog that carries such a variety of topics, which are all well-written and easy to follow along with. It makes it a pleasure to view them all.
/ January 24, 2012Thank you, Lorre. In the last few days, getting back on schedule has been a different sort of Bear. Good news? There is carpet in my children’s bedrooms!
/ January 24, 2012Awesome. I love it when a plan of any type or size comes together.