Dear Sun

My vampiric complexion leads many to believe I only dwell in the shadows.

Dear Sun,

For all of your Vitamin D producing rays, you still are not my favorite celestial body. That being said, I have a few things I should tell you.

Thank you for being the magnet to draw my children out the door and away from all things electric and electronic. I still have to wrangle them a bit to keep them inside during your peak hours where you ratchet up the temperature to over 100 degrees. By in large, it still provides for a few hours each day where they get the childhood of sticks and rocks and leaves I did.

Crisp laundry is another on the thank list for me. Nothing, I repeat nothing, is as fabulous as sheets which have been dried in your warmth.

I should be grateful I can no longer tune my Circadian rhythm athwart your light. It means there will be no more freckles in places which should have never been sun-kissed. The flip side of that is a need for light-blocking shades to be sure I sleep long enough or am able to catch up with a nap.

Every once in a while, you stream a beam over my skin and remind me I should go outdoors. Let’s make a date for tomorrow afternoon. I promise to bring the sunscreen and a good book you can read over my shoulder.

Red Signature


What do you like to do in the sunshine? When was the last time you went on a picnic?

This post is for A Month of Letters. Can you write a letter per day for the month of February?

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  1. I like sunSHINE, but not the sun anymore. I used to bake like a rotisserie chicken when I was younger. Now, I prefer to sit in the shade and enjoy the sun’s warm and fresh air as I sit and read with a radio on low.

    Nice to see you, Red.
    Tess recently posted..A Near Death Experience Question: “How Am I Changed Today?”My Profile

    • Those days of crispy skin are long in the “what not to do” file. I do like to be out in the sunshine, though. xxx

  2. Arrgh Yes… May we always say thank you to the Sun.. The Moon, the Stars, and especially.. Our Earth Mother..

    Glad your children are still attracted to the Sun… Many hibernate all through Summer..

    Enjoy February Red.. Spring is on its way.. 🙂
    Sue Dreamwalker recently posted..Re-connecting to our Earth Mother.My Profile

    • And I am looking forward to the spring. This shivery stuff is just ick. Glad to see you, today, sweet Sue. xxx

  3. I don’t see much sunshine here as I tend to stay home as much as possible, but if it is sunny in July I spend a day at Pat’s place enjoying a beer and good company despite the set-ups it has been used for! 🙂

    God Bless my friend!!! 🙂

    Prenin recently posted..Saturday – A trip to the Co-Op.My Profile

  4. What I like to do in the sunshine is not printable in a family setting. Yes, it’s what you’re imagining it is, with water nearby…. Softball with beer can be fun, as long as the dogs can play, too…

    I believe it was 1999, or so…. far too long ago…

    gigoid, the dubious
    gigoid recently posted..No worries! ‘Tis only a phlippin’ phantasy….My Profile


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