Daylight Savings Day

I hope the ride in the time machine did not nauseate anyone. See, if technology were to be trusted, you would have been reading this post on Saturday evening, as it was once entitled Saturday Evening Post. Many of you have grown accustomed to marking your calendars of virtual time by it; however, this week it failed to post. Now, it is neither Saturday nor evening.

Rather than merely serve leftovers, which really are not left over because no one has had firsts, there will be some additions to and corrections of your belated, regularly scheduled program and a deviation from what Clyde had originally discussed. In true Monty Python fashion, we will have Clyde reappear on Thursday, whilst serving Saturday on Tuesday and thereby switching this coming Monday for Wednesday and the week will be full, even if nothing is right with the world after. Follow? Great.


It is the first Saturday Evening Post since the blogoversary. There are still a few in sugar comas, but overall, we had an excellent time. If you missed it, there are reports a few lampshades are still available.

It was really fun to see which statistics caught your eye. Twice as nice was seeing some of the lurkers stop by for a slice of pie and a comment…or three.

Still looking for some feedback on what else you would like to see M3 cover this year, and not. (See that poll?) I have some new series lined up, and lots of single posts. All of that leads me to an explanation.


Some of the newcomers to M3 are intimidated by the term series. Truly, there is very little of M3 which is singular. Very few posts do not refer to another post on M3 for further reading. Now, there is a two-fold reason for this. (Oh, do not dare look surprised. You know there is a reason for everything…especially here.)

One of the things which irks me to the point of eye twitching is reading something which makes me feel like I am the butt of the joke. There is something missing which is assumed I already know. Since I despise condescension, I have been very (read: über) careful to make the posts stand alone without boring those who have been here since ever. The offer is there if you would like some extra background.

The second reason is as we go along, there are some places the road splits. While in the midst of a series, I may choose one path, there is absolutely no reason we cannot travel the more rutted and well-used road. (PS If you are new, we never go that way first.)

When this happens, I have this OCD habit of going back to posts and being sure there is a link either in the post or as a pingback in the comments. You should be able to navigate around here. The end. Amen.


Some series around here are like A to Z. We tackle some huge discipline and break it into bite-sized morsels. I never did Friday Follies the emails I got after that series. Well, at least not the nice ones. It was a series where we all had quite a bit of fun. If you missed A to Z, I hope you will still be around when we do it again this year. No, I am not issuing a spoiler as to the topic for next year.

With the official retiring of MAD as a serial, we have opened up the schedule for some more fun I personally want to have with M3 by offering some blog hop stops. One of which will debut this week tomorrow. It is definitely a new bill of fare.

Right Turn, Clyde!

Right turn, Clyde.

We have been making weekly productions of stupidity for quite some time. Clyde seems to think there is a large portion of this undesirable chain of events we have missed.


In the Friday Follies, we have gotten more than our fair share of those who have completely missed the time machine into this century, but there are some which are almost too far gone for a pithy response. These are the diehards.

They are convinced I could not find my way out of a paper bag with a map, a flashlight and a guide dog. What is worse? They believe it whilst attempting to wear my hat.

7 1/4

Wearing my hat is often difficult. First reason is… chances are good it is too small. Second, the hats I buy are hard for others to pull off without being dressed in something befitting a debutante ball or royal wedding or a rodeo. I love hats and have many. Those are not the hat I mean in this instance.

These diehards email and comment profusely. (If you can imagine comments as long as the posts around M3…) The main thrust of their diatribes is how I get it wrong. Rarely, do they state their authority. Instead, they are content to spew and spout without offering one single fact in rebuttal.

I personally am not one who feels the need to establish my authority with each post. Inundating the M3 Readers with my curriculum vitae every stinking day is boring. To be frank, I have not written a resumé in (takes off other shoe) more than 15 years. As I recall, the last time anyone cared about where I learned to do anything was in the early ’90s.

Furthermore, I read. I actually read twice as much as I write in any given day. This is not just the word meter words either. I mean everything I write. More than four hours each day is spent learning something. Around 12 minutes everyday is devoted to remembering something exactly as it is or was or will be.

Enter Ape

I am not perfect. Let me say that again. I am not perfect. I make mistakes. Occasionally, although very rarely, are sources incorrect in the information I convey. This is due in large part to my refusal to use single sources and overwhelming penchant for personal experience. Truly, very little I convey is not born of my eyesight, hearing, heart or hands.

Clyde officially gives the Bronx salute to all those who think only the seat of my pants knows how to type. What he wonders, though, is: what is the point in pointing at something you think is wrong if you have no offer of proof to the contrary?

Perhaps, they should take off my hat in favor of one more suited.

Until next time (which will hopefully be a Saturday),

Red Signature


Is there a point in just being cantankerous? Should every piece of information you read come with a reference so you do not have to do your own research? How much can you trust cited references when you disagree with what is written?

(c) Red Dwyer 2012
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  1. Every piece of written information should come with a reference, only if you do not have the skill to do the research or the sense to question and think for yourself.
    Laurie recently posted..Changes in Hope of SimplicityMy Profile

  2. I’m happy to read what you write and trust you enough not to need to check up on every fact and detail.

    If you get it wrong then fair enough – I have a degree in cock-ups – but at least you are willing to stand up and admit it! 🙂

    As for the foil hat – I could use one… 😉

    God Bless!

    prenin recently posted..Monday – A trip to the Co-OpMy Profile

    • I will tuck one into a package for you. There is absolutely no sense in assuming perfection. Admittedly, I try to get it perfect, yet assuming is still just assuming. {HUGZ} And thank you.

  3. And I thought I was time confused before!

    One should always double check their facts, unless they’ve gotten their facts from my wombat information center, which, of course, is infallible.
    Binky recently posted..Presidential Election 2012 Wombie StyleMy Profile

    • I have redesigned my calendar into a roulette wheel. It makes life so much more interesting. I need to get to your place for Fraz’ acceptance speech.

  4. 7 1/4???

    Is that 7 1/4 or 71 /4 I am assuming that is your hat size..haha
    Bearman Cartoons recently posted..The Sky is FallingMy Profile

  5. Is it just me, or are there no Like buttons on this? I LIKE it!

    • LOL! This is not a WP site. We have a LOVE! button 😉 I am glad you like this one. *grins* Great to see you today, L. xxx

  6. Relevant or not, here’s how time affects my blog. Somehow when I created it, I did so in a different timezone, which is fine, and no big deal and I’m leaving it that way. But it’s also in military time for me. So when I have to schedule my posts, I figure out the military time, then add four hours. Now since Daylight Savings, whatever time zone my blog is in (the future) it didn’t change, so now I add another hour. But some posts showed up an hour early before I figured that out. It’s intriguing as I anticipate when the time will change in the zone my blog is in. Possibly Greenwich Mean Time? Adds excitement to my day lol
    Sage Doyle recently posted..“Fay” Post 13My Profile

    • I have no issues with time, but with wretched software failure. So no comment on anything after the first paragraph?

  7. It’s well written 😉
    Sage Doyle recently posted..“Fay” Post 13My Profile

  8. I like how you takeg the bull by the horns: you’re upfront, true and consistent. I see no rose-coloured glasses here and I like that. I know what to expect, how and when.

    Bravo, Red.
    Tess Kann recently posted..Flash in the Pan – WakeMy Profile

    • Great to see you today, Tess. I am going to say thank you because you mean my being predictable as a compliment rather than a grouse. *giggles* I have never been one for pink glasses… 3-D, perhaps, is a better set of eye wear for here 😉 xxx

  9. ‘The Bronx Salute’ 🙂 lol I like that one and around here it is termed as the ‘UK Up Yours’ but I still prefer Clyde’s middle finger rather than some of the grubby looking offerings from other regions of the globe.

    I am now wondering what next years A to Z challenge is and whether or not you have some insider knowledge towards that incredibly wicked execute? Actually none of my 2012 A to Z scripts have survived the cull, well they are saved somewhere but not actually showing on my Space, which is a bit crazy considering that you gave me a Machine Gun Blogging Award for the zapping out of those scripts, soooooo next year I won’t remove them, the scripts I mean 🙂

    Oh yes and before I forget to mention… I like your hat, noooo I don’t want one as a pressie but I like yours nonetheless 😉

    Another thing I have to do is visit the Green Room and see who is new around here, and I might even get around to visiting a few, well eventually 🙂 lol

    Okay time to zoom off to your next posting, wow you have been ultra busy on the keyboard, miles ahead of me now and as usual I am very much on the catch up trail 🙁 Booooooooooooooooo

    Be good and enjoy the cake 😉 lol

    Andro xxx

    • That I did. You know indeed I have my ideas set out for A to Z next year. I can admit this…it will not be about those kind of hats. 😉 We need to wrangle Soul into the Green Room. He stopped by About Momma earlier, as did the Phil’s Lounge Phil, who has reappeared after being missing for an entire year. o.O Surely there is a story there.

      Pish tosh on the catch up trail. Grab the Follies, and meet Clyde and I for a cuppa and a plate full of raspberry orange scones tomorrow night. 😉 Hope you are headed into a brilliant weekend, my friend. 😀

      • Mmmm I do enjoy a cuppa and raspberry orange scones, actually I tell a fib I am not a great lover of raspberries so can I have strawberries in mine? 🙂 Yes I know, always being a tad awkward but hey I will share my chocolates with you as a reward so how about that for wicked? 😉

        I still want to read a few more before I return to my Space but then I will be going down to watch a dvd, drink coffee and perhaps even indulge in a biscuit or three 🙂 Mmmmm

        Have a lovely rest of evening Red 😉

        Andro xxx

        • Absolutely. I keep plenty in the way of berry choices. My all time favorite is the blueberry, but in a pinch, I will have any of the others. I am settling in with a fresh pot and after dinner candies. I shall be off for a bit of writing in a while. Mantra is beginning to sing 😉

  1. Glad to be Insured | The M3 Blog

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