Dear Kiss

Letter XThe sweetest affection we show one another.

Dear Kiss,

I have missed you so.

The warmth of a cheek as round as a plum with the slightest baby blush is where we find the sweet innocence we want to eat at its ripest.

Sneaky! You are the surprise on the playground on a sunny afternoon. Part dare, part entreaty. You still are a sign of affection, albeit one from someone who is first discovering attraction. Years from now the sting of the teasing will wear away leaving only the nostalgic smile and a soft rub of the cheek.

full moon in windowStealth becomes you, for you arrive again in darkness. Pale moonlight streaming across an open field, dim glow of the dashboard lights or the flicker of the big screen interrupt the night long enough to be sure lips touch for the first time. While the memory will be forever housed, the details outside the failing light will fade away in the incandescence of puppy love’s first kiss.

The feel of lips on the tender skin of the back of the hand. Such a polite gesture to show enchantment or compliment breathtaking appearance. Whether the au moment feeling lasts or is merely fleeting, the sparkle in the eyes is as memorable as the touch.

Of the many things you seal, I will always find a letter the most endearing. Although you mark the final vow for most weddings, a letter sealed with a kiss holds the sentiment in my heart for eternity. Even when we grow beyond the the emotions of the moment, the memory of unsullied love are still just as vibrant as the day the postman delivered.

You get slighted by the overwhelming physical love which follows, yet most of it would never occur without your stoking the passion. One after another, you grow in intensity until the rest of the body responds to what the mouth shouts silently, the neck knows sends waves of electricity and the erogenous zones amplify.

Until the next time you cross my skin, I am waiting. xxx

Red Signature

What do you think a kiss means? When was the last time you kissed someone?

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  1. I kiss my female friends on the cheek – usually with a hug – a lover on the lips, a child on the cheek etc.

    It is a sign of love and respect that never ends!

    Love and hugs!

    prenin recently posted..Sunday – Quiet Day.My Profile

  2. We live poorly without human touch. I think a kiss is one step further between friends. <3

    I enjoy kisses from my grand kids now, and I am fine with that.

    A kiss between lovers is a a prelude to much more.
    Tess recently posted..Making Your Own Ebook – Part Ten – Metadata, Your Digital Book “Cover”My Profile

  3. Beautiful prose; I got so involved in making out the picture you were painting, I forgot the questions. Nicely done.

    A kiss can mean ANYTHING, almost. We express a lot of things to each other with a kiss, with all the various types you mentioned, and others. I suppose part of the meaning lies in the fact all of its various meanings express only things that feel good; a kiss that hurts is not a kiss…

    The last kiss was to & from my daughter…. any other kind has been few and very, very far between… SIGH….

    gigoid, the dubious

    Surprise! Less than 300 words….
    gigoid recently posted..Remnants of foregone conclusions, with aspic….My Profile

  4. I miss it all, all the time. The lack of touch is making me a bit tipped over and cranky.

    You are so right, on all of it.
    Valentine Logar recently posted..An Open Letter To WordPressMy Profile


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