Lorre is the star of Articles of Absurdity and the chief paparazzi for A Dose of Justice. If you have missed either of her blogs, you are missing a terrific part of the blogosphere. So, when I asked the reigning queen of snark (See, you thought I was it.) if she wanted to drive M3 whilst I was on vaca, she asked for a deadline.
A few minutes later, she asked if there was a theme. In keeping with all the continuity (?!) we have around M3, I tossed out the basis of M3: Friendship. There was silence on the other end of the line. I added the caveat: The Good, The Bad or The Ugly.
Showing some terrific grace under pressure, she presents to you a poem. Everything about it belies The Ugly… or does it?
Gone Wrong
Everyone was good
Everything was fine
Life ran like clockwork
You came into mine
It began as silence
Eerily calm
Clear and vacant
To your ticking bomb
Something changed
Time took a turn
You decided to pounce
My lesson to learn
Caught off guard
My hormones dancing
I rolled out the mat
To manipulations advancing
Smiles and interest
Dramatic laughter
Nudges then pushing
To what you were after
A life came along
Damaged to you
Igniting your fire
Selfishly through
Emotional makeup
Preparing your role
Poor wounded thing
To exploit his soul
Saturating each moment
No memory spared
As if every challenge
Your cross to bear
Reality smacked me
Smacking so hard
Not my little boy
Your sympathy card
Our sudden friendship
Quite the hoax
An elaborate plan
It’s what you crave the most
Refusing to play
This game you presented
The disdain came in
That’s what you resented
You needed me weak
Your chance to feel strong
Barely standing the fact
Underestimating me was wrong
Punishment began
With silence and distance
Trying to condition me
And struck with resistance
The friendship faded
Quiet but fast
Springing back into place
Truth and healing the past
Everyone was good
Everything was fine
Life ran like clock work
You came back into mine
Born out of silence
Eerily calm
Clear and vacant
The impending storm
Something changed
Snapping in your brain
Our happiness grinding
Anger leading to insane
Meddling in every life
Those entwined tightly with mine
Saying anything
Get your way back inside
Things are clear now
Eyes no longer blind
Crossing the boundary
What’s yours and what’s mine
So goodbye dear friend
Don’t forget to bow
What an exceptional show
Your curtain call now
Stop by and check out more about Lorre Lyons. She is a contributor to Flash in the Pan since the first edition. Pick up your free copy from her author page. Bookmark her blogs. You will fall in love with Justice. Articles is a great place to get your snark tank topped off. Everything is linked from her page. Let her know how much you appreciate her taking everyone out on tour whilst I am away.
Gail Thornton
/ January 17, 2013Lorre, this is a wonderful poem about the way things used to go in my friendships. I even had an ex-friend make a cassette tape and mail it to me trying to pry me open again. I never listened to it. I may still have it, though, haha. In one year I shedded the manipulative friends I had, my only friends, and count them three. Starting over was a blessing. I don’t have that bondage with anyone anymore…so far!
Gail Thornton recently posted..Author Interview with Red Dwyer – The Regret of a Flower
/ January 20, 2013Oh, for cripes’ sake. If you find it, toss it or recycle it into something else.
Lorre Lyons
/ January 17, 2013Thanks so much for giving me the opportunity to prove to myself I can handle the pressure.
Gail: I don’t blame you for not listening to the tape. Sometimes, there’s just nothing left to say and no amount of words will fix what’s broken. Some people think it’s horrible not to allow someone that opportunity, but we know when something is toxic in our lives. It’s our job to get rid of the poison.
/ January 20, 2013You are welcome. I knew you could. 😉
raymond alexander kukkee
/ January 17, 2013Lorre, you said it all. It’s our job to get rid of the poison out of our minds and out of our lives. Excellent. –but what else would we expect from a redhead! Btw, I enjoy your blog. You do know how to hand it out. Kudos. “:))
raymond alexander kukkee recently posted..Real Hockey or Corporate NHL
/ January 18, 2013Thanks Raymond. I apologize for being so slack on my own reading. Red gave me the kick in the ass I needed to at least write a poem again. I think I’ll take this opportunity to visit some of my old friends.
Not old in a bad way. See you soon!
Lorre recently posted..Jodie Foster inspired me.
/ January 20, 2013*Curtsies sweetly*
/ January 17, 2013Can’t we be friends again? This time I’ll be good and even give you some of my chocolate.
Binky recently posted..The Advancement of Civilization
/ January 18, 2013We’ve always been….I’m just slow to the game. Chocolate? You’re on!
/ January 18, 2013Yay!
Well, as Fraz would say.
Binky recently posted..The Advancement of Civilization
/ January 20, 2013She must be valuable for you to share chocolate!
/ January 18, 2013This is a brilliant piece of poetry Lorre and thank you so much for sharing this with us. I am sure that everyone will enjoy this one as it will have some kind of meaning to almost every person that reads it.
Have a lovely day today Lorre 🙂
Geoff xxx
/ January 18, 2013Since I can’t get onto your site once again…I assume you can relate and have isolated me from your magnetic and naughty presence. I’m not worthy, but please get me back in. I promise to be nice…or not.
Thanks for the kind words about the poem. I wasn’t sure where it would end up.
Lorre recently posted..Jodie Foster inspired me.
/ January 19, 2013Hey I am waiting for
you to accept my invite 🙂
You didn’t think that you
could escape that easily
did you? 🙂 Grrroooowl 😉
Geoff xxx
/ January 20, 2013I think I have patched you through…
/ January 18, 2013Given I had to kick all my old friends into touch and start again with the people at church and on the web, I do know exactly what you mean about manipulative friends! 🙁
Lovely poem hun! 🙂
God Bless!
prenin recently posted..Thursday – Snow is promised.
/ January 18, 2013I guess this is a subject we can all relate to indeed. It’s unfortunate that there are people in the world who have nothing better to do than purposely manipulate others. Hopefully those individuals can be removed quickly, before too much damage is done.
Lorre recently posted..Jodie Foster inspired me.
Tess Kann
/ January 18, 2013Haven’t we all had one or two of that type of friend. The hard part is being strong enough at some point not to be lured back into his or her clutches.
Wonderful poem and I understood the whole thing!
Tess Kann recently posted..Flash in the Pan: Listless
/ January 20, 2013I had a friend (not this one) that I kept giving chances to every few years, but it always ended up the same. I finally learned my lesson with her.
Lorre recently posted..Flash in the Pan: Lonely
/ January 18, 2013I LOVE this, Lorre!!! And, yes, I too have recently been in such a situation from which extrication via some revealing prose was a most satisfying resolution! I’m thinking now, I should revise it into poetry. though it will certainly NOT be as strong and to the point as yours is!!! Just SO sweet – sending another passive-aggressive on their way!!
/ January 20, 2013Thank you so much. I’m starting to think Red is paying or scaring you all into saying such nice things. I really appreciate your comments and I will be sure to stop by your space.
I’m starting to get the hang of sending people on their way…..good or bad?
Lorre recently posted..Flash in the Pan: Lonely
/ January 20, 2013Oh, paying is not in the budget. Bribe money cannot be written off 😉 I say good.
/ January 20, 2013I totally agree – “life is way too short to put up w/those sucking the life out of us!!!” (paraphrased quote ~ anon)
PS no bribe was EVER mentioned, promise!!!
BuddhaKat recently posted..The Fractalization of Friday
Lizzie Cracked
/ January 24, 2013Great poem Lorre – I am late but I am always late.. and so nice to be here – I have decided its a sign.,, I am catching up and it seems all things point to something I know is true.. your poem .. lovely and meaningful in ways i guess I needed.. so .. I will pop over and visit and hope you will do the same..
Lizzie Cracked recently posted..Romantic Monday Horizon View; The Long Trip
/ January 26, 2013Thanks so much. AND yes……I certainly will.