I checked my list twice. Realizing everyone on the list was destined for a skateboard ride to Hades, I ripped it up and wrote this one instead:
Naughty Means What, Exactly?
Now, I have come to realize through Friday Follies, naughty in is the eye of the beholder. Some of my most mundane posts are targets for spewing and spattering. To quote Missy Biozarre, “It’s ’cause you’re more famous”.
Prenin says, “Amazing the number of illiterates there are out in the backwoods”, and I have to admit…I never knew so many swamp things had internet access. Am I the only one who needs a mobile hotspot? I know I live in the stix, but seriously, where do these people live? I need to tell my travel agent to never book me in those places.
It is not fame or location. I think it has far more to do with a total lack of education shoes. Maybe, we could host a Samaritan’s Feet for all of my hate-mailers and give them all education shoes.
John suggested, “I think you have an entire closet filled with education shoes, Red. The pointy ones, planted in the right place, would be best for delivering a swift education.” Perhaps, he is truly aware.
Nice, Schmice
Some days, I cannot drag the nice out of the drawer with a crane. *sigh* Consider it a character flaw.
Dr. Ted was so much nicer about the whole thing: “His state of agitation was clearly related to his hostility for values and tradition. Clearly he has lost his way, assuming he had ever discovered it.” See, I just have to question people’s upbringing, or utter lack thereof.
Rachael came away with far nicer sentiment than I could muster: “Thankfully he was not directed to Lemonparty…” I did not specify where he could go after leaving the parking lot, but the directions would have been uber-easy to follow.
Giving Them What For
To further prove the theory of naughty being in the eye of the beholder, I present Valentine, the world’s bestest friend ever. Even when I have my pointy hat on (crooked), she tells me, “As always Red, you are my heroine.” And she idly wonders, “Why is the only stinking spam and hate mail I get is on my political blogs?” Maybe, Prenin and Missy are right on that one.
And just to prove Val’s sister bias has nothing to do with the theory, Lorre tells me, “I’m so jealous of the crazy and nasty comments you get. That means….you have truly made it. I want a stalker(s) and looney folks.”
Not to be outdone, Mama Jells speaks volumes about the anonymity of potshotting with, “Definite creepers. I can’t imagine going around saying those things to complete strangers, but some people ONLY cyber stalk and spread the funk. Or at least, only spread the funk because no one can see them.”
So, what does it mean?
It means I have some of the best commenters in the world! (No, not the crazies in my inbox.) And for that I can only do the responsible thing and offer the newest of blogging awards: The Red Educational Shoe Award.
Since all awards have some sort of do this to earn it hook, this one is no different. Highlight your five most supportive recent commenters in a post. Insert the picture from here into your post (on your side bar or award page) and keep your shoe handy…even if you choose to use it on your hate-mailers.
Visit the Winners
Yo-Yo Dyne Propulsion Systems: Reno Division
Queen of Everything…Renaissance Woman
Yeah, yeah. An education award, and I cannot count. I just have too many who deserve the award! To all those who were not named, never fear…This award will come ’round again. I guarantee it.