Imagination time. Put on your creative hats, and name the fractals.
One is from the first day I ever fractaled. One should be on the label of a designer underwear brand. One is part of a series.
Which one is your favorite?
Last Week’s Names
- The 4th of Menopause
- Snowing Gold
- Twinkle O’ My Eye
- Paper in the Breeze
- Water Ballet
What do you mean I did not edit this post to tell you which one was your favorite. Bah! Kick the comments.
By the names you can tell which one is wind and water. Obviously, The 4th of Menopause is not something everyone would rush out for a Hallmark to celebrate.
Yes, I can see where you would say Snowing Gold looks like flowers, but in it I see snowflakes. I saw flowers in Water Ballet, which is how it got its name; I see lotus blooms.
Which one is your favorite? What would you name them? Which one looks like music?
Hashtags: #WW #fractals #art
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/ September 25, 2013Triplets
A star is born
The all seeing eye
Binky recently posted..Happy Valley Picnic
Red of M3
/ November 3, 2013Oh! I love Antennae! Great name. Which one was your favorite?
/ September 25, 2013Number 3 and I would call it incubate.
frigginloon recently posted..God Shakes His Head
Red of M3
/ November 3, 2013Great name! xxx
Tess Kann
/ September 25, 20131. Star Trek Scanned
2. Chastity Belt
3. Crystal Ball
4. Dragon’s Breath
5. Underwear Brand (sorry sound right)
My favorite is #1 and the one which looks like music to me.
Tess Kann recently posted..Hot Flash – Return
Red of M3
/ November 3, 2013Love #4 and #5 made me laugh!! xxx
Gray Dawster
/ September 29, 2013Wonderful Wordless Wednesday 🙂
I like all of these but I think that perhaps number four was one of your first designs, do tell won’t you my great friend? 🙂
Okay here are my thoughts on this weeks set…
1/ First Encounter
2/ Into the Void
3/ Squashed Bug
4/ Jewels Fern (JV)
5/ Serpents Gaze
And my favourite this week is number five, I was going to say number four but on that one I am being facetious so it doesn’t count 🙂 lol
Have a lovely Sunday Red and keep adding these incredible Fractals I always enjoy artistic Wednesdays 🙂
Andro xxxx
Gray Dawster
/ September 29, 2013Don’t forget to remove my typo
on that one, mind you eight kisses
is a record even for me, I think 🙂
Andro xxxx
Red of M3
/ November 3, 2013You were just making sure I knew who left them. 😉 *giggles*
Red of M3
/ November 3, 2013I laughed at number 3. Hmm. Lots of spacey answers for the first one. 😉
El Guapo
/ October 9, 2013Nice set!
Overall, I was feeling jellyfish on all but one I think…
El Guapo recently posted..Trifextra – Wheerrrrreeee Isssss Ittttt?!?
Red of M3
/ November 4, 2013LOL #4, right?