…coding is for click monkeys.
Since the GDPR is now in effect, last minute changes to every website abound. You may have noticed the flag at the bottom of this page for you to consent to cookies. Every site you have visited since this mess began has something similar.
Yes, I abhor writing code. In decades past, code was elegant, self-contained, relatively straightforward. Now, it relies entirely on your browser’s ability to innovate, keep up or
bend the dog over the couch mess up your entire day. It is the equivalent of translating your drive-thru order into Cantonese to be read by a German who then interprets it into your native tongue with absolutely no knowledge of Cantonese or your language. There is definitely a surprise in the bag.
In order to protect Europeans from all us nefarious cookie readers and writers, EU citizens will need to… wait for it… write a cookie for us not to use cookies.
Better still? The cookie must be… you know what is coming, right? …identifiable.
Just give me all of your information, so I can be sure not to share it with my site.
Obligatory Disclaimer
If you are interested, even a little, about what information M3 uses (and subsequently fails to keep), visit The Office for all the pertinent information.
If you are in the EU, all of this nonsense is to protect your data from every website. Since I am the only person here, I will be your compliance officer. If I ever lose your information (which I delete most times before I even see it, if I can even see it), I will promptly notify you, provided I have an email address for you. See, I delete those as well. I still have to wonder why we call them cookies. Acorns are even safer… especially with me.
Oh, there is another disclaimer on every page with comments. It comes compliments of Akismet, who is the one with your names and email addresses. Their explanation is just as convoluted as this one.
I sincerely hope you day has been free of click monkeys with acorns and squirrels with cookies.
What is your opinion of cookies, personalized ads and governing of the same?
(No politics rule is still in effect.)
#Hashtags: #GDPR #security #internetsafety
Thank you for sharing The M3 Blog with hashtags.
/ June 8, 2018I think they already know everything about us by now.
Red of M3
/ June 20, 2018Fairly certain that is extremely close to the absolute truth!