Flash in the Pan

There was something in the air. She felt it.

It was like static electricity from towels when they stay in the dryer too long. All the hairs on her arms stood up before the shiver ran down her spine.

The squeak of the front door only meant one thing. She was not alone.


Welcome to “Flash in the Pan”

The word of the week isΒ squeak,Β and the upper limit for this month’s Flash in the Pan is 75 words. This comes in under the buzzer at 53 words. (Yes, I had in my head this month would be 50 words. Yes, I made this one longer than it started out originally.) Β 

If you are playing along for Flash in the Pan, or would like to join for the first time, visit the Flash in the Pan page to see the whys and wherefores on how to get started. This edition has a theme, so be sure to get all the details.

Happy Flashing!


Which static drives you the most bananas? Are you a shocker or shockee? Did she leave the front door unlocked, or does the person have a key?

(c) Red Dwyer 2012
Re-Blogging of this or any other post on The M3 Blog
is expressly forbidden.
Copyright and Privacy Policy available
in The Office.Β 
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  1. An excellent Squeak there Red, and all of fifty three words too, I thought that we had to write these to the exact number? πŸ™‚ Not that I am complaining of course as I enjoyed your efforts on this FTP πŸ™‚ I will be getting up to speed on those soon so get ready for those πŸ™‚ lol

    Have a wickedly fine Sunday Red πŸ™‚

    Andro xxx

    • The upper limit is the maximum. There is already one on the FTP page which is a mere 33 words. All in fun, my dear Andro. πŸ˜‰

      • I will be writing a few more soon, oh and by the way I have added a few more drawings to my extra page, they were originally on my leading one but I decided to keep them all on the extra page instead πŸ™‚ Yes I know, I am crackers πŸ™‚ lol

        Have fun today and do find some time for a relaxing cuppa and a few cookies πŸ™‚

        Andro xxx

        • Oh, very good! I shall enjoy seeing it. Some of your recent work has been very inspiring. When I get some time for myself, I do want to begin drawing more. For now, I think cookies are a brilliant idea. Little Miss V is asking me if I like fish and onion cookies. I suppose I will have to think about that one. πŸ˜‰

  2. Static in my hair making it stand up on end drives me the craziest. Why couldn’t they have picked the lock?

    So maybe a 40 word limit then??
    Laurie recently posted..FTP RippleMy Profile

  3. I’m usually the one who gets the shock! πŸ™

    Hmmm… Let’s hope whoever came in was friendly!!! πŸ™‚

    Love and hugs!

    prenin recently posted..Saturday – A trip to the Co-Op.My Profile

    • I am sometimes the shocker and sometimes the shockee. Mostly I ground out on my truck. πŸ˜‰ {HUGZ}

  4. I just hate those sudden electric shocks you get sometimes, when you touch someone. What THE?! It’s a fright.
    Noeleen recently posted..A man with a pram!My Profile

  5. I like static electricity, I like my hair on end. But squeaks, no I don’t like those.

    Your squeak, yes I like your squeak I like yours.
    valentine logar recently posted..On My KneesMy Profile

  6. Under is better than barely squeezing by I guess πŸ™‚
    Angela Young recently posted..The Power of a SmileMy Profile

  7. I love this one Red!!
    Very thrilling…it gives me chill and starts imagining the ghost or the monster or the bad guy who is with her. I kinda like it to be a ghost rather than the other options.

  8. I think they picked the lock, but didn’t know the door squeaked.
    Binky recently posted..Stomach Vs. BrainMy Profile

  9. I feel the static in the second paragraph. The big finish, “She was not alone” sizzles with the question who/what? Should she be afraid or not? Delicious cliffhanger.
    Tess Kann recently posted..Awards? On My!My Profile

  10. Sorry to bother you Red, I was just checking another word to make a flash and noticed that you haven’t added my pepper story πŸ˜‰
    Novroz recently posted..Indonesia banget # 26: Supernatural Beings to Make You Rich -Tuyul and Babi NgepetMy Profile


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