Do you have any idea what your personality type is? No, we are not talking about your introduction. In the four planes of personality, on which ones do you reside? Oh, you have no idea what this is? Step right up. Let’s have a little fun.
Keirsey, David (31AUG21- )
World War II veteran David Keirsey took a psychology book with him from post to post. After the war, he went to Pomona College and Claremont Graduate University to study anthropology, sociology, psychology, ethology and biology. The scientific cocktail fueled his investigation into the four personality types he traced back to observations of Aristotle, Hippocrates and Plato.
Working as an educational psychologist in correction facilities for youth, Keirsey refined his behavior observation techniques. Over the course of the 1950s and ’60s, he developed a theory which he published in the book Please Understand Me, in 1978. Keirsey defines 16 personality types within four classes.
In 1998, Keirsey published Please Understand Me II. It tackles the social psychology of personality types’ effects on mating, parenting, intelligence and leading.
Although based on similar ideals as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator™, the Keirsey Temperament Sorter™ translates into many different personality applications beyond occupational identity, to include love patterns, educational styles, organizational dynamics and more. It has been taken by more than 40 million people over the last 40 plus years, and its results have been used in non-profit, government, corporate and education settings worldwide.
Keirsey states the personality types are not merely collections of traits, but rather are products of the interaction between our words and deeds based on our observable behavior…in short, what we do and what we say. Each kind of personality has different strengths and weaknesses. Each contributes differently to occupations and society, while satisfying different personal needs.
Actions are broken into Utilitarian and Cooperative. Communication is split into Concrete and Abstract. The four kinds of personalities are based on the combinations of the two:
The Concrete Cooperators speak about their jobs, duties and responsibilities. They are careful planners who oversee and tend processes until results are complete. Guardians follow rules, obey laws and respect others’ rights.
The Concrete Utilitarians talk about the here and now, what they can see and touch in the moment. They do whatever it takes to get the quickest satisfaction, even when it means bending or breaking the rules.
The Abstract Cooperators speak of what is possible and their hopes. In keeping with their consciences, they attempt to meet goals without compromising their codes of ethics.
The Abstract Utilitarians talk of the solutions they envision to the problem of interest at the moment. They act efficiently to satisfy goals and are pragmatic about ignoring capricious rules in the pursuit.
Whilst everyone can identify in themselves one or more of the traits of all four personalities, one will surface as the most fitting during the Keirsey Temperament Sorter™ because subjects answer the questions as they see fit, rather than how they envision others seeing them.
The 16 kidneys can be grouped by fours, with one group under each class of personality.
- Guardians
- Supervisor
- Inspector
- Provider
- Protector
- Artisans
- Crafter
- Promoter
- Performer
- Composer
- Rationals
- Architect
- Inventor
- Field Marshall
- Mastermind
- Idealists
- Healer
- Teacher
- Counselor
- Champion
Each of the 16 kidneys are based on four defining principles and represents a singular combination.
- Introvert vs. Extrovert
- Thinking vs. Feeling
- Sensing vs. Intuitive
- Judging vs. Providing
No one readily chooses one over the other after the first choice of introvert or extrovert. Most people feel they are a combination of the two choices. While that is true, one personality trait will prevail over the others through the Keirsey analysis.
Why would you want to know what your temperament is? You could…
- Find compatible friends and significant others for longer-lasting relationships.
- Understand workplace dynamics to avoid office politics.
- Create team synergy.
- Identify habitual behavior to affect change.
- Lead or follow to effectively expedite results.
- Release tension by identifying wrong fits in relationships and occupations.
- Stop sabotaging your own success.
- Identify learning style.
- Realize the logical progression of your own behavior.
- Observe others to adjust your approach to problems you must jointly solve.
If you want to do anything on the list, knowing yourself is the first line of offense.
Want to know how your words and actions hold up to what you believe your personality is? Kick the tires. Take it for a test drive. Let’s compare notes. Go to the Keirsey Temperament Sorter™ and see if you are a guardian, idealist, rational or artisan. It only takes a few minutes, and your report is free. Oh, and it is fun.
/ April 13, 2012This is a very interesting topic my great friend, and no I have not taken the test yet but it does seem an interesting endeavour 🙂
I have enjoyed reading about David Keirsey’s travels so to speak and his quest was a truly inspirational one with a fundamental outcome, indeed he is a rather learned individual.
Right I will just have a nosy around and then it is time for a quick coffee before I go out 🙂 Have a lovely day today Red and be wicked 😉
Androgoth XXx
/ April 13, 2012I have just taken the
test and I am a Guardian 🙂
Well it all sounds good to
me so I guess I passed 😉 lol
Have a great day Red 🙂
Androgoth XXx
Miss R
/ April 13, 2012Andro I can see you being a Guardian -smile-.
Miss R recently posted..I is for Inappropriate
/ April 17, 2012That’s what I said!
/ April 17, 2012Thank you Miss. R
hey I am soooo far
behind on Red’s posts
and yours now that I
will need a month of
Sunday’s to catch up 🙁
I will be calling by soon so
watch out for that one Miss. R
and do try to be good in the
meantime 🙂 lol
Androgoth XXx
/ April 17, 2012Somehow, that is not a surprise in the slightest.
/ April 17, 2012I wasn’t sure what my results
were going to be but Guardian
does seem about right for me
and I am happy with that one 🙂
Hey you are steam-rolling ahead
with your postings… Hmm I take
a bit of time out and when I get
back here I am swamped with all
you wicked offerings 🙂 I will be
trying to catch up later today 🙂
Have a very nice day / evening
and I am pleased that your journey
was a safe one 🙂
Androgoth XXx
/ April 17, 2012I have a sneaking suspicion once I get through the comments you will have already been there 😉
/ April 13, 2012I just thought that I would call back in here and see what you are getting up to, well you have posted another letter so you have been very busy 🙂 I am leaving for the evening soon but will call in after watching my F1 and make a comment on your most recent postings Red 🙂
Have a very safe journey and be good when you are there too, or else? 🙂 😉
Androgoth XXx
Miss R
/ April 13, 2012Red, I MUST click your link and take this test. Goddess knows I’ve taken everything from the MMPI to the Meyer Briggs in my ‘interesting life,’ as Tony once put it heh.
This looks like coolness!
Thank you my inserting, and interested, sweet friend!
You find the niftiest things to ponder and share.
Speaking of which it’s after 5:00 on Friday (the 13th!). Think we should share a glass of the red stuff.
Am sure Andro will join us 😉
Miss R recently posted..I is for Inappropriate
Miss R
/ April 13, 2012F**king typo. Should be ‘Interesting’ not ‘inserting’ hahahahaha. Not going there. Nopers.
Gives me an idea for what I post when getting to K though buahahaha
Miss R recently posted..I is for Inappropriate
/ April 17, 2012ROFL!
/ April 17, 2012I missed the party! I would have loved to have had one, but I was still about an hour out…as in had only drive 775 by the time you posted this comment. The test is cool. And I find those who say “Nuh-uh!” are the ones best pegged.
John McDevitt
/ April 13, 2012Ain’t that a hoot. I went to the Keirsey Temperament Report and got the basic. I’m an Idealist. I’ll pass on buying the other reports.
Thanks for the fun Red.
/ April 17, 2012That is not surprising. What were the two letters after? And it did not give you the register box for the summary? You should have gotten the $5 report for free…
/ April 18, 2012Guardian (SJ)
Very interesting??!!??
lorrelee1970 recently posted..Access
/ April 18, 2012No wonder we get along so well. And it helps with the littlest one.
/ April 18, 2012I wanted to go for artisan, but I guess that’s not practical. I guess I am the bully/leader of this roost. I see that in you as well.
lorrelee1970 recently posted..Access
El Guapo
/ April 22, 2012Well, that was unsettling. Went back three times, couldn’t complete the test.
Too many of the questions could be answered either way, and I have no rule for most of those situations – the answer is specific to the details.
Egad – perhaps I simply have no personality…
El Guapo recently posted..Friday Foolishness – Meta Edition
/ April 22, 2012That is why the instructions say, if both, go with your first choice 😉
El Guapo
/ April 22, 2012Oddly, there was no first choice for either. Both weighed the same in my head…
El Guapo recently posted..Friday Foolishness – Meta Edition