So, I am a snob. And?

As it turns out, not everything in my inbox is either a question or gushing with praise, sincere or otherwise. In fact, some of it is downright nasty.

You are such a snob.”


Image via Wikipedia

This tiara was presented to me by a rubbernecker on the information highway. His email would go on to say only the super-rich eat the foods described in my post about getting non-vegetarians to eat vegetables.

His claim: Poor people only eat drive-thru “where there isn’t no vegetables”. Evidently, he has never heard of the potato (or lettuce or rice or beans or corn). (Thinks to self: But where do poor people get the money? I cannot afford drive-thru everyday.)

Apparently, this man also thought the tactics laid out were abusive. Wow.

“327 charlie, enter the residence with caution. Suspect armed with a rutabaga.”

No one is that perfect.”

This nugget came from a harried mother of…two. By her own admission, they were two of the most challenging children in the history of human children. This was in response to my post on avoiding the morning school rush.

In her estimation, no one can possibly get anyone out of the house on time. If I subscribed to her way of thinking, I would not get out of the house on time.

Time management is not a mystery. Children are largely adaptable and thrive on the consistency of a routine. If the voice of experience is in another language, just try it for yourself.

How stupid are you?”

According to a woman in the midwest (I suppose if she got me closer I would stalk her.), having children in “this day and age” is a definitive sign for the need of a psychiatric evaluation. The About Momma page spurred her to craft a nearly three page email in which she accused me of having children “willy-nilly”, having questionable morals and making her taxes go up (?).

I am not poisoning the gene pool. I am trying to dredge it. So, there.

Real people can’t do this.”

Bill Gates in the World Economic Forum ,2007.

Image via Wikipedia

In response to my series on emergency funds, an elderly man from California wrote to me. His email contained as much profanity as an NFL sideline. Expletives deleted, the remaining words conveyed every American would have to work until they died because only Bill Gates had money now that Steve Jobs was dead.

He found no validity in jars of coins as a plausible, possible savings vehicle. I suppose he did not know people long after the Great Depression stuffed money in their mattresses because it was safer than the bank. And that, my friends, is where many a family fortune was built.

Just shut the hell up already.”

One of my most popular pieces about how crass people can be to pregnant women earned me this one. It seems this man felt he had a right to question potential mothers about their parenting capabilities, circumstance of conception and availability of the next siring position all while touching her hump.

Mark down the date: This one left me speechless. And wondering what they are teaching in Nebraska schools these days.

And now, for the rest of the story.

So, my dearest readers, what should I say to these disapproving, repeat-visiting, ashamed-to-make-comments-in-public fans?

© Red Dwyer 2011
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  1. “Caught ya thinking, didn’t I!” LOL!

  2. awarewriter

     /  November 21, 2011

    Don’t say anything Red. Turn on the lights instead and the roaches will head for cover.

  3. James Parsons

     /  November 21, 2011

    Don’t know where to start or end. You sure know how to throw gasoline on a fire. Super great work RED.

  4. I agree with McD. Call the exterminator.

  5. James Parsons

     /  November 21, 2011

    People will always have something to say about things they don’t know because they think they know it all. These people are shelter and hide in their homes all day. They have know idea what the real would is like. So when someone comes along that is more worldly than they are they have a fit.

  6. dave

     /  November 21, 2011

    Needless to say there are people out there who are just stupid. Go to a drive thru instead of eating a little healthier? Who’s the next of kin? I will start early with my condolences for his passing. The lady who can’t justify time management or says you had kids willy nilly.Hey who’s willy anyway? Well most of it’s an excuse for being lazy keep up the good writing, Red……Bear

    • Willy was a whale, wasn’t he? Can you pass me a cattle prod? I bet that would get them out of the leather, executive, swivel computer chair! Thanks for making me laugh, Bear. Red.

  7. When I was a kid, my grandparents had a garden, and my grandmother informed me if I wanted to eat I had to go pick whatever she told me to at that moment. It wasn’t a “if you don’t pick so and so you can’t eat so and so” it was “pick it or you don’t eat at all.” I picked.

    My four (almost five) year old has her own built in alarm and knows her schedule, so we’re usually early no matter how much of a fight she puts up getting ready.

    If you’re a snob I prefer you’re company to those that aren’t.

    • I know, right? It sounds almost as much fun as pick your own switch. We had rules. I think we turned out quite well TYVM. And I would pick you for my team in a second, Laurie!

  8. oh and I need the ability to edit my comments after I hit post. Is that here?

  9. Angela Young

     /  November 22, 2011

    I tried to write a comment and my computer went down. Maybe it didn’t want to deal with people like this? I say it pays to have a thick skin, especially when you’re a writer, and ignore them.

    OR you can say “I know you are, but what am I?” [via Peewee Hermon?] It confuses them and makes them forget what they said in the first place. At least you’re getting comments:)

    • But, Ang, these comments are in my email! PFT. Some days, I sit before the screen and shake my head, get up and get another cafe, sit back down and shake my head again. Sheesh.

  10. Say nothing, coz people like that won’t ever listen to reason.

    I lol’d reading this post though…seriously, if people really are that incensed by your (very helpful) blog, why would they waste their own time and energy in telling you they dislike it? Why not just unfollow you?

    • Who in the world knows what makes the crazies tick? I am always amazed at those who write 150 word blog posts about carpet lint who get incensed enough about some of mine to pen a 1,500 word email. *Shakes head*


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