All posts in category Green Means Green

Pick that up!

Litter is a plague. It is a worldwide problem. Litter generated on one side of the planet can find its way to the other is as little as two weeks. Are you hanging your head because you are part of the problem or holding it up because you are part of the solution?

What say?

Rock ‘n’ Roll ain’t noise pollution… We all know lots of other things are. Besides light, noise is one of the most pervasive pollutants on the planet. It is everywhere. And there is some of it you can definitely prevent and avoid, for yourself and others.

The Recycled…Toothbrush?

A recycled toothbrush sounds disgusting until you look a little closer; and it is delivered; and you never have to remember replacing it; and it helps the environment. Let’s look into one of the most innovative plans on the market.

A Green New Year

New Year’s resolutions are easy to keep when you go green with some of these easy to implement environmental ideas. Catch a bucket Place a bucket where it can catch rainwater. Use this to water your plants or wash your car instead of the hose. Recycled water is great-pour fish bowl water on your plants. […]

Pass the Baking Soda

Baking is not my gig. I do, but only under protest. Baking soda disappears in my house at an astonishing rate. Why? Let me give you a couple of (Is that really a post?) a few (Seriously? How about…) our top 20 uses for baking soda and how to save money over other products. Top […]