
It was this day in history, just one long year ago, M3 was born. Welcome to the blogoversary post!

First, have a large slice of bruised pie. This one has chocolate crust, but there are a few with Graham cracker crumb crust.

We made loads. Claret and Bruno have a table set up for all the Wombies and Tasmanians with Spambo Wambos, pancakes and a huge bowl of wine gums. The haunted house is made entirely of chocolate bars and truffles.

Cash and Beau have a huge bowl of bones for the dogs, and Little V has some special sweet veggies for the turtles.

While you eat, we are going to do a quick run down of what you have endured M3 did in its first year.

Posts: 670

  • Mantra’s Madness: 93 posts; 99 poems; 1.2 books
  • Psychology: Blogging A to Z Challenge, April 2012
  • 8 series
  • 4 Musicians (No one liked this.)
  • 45 Writer’s Spotlights
  • 40 MAD posts (These are retiring.)
  • 43 Friday Follies
  • 49 Saturday Evening Posts, 26 featuring Clyde
  • 19 Flash in the Pan (plus two pages)

Regardless of outside opinion, Tuesday has always had a theme. Since no title ever presented itself, it is still my little secret. Even if there are around five M3 Readers who know what it is.

Pages: 28

Comments: Over 18,000 (I will have to update this when the post goes live. Someone remind me to check.)

What amazing conversations we have had! We have taken personality tests; decided how to and not to get married to and divorced from Mate and family; learned to make cheap sauce; had parties; gone on field trips…whew, it is all a mouthful.

Email Followers: 345

RSS Followers: 51

Facebook Fans: 478

Words: 576,941 (before this post)

Roman for million.

This year’s goal was to get to 1,000,000 words. Needless to say, that goal will not be reached. Instead, I wrote a few books to the tune of an additional 234,301 words.

Since the move (05MAR12), there have been 327,689. That is when I cut back to one post a day, on average… and started with wordless posts. I am not seeing another 189K in the next two months. Still too much coding to do.

Meh. Not bad.

Green Room Inhabitants: 162, with more than 240 blogs

This page creates the second largest bounce for me. I love that.

Time out of the blogosphere: 16 hours, 8 minutes. 99.8% up time. We brought down the Go Daddy curve, but still not shabby.

Spam blocked: A lot

  • Akismet: 17,807
  • GASP: Countless

I have not included a large number from the WordPress site. When I dismantled the old M3, apparently, I took the spam with me. Go figure. The record, which was lost in the move, was over 4,500 spam comments for the month of January. There are much fewer now that spammers must pass through a filter before they get to Akismet.

This is very popular.

Images: 939, most stolen at least once. Two stolen more than 10,000 times… each.

Referrers: Thousands

While search engines and social networks account for a lot of the traffic which is not directly from email, bookmark and just plain typing in the address here, there are some bloggers who have directed readers to M3. The top ten are:

  1. Androgoth
  2. Wombania
  3. Deb Adams (Art & Blog)
  4. Gail Thornton’s World
  5. Bearman Cartoons
  6. Noeleen (Words Fall From My Eyes)
  7. Robert (Refrigerator Magnate)
  8. Kirsten (A Detailed House)
  9. Aquatom (Me! Me! Me, me, me!)
  10. Valentine Logar (QBG ~ Tilted Tiara)

You are the ones who make this completely worthwhile. There are many, many other very helpful blogs who send readers to M3. I just had to stop somewhere. Thank you to everyone who has a link to M3 on their blog.

Many more thanks to all of you who have sent posts via all of the social media channels, Rebel Mouse, Sitizens, YouTube, and the list could go on and on.

Traffic: Millions

My reliable traffic statistics only run from 05MAR12 to the present, just shy of eight months. Raw traffic, which includes bots and crawlers, is over three million:


And page views are a little over 1.2 million (click to enlarge either):

WordPress stats can eat my shorts.

I really would like to get to an average of 10,000 page views per day. I am doubting without cutting out a lot of what you and I like about M3, that is not likely to happen without a blitzkrieg across the blogosphere of pointing right here all on the same day. I can still dream.

Polls: 39

You should vote on whether or not we do polls next year. We had some fun ones!

Click here to go see who you know!

Awards: Oodles.

51 awards are posted in the Trophy Room. There are three more which M3 has been awarded which are lurking in the folder for this quarter. While they are first year awards, I will not present them for a while still. On average, M3 is awarded something once per week.

M3 has handed out more than 500 awards to other blogs during this year. There are more special prizes to come next year.

Pass me some pie.

So, enough about me. What about you? I cannot say it often enough. The M3 Readers are the most spectacular audience in the blogosphere. You are the reason I do this.

You have helped M3 discover its identity; tailor content for you; reach for more and become more.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for the best first year.

Red Signature


Do you have any special requests for next year? Is there a goal you would like to see M3 attempt? How can I make your stay more pleasant?

(c) Red Dwyer 2012
Re-Blogging of this or any other post on The M3 Blog
is expressly forbidden.
Copyright and Privacy Policy available in The Office.
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  1. Wow! As someone who seems to be making his way less and less around the ‘sphere, I know there’s always something here that will be good to read, regardless of topic or content.
    And that without mentioning the comment conversations.
    Fantastic world you’ve built here, and I look forward to your online presence for a long time to come.
    And since it seems de rigeur, CONGRATULATIONS!!!
    *settles in the kitchen with a bottle of tequila*
    El Guapo recently posted..Friday Foolishness – Masked EditionMy Profile

    • Cool. Caballitos in the cabinet over there —> Which bottle did you grab?

      And thank you. I am glad you came by tonight.

      • Ah, the Porfidio Cactus. Mostly for the bottle, but it is a good tequila.
        And always a pleasure to be here, despite my infrequency of comments lately.
        El Guapo recently posted..Friday Foolishness – Masked EditionMy Profile

        • Oooh, it is a pretty bottle. Nothing better than good tequila. You have had a plateful of late. I know how to raise you if need be. 🙂 Still glad you stopped by tonight. Perhaps you can get the aliens Phil brought by to sing something else 😛

  2. Happy Blogoversary, Red!! You have accomplished and offered what no one else ever has…..for me, anyway. I found your blog through another blog, and was hooked on the very first day. Your warmth, your knowledge and research, your humor, and psychology posts all appealed to me and taught me things about relationships that I have never learned in my 57 years. I’m a neophyte! You deserve that tequila, I’ll have a pina colada to celebrate in this seaason’s warm degree where I am. Post storm. More of the same Red Dwyer, is what I ask for.
    Love and Hugs,
    Gail Thornton recently posted..Poem – Song for Unattainable MenMy Profile

    • Glad to see you tonight, Gail. It has been a wild ride. I believe we are headed off to a new series which may be terrifically fun…psychology included. A pina colada for you, my dear. xxx

  3. I can’t think of anything that would improve on your wonderful Space, it really does cover everything and you do it so well Red. To be truthful I miss so many of your postings that sometimes I feel like I am letting you down but I am so swamped on everything these days that I cannot seem to keep up on anyone’s Space, including my own. Of the postings that I do comment upon I know that you have given one hundred percent of your time, researched everything and covered the whole spectrum before publishing and that means a great deal to everyone that follows your fine WebPages, yes there are those fools that add to the ‘Friday Follies’ and without those to laugh at on a regular basis we wouldn’t even begin to realise the stupidity of some readers or should I say passersby?

    I am not in the least bit surprised at your excellent statistics, you work hard and these are the fruits of your labours, and are much deserved. I am just looking at all the postings that you have added over the course of the year and it makes me realise how nuts I was to remove all of my own material, I think I have roughly fifty postings or something silly like that when really it should be in the hundreds.

    Anyway enough about my Space, I know that you have done fantastically well pushing so many postings out and adding so many readers to your network, worked tremendously hard on other projects and launched Redmund Productions and also fulfilled many goals along the way, so congratulations on your first year Red, there will be much more to come over the years and I for one am definitely enjoying the ride.

    Happy Halloween Red
    and of course all of your family 🙂

    Save some of those yummy pancakes for me 😉

    Andro xxx

    • You always make me scratch my head when you take posts down. I know you have reasons. 😉

      Thank you for being here. You have been so supportive both here and at your space. I appreciate all your help, even in the RP arena.

      Have this large platter of pancakes, and we shall toast a brilliant year two! Cheers, my dear friend 😀

      • You are very welcome and I am hoping to be spending more time at Redmund Productions, besides I need to jump on a better board than the one I am currently on at the moment 🙂 lol

        I was a right wally putting that new thread in the suggestions box, I have giggled over that a few times since I did it, well you will have eccentric followers calling in and I do mean myself in that statement 🙂 lmao

        Have a really great rest of evening Red, here it is almost 4am and I am still wittering away on the computer, ahhh well this is the night owl in me, always burning the candle at both ends but I am leaving for the morning and grabbing a cup of coffee next so enjoy your evening my great friend and I will see you again on your morrow 🙂

        Andro xxx

        • Bonne nuit, Andro. I have a few more pages to build tonight before I turn in. Here’s hoping I shall not be seing that time on my clock before Mantra sings me to sleep. Enjoy your cuppa and I shall see you on the morrow. 😀

  4. Are you kidding? I can’t believe it has only been a year. You have put out enough content to cover a decade. I don’t know how you did it or will continue to do it, but you are amazing.
    I am kissing your blog’s feet right now. You rock!

    • I am glad you said feet Lorre 😉 lmao Sorry about that I just noticed your comment before leaving for the morning 🙂 lol

      Have a lovely rest of evening Lorre 😉

      Andro xxx

    • Hey, chick! So glad to see you tonight. Just wait…I am only a couple weeks away from the second blog. *grins* I think I need to give seminars on time management. 😉 xxx

      • That could be the 3rd blog. In a few years….this will all be called the Redosphere. Save me a small bit of space will you.
        I have been slack, with my online course and these ideas in my head for some books and what not…..I need some of your special powers.

        • Oh, wouldn’t that be fun! I need to make you a visual schedule 😉 You so need an egg timer.

  5. Happy Blogoversary Red & M3. I’d have one too if I stayed in one place long enough. It’s amazing when you look at all the facts & figures.
    Tony recently posted..Hurricane SandyMy Profile

    • Glad to see you, Tony. You hop around a lot! How long have you been in the blogosphere any way?

  6. Me & the gang will be there for the Spambo Whambo & other food soon…

    If they’ll let cartoon characters buy airline tickets
    Cedric Rattus recently posted..Hurricane SandyMy Profile

  7. O–M–G! I always knew you were a woman with energy to burn. You certainly have accomplished the unbelievable. I am beyond impressed because I have been slowing down (or something).

    Keep up the good work and sleep on it once in a while. It does a body good.

    Happy Blogoversary to Red.
    Tess Kann recently posted..Flash in the Pan – RippleMy Profile

    • Hahaha! You are so funny, Tess! You stay as busy as I do. I do sleep…just in smaller segments than I used to 😉 Thank you for all your support. <3

  8. Red you’ve got to be exhausted.. and yet you still have time for everyone, help when asked, phone calls answered in the middle of the night, and oh so much laughter.
    In honor of the M3 anniversary… I will wear my very favorite Red patent leather platform 8 inch heel stiletto shoes… with the BDSM straps.
    It ain’t just Halloween, it’s a celebration of RED!
    Miss R recently posted..The Semi-Annual Top 15 Halloween TunesMy Profile

    • Must have pictures! I love that tribute <3 So very glad to see you tonight, chica. You have been missed, ma cherie <3

      • Always miss you as well. Life seems to be getting a bit more manageable here at Castille de Blaque.
        Must find a camera to borrow for tomorrow night: Aforementioned shoes and black pleather ballgown… with black leather collar adorned with chains and D rings.
        Ooooooh I love a celebration 😉
        Miss R recently posted..The Semi-Annual Top 15 Halloween TunesMy Profile

  9. oh, wanting your recipe for the bruised pie. looks fatteningly fab 😉
    Miss R recently posted..The Semi-Annual Top 15 Halloween TunesMy Profile

  10. Oh. Oh. Move over somebody and let me sit on the end of the barstool and propose another toast to Red, who so lovingly encourages the fragile, speaks for the the wordless, and dances with the joyous. You’re a gift. Thank you for sharing your life, heart and words with us.
    Barb recently posted..Another Foot of LegMy Profile

    • Oh, so very good to see you today, Barb! I was hoping you made it before everyone sashayed out into the night. <3 Thank you for all your support, Barb. xxx


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