Birds are such beautiful creatures. Storks are fun to watch. They are so nonchalant as they stand at the water’s edge. So still, you would think they were sleeping standing up. Mantra was bird watching. I was along as scribe.
From across a pond we have to look into the scene. Mantra is watching a stork in the shallow water on the other side. Mantra presents The Stork.
The Stork
She stands at the water’s still edge
Motionlessly waiting, she’s silent.
At her feet the green coolness stirs
As tadpoles make bracken eddies.
Tiny ripples from dragonfly legs,
Landing and skating in circles
Meet her ankles before the shore
And fade across the glassy surface.
Croaking in his very best bass,
Bullfrog beckons his spotted mate
From where she suns catching small flies
To tend the tiny tots’ nurseries.
She hops down from the turtle log
Swims beneath the water quickly.
Swirls in her wake give her away.
When she arrives, stork gets breakfast.
Was this one what you thought?
I hope you are having a wonderful evening.
/ March 14, 2012🙁 The cycle of nature. I signed up again because I’m still not receiving your posts. Hopefully that will fix it. Angie
/ March 14, 2012Yes, a circle of life poem. We are all part of the food chain 😉
Thanks for re-upping. WordPress thinks the subscriptions are their work product (as in…without them there would be no subscribers). I am currently trying to fix another of their “work product” issues. *sigh* Another five or six days and I may have this particular disaster sorted out…
/ March 14, 2012Birds are not only fun to watch, they’re fun to listen to. I often see them from our window, and hear them chirping when I pray or meditate…
/ March 14, 2012I love them. I wish my trees were larger so they would support nests. I am going to get a covey for the spring. I have missed having doves.
Your subscription got lost in the move, Matt. You can join back by pressing the subscribe button in the left column. Check out the announcements on Welcome Home!
Good to see you tonight.
/ March 14, 2012I was rooting for the stork… Frog legs for dinner anyone?
/ March 14, 2012They really don’t taste like chicken. Good thing, too. I would be worried if amphibian tasted avian…
/ March 15, 2012That stork sounds just a bit faster than I am.
It’s generally a good day if I’m quicker than some Pop-Tarts.
/ March 15, 2012ROFL! I am one who likes to hunt my food. I prefer things which bite back 😉
/ March 15, 2012Oh how you make me long to get to Hatteras Island were I can see and hear this same vision by the sound….thank you for sharing.
You have a wonderful evening.
Hugs, xx
/ March 15, 2012I love the beach. A. Lot. The difference in the sound of the wind is amazing.
/ March 17, 2012Nothing like a stroll on the beach in late afternoon. Surf roaring wind blowing through your hair.
/ March 17, 2012Something we should do soon.