Shoot to Kill

An idle mind often leads to an overactive mouth. “Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people.” ― Socrates

Red DwyerOver the course of my life, I have been the subject of many a luncheon, martini and laundromat meeting. Why? I have a life. Others, especially those who are lacking in one, are interested in the various and sundry activities in my everyday existence. Mainly, this is driven by the comparison between what I accomplish in a day versus what those others accomplish in a week. Most often, my list dwarfs the one beside it.

Some of the rumors are about the fuel in my tank: drugs, psychosis, sex, sugar, caffeine. Those are the most popular choices. Let’s see…

1. Caffeine does not affect me the way it does others. If you knew about me (other than what you make up to assuage your lack of self-worth), you would know how it does.

2. Sugar is laughable. I am hypoglycemic. Again, knowledge is power.

3. This is no one’s business but mine. Full stop.

4. My neurosis actually helps me organize better than yours. If you stopped watching reruns of Dr. Phil and Monk, you might learn something. You would be amazed how easily I answer questions.

5. I can pee in a cup. Can you?

But, I digress. You see,

Enemies, haters destroy themselves.

Rather than be upset by the small-minded, inane, uninformed, uneducated drivel which falls from the lips of my detractors, I consider the source.

I can. You cannot.

Those who feel there is an unnatural cause for my energy level, organizational skills and productivity are often those who require three days notice to get vertical and dressed well enough to star in a WalMartians video and still do nothing more than feed themselves before EOB.

Their utter lack of initiative, ambition, desire, drive and fortitude means they will never accomplish anything in life which resembles fulfilling. If I had the capacity to pity, I might. Since these venom-spewing assumption artists are in no way giving me the warm fuzzies, I will pass.

I look damn good.

iron fist stiletto high heel shoesThose who feel my clothes, confident attitude, hooker shoes, perfume and gait are only present because I have an overwhelming compulsion to seduce men who were happy with what they had before they met me are in one of two groups. Around half of these people believe men have no willpower, are slaves to their libido and incapable of resisting sexual narcolepsy. The remaining nearly half are those whose jealousy and insecurity are hung on public display at all times.

StepladderNo one has ever gotten taller by standing on another’s head. Still, these pathetic people drag around stepladders without knowing their flip-flops will slide off the well-coifed individual over whom they are claiming superiority. They have no concept the slime on the bottom of their feet is the remnants of their own disasters left uncleaned.

Additionally, they do not see how detrimental their behavior is to the ones who are collateral damage to their slights and slings: like the children who recognize a fount of knowledge when they see it and flock to the feet of the one who will teach them, abandoning those who refuse to allow them room to grow and mature.

No Kool-Aid

There are those who feel my religion is not to their liking because it fails to involve a complete surrender of my decision-making ability, self-sufficiency and integrity are the hypocrites who stand in their homes spouting conjecture as though everyone within earshot should believe I am the root of all evil, cursed by their benevolent loving god with handicapped children as penance for my sin and a bad example to everyone in my sphere.

Sadly, there is no cure for drinking Kool-Aid other than to stop drinking it, flush your system of its poison and grow a spine. Incidentally, my religion is no more anyone else’s affair than my sex life.

To all my detractors, may you find happiness in the distorted non-reality in which you swim. Meanwhile, I will steadfastly hold to the reality existing all around you. I hope the conversation is entertaining. As long as you are talking about me, you are giving someone else a break.



Do small-minded people have anything else to do? How do you stem the tide of useless drivel, oral diarrhea and lies?

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  1. You can’t have a conversation with people who are small-minded. They always have the answers, no matter how wrong, and they know you better than you know yourself. I tend to walk away and ignore them.
    Tess Kann recently posted..Broken ButtMy Profile

    • Perhaps, my frustration is with the proliferation of them. Indeed, they remind me of roaches. No matter the force of the information against them, they breed and invade and contaminate all they touch. xxx

  2. Amen my sister, amen.

    The unfortunate outcome of being self-confident, self-sufficient, self-knowing, self-contained and self-assured is being scary to those who are not. You are the target of the second group which I suspect are in large supply in the third circle of Hell that you currently reside.

    T&A combined with Brains is never good when those you must interact are threatened by the first and have never met anyone with the second. Combined, well that is simply too hard to contemplate.

    I love you, neurosis and all.
    valentine logar recently posted..Hot: Finding the PathMy Profile

    • I love you, too. You intimately know of what I speak, as you have often been in my stilettos. I believe the shallow end of the gene pool is getting larger. I suspect I will need more ocean to wash away its filth in the depths. xxx

  3. Wooooohoooooo! Nuff said. Well I could say more..
    Nah…oh except…you go girl ! And I love you very much. 😉
    <3 Lizzie
    Lizzie Cracked recently posted..Superheroes, Dogs and ShockwavesMy Profile

  4. All these haters must sent private emails or comment after I do….I only see a love fest haha
    Bearman Cartoons recently posted..Hyenas LOL each OtherMy Profile

  5. Molly Babin

     /  November 20, 2013

    Someone shit in their space suit around u lately?
    Take a deep breath and walk on.
    Punch bug and a hug

  6. This has quite literally been the topic of dinner tables and phone conversations for the bulk of my day. Something is in the air or in the water. Either way – as my dad has always said, “Give them enough rope and they’ll hang themselves” – and it is true. Not as if you wouldn’t – but keep that beautiful head up, stand proud of the hooker shoes I am sad I can’t wear with the confidence you do, and keep being amazing. You inspire me on fundamental levels every single day. People who don’t love you for the power you give them don’t deserve you. Thank you for being amazing. <3 <3
    Candy recently posted..Flash Fiction: ErraticMy Profile

    • My darling, I am who I am and apologize to no one. Those who cannot find something of value from me should have the cajones to teach me. 😛 Dad was right. Call him and let him know. I love you. xxx

  7. Wombies are powered by chocolate and wine gums. Sugar sugar sugar sugar! I don’t see how anyone could live without it.
    Binky recently posted..Wombania’s 10th AnniversaryMy Profile

  8. First ( I came in via your Google Link and guess what no problems ) your site loaded straight away and it even remembered who I was this time! Yeh!!!

    I have to agree with Socrates on every point! 🙂 And So agree with you .
    I actually feel sorry for the small minded, I have met many along my path who have tried to push their views and religions now my neck, in their bigoted high and mighty view from a holier than thou vantage point. then had the cheek to say I was dancing with the devil LOL..
    I Feel sorry for them because they have never thought for themselves, as they quote others words learnt by heart and never think further afield to see if they got down from their perches into the real world and used some of that faith to help others instead of condemning them for not conforming to their rules they might just find themselves able to be liked..
    Sorry for my rant, I have had a few of those who have sought to shoot to kill aimed at me in my time. And as you know my Spiritual beliefs lol At one time had a whole picket line outside a church with banners and all warding off would be Spiritualists from entering the den of the devil hahaha… If those same individuals would care to walk through the doors of the same said building they would understand what the word Spiritual was! .. Well enough said I think..
    Great to be able to comment .. and hope the alerts to new posts soon gets sorted! 🙂
    Love Sue xxxx
    Sue Dreamwalker recently posted..Calling on ALL your Support ~ Fukushima Healing!My Profile

    • You never need to apologize for ranting here, Sue. You are always more than welcome. I, too, have met more than my fair share of those whose only words were those of others. It makes me wish there was a repetition law the way we have copyright laws… to force people to think and create for themselves.

      I am very glad you got through with ease today. You are such a ray of sunshine and love. <3 xxx

      • I also got this comment through, Progress! 🙂 thank you, and enjoy your Sunday and forthcoming Thanksgiving!
        Hugs Sue xox
        Sue Dreamwalker recently posted..Life’s Force ~LoveMy Profile

        • Fabulous! I think I have figured out something which was a long shot which worked! Thank you for the Thanksgiving wishes. We are having a huge family celebration. Much love, xxx

  9. If I could click the ‘Like’ ten times on this one it would still be lacking in enthusiasm for such a well written and exciting read and not just because I am thinking hard on number three 😉 Hey just kidding.

    To be honest who cares what others think? We can feel hurt sometimes but then when it comes down to the nitty gritty as they say, is it important to waste time on those that do not accept us for who we are?

    Life is too short to get upset every time someone dislikes something about us, after all, petty remarks and ridiculousness is generated by stupidity and we can all look above those, knowing that whom we are is our own business, if they don’t like it then who cares?

    I have enjoyed reading this one Red, you are definitely one of the best 🙂 How do you mean best what? 😉 That is for me to know and others to find out.

    Have a lovely Friday with lashings of everything you enjoy the most, and if that happens to be number three then so be it, sorry i couldn’t resist that one 🙂 😉

    Andro xxxx

    • Agreed. Life is too short to waste much time on those who are not smart enough to see assets above detractors. For that matter, the misinterpretation of actions are merely judgment, and I have been more than forthright as to my opinion on judgment. Feel free to love it again. I am sure I can drum up some number three in celebration. 😉 xxx

  10. “How do you stop the stem of useless drivel, oral diarrhea and lies?”

    Pop on your headphones and listen to your favorite music and don’t notice the small minded. They have zero effect on the open minded, creative, resourceful people (like us LMAO).
    John McDevitt recently posted..Gladiolas from my ArchivesMy Profile


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