Yes, I know it is Monday morning. Based on my schedule this weekend, I was not in a position to sit down on Saturday evening and pen my letter to the audience about the real life events which inspire much of what you read on M3. If you can forgive my tardiness, I will share with you my initial instinct for my SEP and then, what changed my mind.
This week has been filled with the hair-pulling and hair-raising antics necessary to migrate a blog from WordPress to its own domain. I hope none of you got motion sick in the first leg of the journey. (Look at the URL. We are now officially on If you come here by way of bookmark, please update it.)
In between lessons, therapy, writing and the conference this weekend, I have been building the pages which will eventually grace the domain. Some of it is fun. Some of it, not so much.
It has been years since I was serious about writing code. Most of the languages in which I am most fluent are now defunct and archaic. For instance, today’s code geniuses have never heard of the original languages I wrote. Most of us know enough HTML to make a mess, and I am no different there. Although, I am pleased with the concept of the home page and some of the detailing I have finished on the satellite pages.
There is nothing more refreshing or enlightening than speaking to someone who is the age of your middle child, who makes 2/3 an hour what you do, pretending you are illiterate (and blonde) while they explain what you want to do is simply impossible.
Smarty pants was not prepared for me to tell her exactly how to accomplish it, and her laziness was obvious since what I want will not slip into a template she bought in a jumbo kit when she grad-e-ated the graphic artist program. Perhaps, building social media profile skins was not a complete waste of time.
All of the cosmetic surgery to posts and pages had to cease when it was time to go to class. Overall, it was very validating to see statistics which were only slightly skewed to the current audience reinforce the research I have done for the marriage and divorce posts on M3.
Contrary to much of the hatemail I receive, the seat of my pants does not type. I have not mastered the art of sitting on the keyboard to post. And although I have a powerful imagination, it is not geared to propagating statistics. I am far too OCD to make them up.
Sight Seeing

Always more to learn…
I adore people watching nearly as much as I like investigating crashes and dissecting things. In a lot of ways, they are all the same activity. With Valentine’s Day just around the corner (as in tomorrow… Did you already get something for your Valentine?), it was good to see couples engaging in the common pursuit of self-discovery and the flickering to life of self-actualization.
Speaking of discovery, are you one of the ones who has voted in the new poll? I have already gotten hatemail because the choices are limited to five, including other. For the complete left cube who hatemailed about all of the above, some of them are considered mutually exclusive, and considering your spelling, I would guess Ms. Hatemailer is not all ten plus other.
Hearts Everywhere
Since my little children are homeschooled, they do not have a classroom full of children with whom to share Valentine cards and candies. We spent a few hours making construction paper hearts, putting on and peeling off stickers (mostly on and off the Man Cub), drawing on and addressing the cards and then carefully attaching a DumDum to each. I rushed them off to the post so they would arrive before Tuesday.
No, they did not go to family. Well, technically, they did go to family… just not our family. Remember, everyone is someone’s child. We sent ours to a nursing home. Each and every one of the residents needs to know someone loves them, even if their own families cannot deliver.
If you think about it, drop a box of Valentine cards or candy at a foster home near you. I am sure you will make the day special for someone.
Many Thanks
I want to take a moment to thank all of you who have added M3 to your blog rolls and your posts. Due to the oversight of WordPress in pinging back the home page, it takes me a while to find them all once you have put them up. It has been with your help, M3 has grown to where it is today. Thank you as well for posting your links to all your blogs in the Green Room. For your help, I am humbly grateful.
A Request
I ask each of you to click on the link in the Alumni Club to Miss Demure Restraint. She is back from her hiatus and in need of some support from her fellow travelers in the blogosphere.
Have a wonderful week,
El Guapo
/ February 13, 2012Not sure how far you’ve gotten on the redesign, but aren’t there WYSIWYGs that will let you set up your page with a minimum of fuss?
As an aside, yesterday at the grocery store, we bought the eggs in the cardboard container instead of the plastic, because of your plastics post.
Thanks for bringing it up, and rock on!
/ February 13, 2012Awesome! Before you recycle them to the center, call your local food bank. When they get eggs, they have to repackage them. It would be a great reuse before the recycle. Thank you! Red.
El Guapo
/ February 13, 2012That’s great! Keep the ideas coming!
/ February 13, 2012Hi hun! 🙂
Valentines day will be quiet for me – it always is – but I will raise a glass to past lovers and friends even if we have drifted apart over the decades.
We all end up in a single bed one way or another…
Love and hugs!
/ February 13, 2012True. I have only seen the coffin for two as a novelty item.
Raven of Leyla
/ February 13, 2012Busy lady and I must confess I know nothing of ‘writing codes’ even less on HTML…okay a bit there, just a bit.
Hope your Valentine’s Day is sweet and filled with laughter!
/ February 13, 2012Thank you, dear Raven. I hope your Valentine is sweet as well 🙂
/ February 13, 2012You will soon be an expert!
/ February 14, 2012I hope I just learn enough not to need someone to repair what I do!