The Rest of the Story

As time went on, and statistics would later support, I wondered if there had been much reading on the second half of the topic from Talk Tuesday. As luck would have it, the page was largely desolate. This completely explains why there was no real discussion of the Talk Tuesday questions…they were all on the second page.

Despite voluminous documentation supporting my choice to break the post (which is no longer than most other posts on M3)  into two pages, it turns out it was far more a crap shoot than countless testimonials professed. In the end, the facts were bared:

  • At the end of page one, the invitation to leave a comment was taken without the last request being entertained.
  • The subject matter (left incomplete in support of the questions) was misinterpreted.
  • The meat of the post was foregone in favor of the appetizers.

Rather than give a long, drawn out explanation, and in what will come as close as I have ever been to serving leftovers, I point you with no further ado, to the rest of the story, in the sincere hope you have an opinion about the second half of the post.

I hope you enjoy it more than the first half.


(c) Ann Marie Dwyer 2012
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  1. Do you think that perhaps a summary of the two postings would be a good idea…

    I mean with all the questions on the one page, thus giving the readers a picture of the earlier postings but keeping everyone on the summary page where the questions are added for discussion on Talk Tuesday….

    Maybe this could boost a healthier yield and add a more fruitful discussion? Of course I am probably wrong on this thought but it is an idea nonetheless what do you think? 🙂

    Have a lovely evening Red 🙂

    Androgoth XXx

    • Red

       /  March 28, 2012

      It just means after this discussion there will be no further pagination. I should have trusted my instincts. Lesson learned.

      • Yes I was wondering if instead of dividing it all up, maybe it could be on the one page as a summary with the questions, sorry if I seem to be interfering I know that your Space is unique 🙂

        Androgoth XXx

        • Red

           /  March 28, 2012

          You are not. It was an ill-advised experiment given everyone’s comfort level with the way I normally conduct business. I gave it a whirl and once again proved the M3 Readers are not the average blogosphere travellers and have come to expect things to be a marketer’s nightmare and a blogger’s dream. 😉

  2. I missed it, so I will be ahead when I catch up?
    angela recently posted..I is better than UMy Profile

  3. I’m going to make my comment here as the comment list is way too long on the link page. I’m a time wasting Queen, but manage to squeeze in everything I have to do. Goddam you Angry Birds!!!! My job requires me to be creative 24/7 so i have to time waste for my own sanity. Repetitious things helps to slow the brain eg playing games. Even exercise has to be repetitious… and strenuous to slow the noggin . If I manage to take time out to do this, the quality of my work improves. So time wasting (without guilt) is a good thing for me. I also have an INTP personality which might explain some things too!!!
    Friggin Loon recently posted..How The Thief Stole LoraxMy Profile

    • Red

       /  March 29, 2012

      I do a good deal of distraction. Especially when I am doing something largely not creative. I have to break it up into pieces. Helps with the sense of accomplishment to see things incrementally fall off the OMG is that the headlamp of an oncoming train tunnel.

  4. My head is spinning…and no..I do not need the exorcist to assist me.
    lorrelee1970 recently posted..Don’t Read This BlogMy Profile


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