All posts tagged loneliness

Muse for Monday


This evening’s offering is in keeping with my style. Mantra had very little to do with this one. I hope you enjoy this poem which bears the simple title Wandering.

Congrats. *sigh*

Loneliness is hard. When we are married, loneliness can sometimes be even harder. One of the most isolating events in a relationship can be a celebration. You win! Again. Success is something everyone wants. But what happens when Mate is the only on succeeding? Do you patiently and dutifully lead the cheer from the sideline? […]

All By My Lonesome

Most people associate the word loneliness to someone who does not have a companion, a Mate or a Quaint with whom to spend time. What happens when you are lonely with Mate lying in bed beside you? Extraterrestrial?  We have already been over the fact Mate is not an alien. But in the last few […]

The Hidden Meaning

Now, the introduction to Muse for Monday was fairly clear (reread again to be sure). Go ahead, and click the link. It will open in another tab, so you can keep reading here. The reason I wanted you to pick an image of what empty meant to you was because I discovered long after I […]

Muse for Monday


Time to take a nature walk and appreciate the emotions all around…even when you cannot see them. Listen closely. Can you hear that? What did you hear?