There seems to be an imp who has been missing from The M3 Blog of late. She comes with a bit of fire in her wings tonight.
She is armed to the teeth. Are you up for some combat maneuvers? You were warned.
Offensive Defense
Marching makes me dizzy.
Column left. Column left.
I’ve got an inside leg.
Mounting a defense against
Your coming barrage, I wait,
Stuffing powder in a keg.
A string of grenades
Slung across my chest
Where I can reach them,
Knife in my boot,
Quiver of arrows
To sing my anthem.
Raining down on you
As you approach me
Here behind my wall.
Watching through a scope
For the landmine’s flare.
Hope you find them all.
As the last life drains
From your battered corpse,
I lean in to say,
“Have you had enough?
Put away this game.
It’s been a long day.”
Has anyone else missed this little imp? Are you the one behind the wall or the one mounting the attack? Can you spend all day in front of a video game?
Hashtags: #poetry #attack #gamers
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Wendy Reid
/ June 3, 2013I don’t much like video games Red but in life, I assume both positions, sometimes in the same day.
Wendy Reid recently posted..30 Day Challenge
/ June 4, 2013Methinks most of us do. xxx
/ June 3, 2013Hmmm…
Behind the wall I think!!! 🙂
I’m a video game freak who plays most of the day! 🙂
Must admit I prefer none violent games to the spreading of blood and gore, but finding them is pretty hard! 🙁
God Bless!
Prenin recently posted..Sunday – A visit from Andy the lottery winner.
/ June 4, 2013I only play non-violent games. I prefer time management and farming.
Gray Dawster
/ March 25, 2014You can still farm with the odd Zombie knocking around if you like, but don’t try feeding them or anything could happen 🙁 lol
Andro xxxx
/ June 3, 2013You’re lucky if it’s a game; for some it is not.
Binky recently posted..Government Idiots
/ June 4, 2013This one started out as not.
MJ Logan
/ June 4, 2013I used to love playing Empire Earth, and it was I who led attacks of world wide alliances against the evil… um yeah.
There was a time I could have been distracted all day by games. No more.
Glad the elf is back, she was missed.
MJ Logan recently posted..Basic Campfire Building is an Adventure Skill
/ June 4, 2013I still can. I played Age of Empires. I wish there was a comparable world building game which did not required a few million of my closest friends to play. I miss the Caesar series. *le sigh*
/ June 4, 2013I’m not big on video games, but the ending made me smile because gamers seem transformed when in action.
BTW – Well done regarding Duluth!
Frank recently posted..On Dingbat Monday
/ June 4, 2013Oh, thank you. I will be posting more about Minnesota over the next few days. I have always been floored by ppl who take their game personas out in the FAB world.
Tess Kann
/ June 4, 2013Since I was a child, I played no board games nor did Pac man grab my attention when computers offered games. I spend waaaay too much time on my computer to spend additional time playing video games. Alas, I am boring, but never bored.
Tess Kann recently posted..Flash in the Pan – Crystal
/ June 4, 2013I am never bored either and look at those with game consoles as secondary occupations with a bit of fish eye. There is so much more I would like to accomplish. Still, I do play them regularly as a decompression activity. xxx
Gail Thornton
/ June 5, 2013I don’t play video games, but I love watching them, especially adventure and world building games. Oh wait, I have the game Civilization IV on my computer and although I am not good at it, it challenges me and allows me to chill out for a while. I am rarely the one hurling objects, but have been known to in utter frustration.
Mantra, You’ve been missed! This poem is a wonderful example of your sense of fair play
Gail Thornton recently posted..The Girl in the Iron Lung Giveaway on Goodreads
/ June 5, 2013I am a PC video game junkie. I have not had a game console since middle school, and even then was disappointed in the majority of the programming. I need to look for another world builder. I just really do not want to play MMPG. *le sigh*
Gray Dawster
/ June 5, 2013I am attacking and zapping everything in sight, and don’t worry I have a cool hatchet with venom edged blade just in case I run out of ammo, which I do rather often but what a gruesomely exciting game it is and oh yes I can certainly sit there for as long as it takes 🙂 😉
Indeed I am on the third go with Dead Island Riptide, which is an awesome Zombie slasher in case you were wondering, it is very lifelike and incredibly addictive, well I have finished it twice already and I am now enjoying my third outing, actually I was playing it before I came on here tonight so that’s how eager I am for slaying those stinky Zombies and there are hundreds of them 🙂 Wicked.
I am pleased to see you back and in fine writing form and I have enjoyed this posting very much Red 🙂 Welcome Back…
Andro xxxx
Gray Dawster
/ March 25, 2014I still play this game and it is awesome 🙂 You really need to get this Dead Island Riptide Red but do watch out for those Zombies, they’re everywhere 🙁 *eek*
Andro xxxx