All posts in category A to Z Challenge 2012

L is for Light

What is there about the sunrise which draws us from slumber? Why does the television wake you up…even when all that is on is ant races? What are you seeing you do not realize you are seeing? Light. Blue light to be completely specific. But this is no sale notification. It is a direct line […]

K is for Keirsey

Do you have any idea what your personality type is? No, we are not talking about your introduction. In the four planes of personality, on which ones do you reside? Oh, you have no idea what this is? Step right up. Let’s have a little fun.

J is for Justification

Excuses. Explanations. Reasons. They are all justification. The ends justify the means. Done with the best intentions. It is for your own good. At some point we have all justified an action which either did not go according to plan or went precisely as we designed it.

H is for Habits

Good habits. Bad habits. Language habits. Study habits. Annoying habits. Drug habits. Broken habits. Hygiene habits. Can’t-seem-to-break-it habits. What are they really? Why do we pick up habits? Better still, how can we choose to pick up better habits?

G is for Genius

Brainiac. Virtuoso. Polyhistor. Savant. Egghead. Prodigy. Sage. Bookworm. Natural. All of these are colloquial terms for genius, albeit the last definition of genius. Historically, genius is regarded as the guiding force, the tutelary spirit, the angel (or devil) on the shoulder. Let’s forgo the supernatural history and explore the mind-numbing diversity of today’s genius.