Welcome to my world: The Bulleted Version.
- Children sneaking first breakfast. (0630)
- Alarm clock
- Snooze button
- Get out of bed
- Make cup of coffee
- Reset coffee pot
- Decide I do not want to know the name of storm which destroyed bedroom
- Send Little V to turn off beeping snooze alarm
- Brush teeth
- Team clean bedroom
- Derail children’s version of second breakfast
- Make omelets (0800)
- Smoke a cigarette whilst opening email
- Growl about breakfast dishes on table while checking forums
- Answer the telephone
- Second cup of coffee
- Demand furry children go outside, breakfast is over
- Read comments, reply
- Surf blogoshere
- Change ads (It is time for the Bearman Charity Challenge.)
- Send three text messages
- Make bed
- Start wash, fold clothes, distribute
- Marvel at dishes in sink, break down, wash
- Answer door, take box, open box, grin, put away
- Pack into now empty box
- Get off telephone
- Gather students, begin lessons (0900)
- Set social media for next week
- Answer eight questions
- Washer to the dryer, fold, distribute
- Take dog outside
- Count to ten, three times
- Jot notes in Mantra’s notebook, she is slacking
- Explain dipthongs, again
- Pop popcorn (After all, it has been a whole two hours since anyone ate.)
- Make a game out of math lesson
- Write on the wall
- Erase wall, draw picture on wall
- Check email, answer 6
- Comment on blog
- Social media spread two posts
- Eight text messages
- Translate six sentences into French, painstakingly enunciating
- Answer telephone
- Two text messages
- Send children and dogs outside
- Get off tele to get children and dogs back in the house for shoes, repeat last bullet
- Cup of coffee, write post, schedule for September
- Retrieve progeny from yard
- Washer to the dryer, fold, distribute
- Bag garbage, put in truck, load children (not with garbage)
- Take trash to recycling center, return home
- Water flowers and trees
- Prohibit onions from entering house
- Fix lunch, cup of coffee
- Serve children and dogs lunch (1200)
- Process orders
- Washer to the dryer, fold, distribute
- Answer tele, check email, answer 4, ditch 18
- Make 13 comments
- Get Playbook, write poem
- Instigate game with children
- Calisthenics and ballet
- Sweep kitchen
- Stand at washer waiting for it to finish
- Washer to the dryer, fold, distribute
- Answer tele
- Clean bathroom
- Put away clean dishes
- Do lunch dishes
- Have discussion with 9-going-on-17-year-old
- Call realtor
- Look at new listings
- Call police, we have not spoken in a while
- Pack two boxes
- Put away lunch dishes
- Cut up snack (1500)
- Answer door, get package, open package, get on tele, big grin
- Music lessons
- Vacuum
- Make pot of coffee, wonder who left empty carafe in machine, realize it was me
- Drink TAB while coffee brews
- Dogs outside, cup of coffee
- Take a survey on who wants to go out to dinner, unanimous vote (1700)
- Make everyone change clothes, brush hair/teeth, put on deodorant (OMG what do they eat?)
- Get in truck, answer tele
- Detour to shopping, spend just enough
- Go to (?) restaurant, agonize over menu, resort to salad and baked potato
- Order ice cream, pay, tip, leave (1900)
- Stop at grocery for cold items and produce, go home
- Dogs outside, children in tub
- Comments, email, forum, check on orders, updates
- Answer tele, make two calls, 23 text messages
- Children out of tub, jammies, second dessert
- Brush teeth, party of five to bed (2000)
- Image software, create, bounce back and forth for email
- Write post, schedule for July
- Disconnect outside world (2200)
- Make cappuccino
- Write in novel
- Edit FTP
- Rearrange hard drive
- Draw bath, set up laptop
- Soak in tub and write (2330)
- Pamper self, jammies, put away laptop
- Grab Playbook, head for bed (0100)
- Play word game (in the dark)
- Toss Playbook
- Sleep (0230)
What did you do today?
Hastags: #30daychallenge #keepingbusy
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Lorre Lyons
/ May 9, 2013Would you believe I spent all day reading your list? It’s shameful. I don’t do what you do, so the answer to your question is: I failed in comparison.
Red of M3
/ May 28, 2013No one does what I do. I do not consider that failure. You do things I refuse to do.