
For the moment, all should be working, even if it looks different. I am working to get cosmetic work done. Meanwhile, enjoy Mantra’s latest offering at Mantra, The Muse.

Due to a conflict in software created by the string pullers behind blogging platform, The M3 Blog will be back to regularly scheduled programming in a while.

This inconvenience is as much as I can stand. I am sure you enjoy it, too. The only way to view posts at the moment is to grab the links from social media. You cannot navigate around here, for the moment. Can anyone say…



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  1. Standing by but I think I need to pee. Will this be long?
    Bearman Cartoons recently posted..Retro Cartoon: Recycled Campaign PromisesMy Profile

    • I am just adjusting the glasses and the hat. Should be full functioning now. I am going to gut and replace a good bit after this [expletive].

  2. Maybe The WordPress god is waiting for a goat sacrifice
    Tony McGurk recently posted..Talking BearMy Profile

  3. I hope you get everything sorted out soon Red 🙂 I will be back on your morrow to catch up, I will even make the coffee and bring along some cake 😉 lol

    Be Good now or else? 😉

    Andro xxx

    • *giggles* The best thing for brekkie 😉 Almost done.

      • You have done a fine job Red, everything looks great, and the colouring is just enough 🙂 The Speakers stars look a lot better on the right of the page also and… Well I like the whole new look 🙂

        I hope that you are having a fun evening 😉

        Andro xxx

        • I rather like it as well. I wanted the speakers to get more attention than they did at the bottom. If I could get one of the three posts I am building finished… 😉

  4. Good grief, Red, nobody has mentioned your test pattern. See why I’m in the corner office? Remember television station ‘test patterns.’ ? People used to actually sit and watch them…hahahahaha!
    Happy Maintenance ! ~R
    raymond alexander kukkee recently posted..Seceding from the United States of America to join Chinada?My Profile

  5. I know I’m behind, and out of date, phew. What now?

    This time around, I hope is not as involved as the last tsunami– for your sake–I hope. (I always notice the insurmountable work you do here).

    You smile / I smile gliding by in the night. Kudos.
    Tess Kann recently posted..Flash in the Pan: CornerMy Profile

    • This has to do with the connection of to a big group of plugins. What works for WP generally breaks everything around here we LIKE. So I am looking for alternatives, rearranging the furniture and repainting. *grins* Even if I am not happy with a lot of it, we are not going to spend the whole winter BLUE.

  6. Couldn’t we get a color test pattern? Maybe one in 3D? I hope we’re not regressing to the 60’s otherwise this whole internet thing might disappear.
    Binky recently posted..Dollar Store PetMy Profile

  7. and to think they televised live from the moon in 1969 🙁
    frigginloon recently posted..Just a Little Light MessageMy Profile

  8. UGH. Just when you get time what you want to, in the mood, etc … and this happens. Good luck, Red…
    Noeleen recently posted..The Benefits of Excessive Alcohol ConsumptionMy Profile

    • There were a ton of problems in this one, but it led to my new look…which I rather happen to like. 🙂

  9. We could rename it Cusstomer Disservice.
    Lorre recently posted..Stop, Drop and RollMy Profile


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