All posts in category Artists

Day 10: Shuffle

My music player is, like most everyone else’s who chose what is on theirs, reflective of my style, mood and humor. Shuffle gives you a good cross section… at least in theory.

Day 3: A Book


To say books have influenced me is an understatement. I have a difficult time pinpointing the books which have influenced me the most and keep the reminiscence positive because far more books have influenced me negatively than positively. Overall, the net result was positive since I learned what not to do.

Writer’s Darklight

Red came through the door and was surprised to see two figures, but it was just Gail Thornton and Claret in the Coffee Shoppe. Claret poured rich espresso for the two of us and set out some chocolate crullers. Red pulled up a chair and took a sip. I couldn’t wait to ask her all […]

Blushing in the Writer’s Spotlight

Darkness Introduced Cover

Red knew something was up. She found celery stalks soaking in the fridge which had been cut into cat-o-nine-tails. The recipe card for pretzels was on the counter, and the double boiler was gently melting chocolate. She pulled a tray out of the oven and laughed because they were shaped like handcuffs.

Muse for Monday

Mantra in the Moonlight

Mantra says it is time to dance. She even has new duds just for the occasion.