There were three copies of Re-Membering Frankenstein up for grabs. They got three different responses when I emailed the winners to tell them they had won. Who got which one?
1. OMG. I never win anything. Thank you. Yay!
2. whoopee!!!!! thanks!!! I was just going through all your emails, getting caught up, and lo and behold – this is THE ONE I really wanted to win!!! I’m a happy camper stay-at-homer…
3. *Crickets chirping* Red is still waiting for an answer.
How are you at matching? Who said what in response to winning a copy of GH Ellis’ Re-Membering Frankenstein?
Janet of BuddhaKat
Tina of Justice4Dave
Tess of How the Cookie Crumbles
Take a moment to enter to win one of three copies of Mac Kinnon’s Breaux: An American Icon. You can enter more than once per day. Comment and then click the picture!
Show off your matching skills…Who said what? How many winners have gotten books already??
/ August 24, 2012Well I know who didn’t say any of those things: me! Because I didn’t win. Again. I’ll have to enter one of these draws one day. That might improve my odds.
Binky recently posted..Don’t Label Me
/ August 24, 2012Significantly 😉
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
/ August 24, 2012Hee hee. I liked how you said ‘significantly’ 🙂 Ah, Red.
Noeleen recently posted..A Pathway to Greatness…On the Road of the Broken Mind
/ August 25, 2012You are another one who comments but does not enter. Hmm…
/ August 25, 2012Congratulations on another fine contest! 🙂
My prize, the book of poems by Emma McClain is next to me as I write! 🙂
Love and hugs!
prenin recently posted..Friday – a new sub story takes shape.
/ August 25, 2012I think that one was perfect for you. You really should enter for others, Pren. You know Bear could draw your number again!
El Guapo
/ August 25, 2012Oh, I bet they’re in for a good read!
I’m going to say the 3rd is Janet.
I don’t know the other two, so no guesses…
El Guapo recently posted..Trifextra – It’s an animal!
/ August 25, 2012I am going to have to email them and tell them to stop by and claim their quotes 😉 You should enter to win, Guapo. You may well win!
/ August 27, 2012nope – that is not me, EG… are you saying I am not timely in responding to my emails?!?!?
(if so, you are probably right – I don’t have a rhythm down yet, so I go for days, sometimes, not checking email, then when I do it’s a mad rush to catch up!!!)
I can’t wait to get mine!!!
thanks Red (and Bear?)
BuddhaKat recently fly away with a fractal flight of fancy…
/ August 27, 2012You fit right in in the SIB. Some days, what I need to find and respond is on page 6. Ugh. Glad I list them 50 to a page. I cannot imagine answering page 12!
Soma Mukherjee
/ August 25, 2012Oh you know what they cant win if you dont going to take part from now on..i want to win
Soma Mukherjee recently posted..The Juggler Smuggler
/ August 25, 2012Click the cover of the book to go to the new contest. I will be giving away books for quite some time!
/ August 25, 2012ah…too bad I missed that giveaway. the title intrigued me.
Congrats for the winner 🙂
Novroz recently posted..5 Favorite TVSeries of All Time
/ August 25, 2012Glad to see you today! Click on the Green Room on the top menu bar and leave a link to your blog. I am sure there are quite a few who would like to meet Kroten and the others. Enter to win. I almost always have a giveaway going on…
/ August 25, 2012I like the author’s name. *wink*
/ August 25, 2012*Grins* Great to see you today!
Lizzie Cracked
/ August 25, 2012Jamet was #2 I think.. and I think I am back and HP minis can actaully go quite a distance…. cant get to email so ..letting ya know i am present..
Lizzie Cracked recently posted..The Tao and Te of…. Me
/ August 25, 2012I do not recall their aerodynamics in the commercials 😉 *Grins* Glad to know you have not dropped off the edge…xxx
/ August 25, 2012You have to be in it to win it as they say, and you have certainly offered the entrants a wicked gift here, I guess there will be many more treats on offer as the months whizz by 🙂 Hey I hope that you are going to get some rest later, you know what they say… Too much work and all that jazz 🙂
Thank you as always for calling into my Space and offering me your wondrously kind thoughts on my scripts and art, well it’s a kind of art i suppose? 😉 lol
Androgoth XXx
/ August 25, 2012It is definitely art. You do not give yourself enough credit. And I am headed off to do something utterly relaxing…read. 😉
raymond alexander kukkee
/ August 26, 2012Red, the way I look at it, even if you’re from the corner office, ‘ya can’t win it if ‘yer not in it, so Go, Breaux! I’ll even share my Gummy Bears. Sharing cookies is under advisory at this moment, the supply being lean. “:)
raymond alexander kukkee recently posted..The Drum
/ August 26, 2012And I need a pic of the cookie plate next time it is full…