Saturday Evening Post

It has been an exciting roller coaster of a week. Not much in the way of updates you have not already gotten so Clyde is chomping at the bit. Grab a cuppa and settle in. The fans are blowing away the last of the rain.


Traffic has been a bit like an EKG around M3. The up and down motion is directly attributable to those I have not seen because they always come from my comments on their blogs and comics. I have bitten by another WP bug: The Spaminator. My comments are being held for moderation all over WP.

Occasionally, I get stuck into moderation on off-WP sites because of the speed at which I comment. It is not unusual for me to leave three comments in less than one minute, which drives most comment plugins to the belief I am a bot. I snicker because speed has been used to classify me as a machine since I was a teenager.

If you managed to find your way here via social media (which is where most of my traffic is generating at the moment), do check your spam folder to see if I am still caught in the net. Thank you to all those who answered my email to release me.

Antique GlobeInternational!

I am excited to know I have had sales in Australia! It is the first other English speaking country where T3 has been offered and bought. My first European sale was in Portugal! I may be scraped off the ceiling by anyone. Really.


Just so it is set in stone…the deadline for the release of Mantra for a Muse is the last day of this month. I should be ready to turn it over to layout by early next week. There are some fast and fanatical bloggers and artists helping me create a trailer for the book. The cover art will be complete as soon as I know how many pages the book will be in total. It. Is. Beautiful. If I have said it before, I am compelled to say it again:

M3 has the most talented audience in the blogosphere.

Bar none. To say I have been humbled is a gross understatement. When I asked for you to give me reviewer quotes for the back of Mantra’s book, what you have had to say has taken my breath away. If you want to give me a quote for the book, leave your name in the poll (so I know where to reach you). Some of them will be featured in the trailer! Subscribe to the channel to be notified when the trailer hits the air:

Right Turn, Clyde!

Right turn, Clyde.

M3 vets know of the undercurrent of identity which runs through the veins of this blog. Many of you have come to know me not only as the non-spambot captain, who routinely turns off the “no smoking” sign, but as a complex person. Whether or not your were here for the initial unveiling, or have picked up your impression through any number of revealing posts on M3, one thing about me becomes crystal clear: I am multi-faceted.

I have heard, more often than is comfortable, I am the kind of person people would like to have met long ago, yet at the time in their life when they feel I would have been most beneficial, I would have been completely unapproachable. Let’s put it another way: They could have used my (perspective, chutzpah, strength), but it would have scared them into not attempting to meet me.

I always ask the same question: Why?

I need it, but…

All buts are cracked.” ~ Red Dwyer

Why do we walk away from the things which are good for us when we recognize them? We know precisely what is causing the suction in our lives, and we intentionally walk in the opposite direction from what would plug the hole where our souls are escaping.

Or worse? We tangentially engage, seek advice on how to plug the hole, play with the cork, use it to fish without a worm and go home to clamp the hose over the hole.

Poop in a Group

The first time I wanted to go on vacation from M3 (January), I asked for guest posts. I got zero volunteers. I went to some really powerhouse bloggers, who are also powerhouse friends, and asked specifically. The ones who had time constraints, I understood their negative answers. What floored me?

I can’t hold a candle to you.”

My response? Yes, yes. I know. I should not Friday Follies someone I ask for help; however, my response was…

The only reason my poop is in a group is because I keep the turds in the punchbowl.”

One of the biggest perils of living virtually is there is only so much which is feasible to reveal online. It is not the place to air some things, as we all saw in yesterday’s Friday Follies. Regardless of how perfect someone’s life may seem, they are still just as human as their readers. No matter what a shambles someone’s life may seem, they still have everyday victories worthy of celebration. Where we have to stand to view it all is in the middle.


Another left-handed compliment I routinely hear is You are so good at this. Not to seem completely ungrateful:

If I had not figured it out by now, I should have long since given up.”

Oodles of you have known me on a plethora of platforms. You know I am irascible at the drop of a hat. Fortunately, very few of you have been my quarry. On the other hand, part of the main reason what hits the pages and posts looks as it does is experience. Not discounting genuine talent, many of the professions which serve us very well are less about talent and more about practice. I have known really good plumbers, but I would never conceive to say they had an innate talent for plumbing. “Oh, you snake that drain as though you were born to remove feces from pipes!” Yeah, see, it even looks as stupid as it sounds.

Roman for million.

It is part of what keeps the meters on M3. To be completely honest, my bios are slightly off when they mention millions of words. When surveyed, most people consider “millions of words” to mean at least one word over one million and less than two million. In fact, the plurality of “millions” as it is used to describe me means “more than one without upper limit”.

Every time I have sat before a screen to calculate how many words I have written, I have run against the upper limit of most measuring tools. Even the million word meter here only goes to 999,999. In Mundania, most people cannot conceptualize more than 1,000,000 words. My best estimation for intentional writing (not comments [which can be novellas in their own right], personal letters or email) weighs in around three million. I fall back on the adage:

Practice makes perfect.”


This is the one I have the hardest time decrying. My observations to date of confident people has been their liaisons. Although the confidence building list begins and ends with “you”, without the four in the middle, many people who are good continue to fail. Want some proof? Remember the book I was going on about up top? The reason the book is going to be born is…


Despite having scribbled rhyme on every scrap of paper, shopping bags, receipts, index cards, legal pads, napkins and occasionally my hand for the last 20 plus years, nearly none of it met with any modicum of acceptance. While the derogatory remarks were not discouraging enough for me to stop, they were sufficient to keep me from overexposing the poetry. I knew I liked it, but I was not willing to listen to more poking and nitpicking of it. I would venture the last section had something to do with it…practicing. Overall, the major difference is not a change in style.

Instead, I exposed the poetry to different people.  While I have been known to have the marketing ability to sell freezers to Eskimos, selling my own products has often been far more difficult. One saying really hit home when the M3 Readers began engaging and feeling and responding positively (even when it was heartfelt introspection) to my poetry:

 Until next time,

Red Signature


Have you every fallen prey to comparing yourself to someone else without all the information? Have you tried some of the techniques from C is for Confidence? How can you make a positive influence in someone’s life to help them overcome the but?

A bit of business: If you are interested in participating in the book and/or trailer with quotes or art, please take the poll. It will close tomorrow evening. After you comment, go enter for a copy of Red Tash’s Troll or Derby. Link just under the million word meter (upper right sidebar).

(c) Red Dwyer 2012
Final graphic (7 Ds)  free for distribution without attribution.
Re-Blogging of this or any other post on Momma’s Money Matters
is expressly forbidden.
Copyright and Privacy Policy available
in The Office. 
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  1. Like the new banner!!!

  2. I like that “D” list… and congratulations on your book being sold way over there! By the time I finish reading I’m sure I’ve missed something important 🙂

    I’m watching the Secret right now and I’m going to go play with your Confidence post… whoo hooo!

  3. Could I be More excited for You ???????????????
    NO !!!!!!!!!!
    i am truly stirred …………….

    and yes – totally right –
    to see every individual as completely fabulous in their own right and to lift them up ….
    that’s what it’s all about ……….
    C is 4 Compassion and Caring and Coeur !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Have a great night and yup …….
    i am excited for you ………
    just a tiny bit …………….. LOL !
    Celebrate !
    Cat Forsley recently posted..Beautiful time in Ottawa – totally Happy Cat ….My Profile

    • Thank you, Mon Chat doux! I am so excited, too! <3 Have a great sleep and I will talk to you tomorrow! xxx

  4. Who’s sleeping ? Lol !!!! Not me xx
    i am watching “Like Crazy ” – one of the most romantic movies – ever !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for crazy idealists like me 🙂 xx
    Yes talk soon xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
    May you have the most beautiful dreams ……
    Cat Forsley recently posted..Beautiful time in Ottawa – totally Happy Cat ….My Profile

  5. I bet it’s some outback wombats who bought your book in Australia.

    I think there are more dolts around, often in very high places, than we really care to admit.
    Binky recently posted..Checkers CheckmateMy Profile

  6. Very cool, Portugal? Really how very cool is that.

    I am panting with anticipation for the next book, mantra makes my knees rub together so I can sing softly at sunset.

    You know I don’t think it is so much comparing selves to you but more an issue of not wanting to pollute the pristine M3. Have you considered this?
    Valentine Logar recently posted..Slide to Perdition Part 2My Profile

    • Hardly. I have seen some of the gradu I post when I am on a tear… I have to compose something of an odd number pages for one chapter in the book to create the formatting I need. It has been my hold up these past few days. Ugh. Someone is going to kick me if I do not get it complete soon…

  7. A whole new facet tonight – I have never heard you speak of poop … and so eloquently too 🙂 and this is an awesome post.. and a good reminder …
    Yes I think that the post where you asked for help with the Redmund logo etc.. I was kinda mouth open huh? you want help from me? Lil ole me? I got over all that and you are awesone coolio talented smart and yes I do think you probably know the answers but …. i don’t remember the question… but its all good cause you are you and I am glad to know you and have you as a friend and appreciative of all that.. and more.. plus.. and then some
    Lotsa Love I am so excited for the book!!!
    Lizzie Cracked recently posted..Friday Mid-Afternoon or Much Later Mental MomentMy Profile

  8. Congratulations Red!!! 🙂

    Portugal? WOW!!!

    Can’t wait until people start picking up on it over here!!! 🙂

    The world is a big place hun – I pray you find the success you deserve!!! 🙂

    Love and hugs!

    prenin recently posted..Friday – Emma’s poetry book arrives!My Profile

    • Oh, thank you, Pren! I hope to tap into the UK market soon. I was surprised I got into Australia first, but still tickled it is getting to foreign soil. Be on the look out for it on Amazon for me, will you? {HUGZ} Red.

  9. Congratulations, Red!! I just love the direction you are taking for yourself. You are a role model for all of us who doubt our talents, abilities, and gifts, for we all have them.

    Stay on the ceiling. It’s a better view from there! =)

    Gail Thornton recently posted..Poem – Lady NeighborMy Profile

  10. Hi Red, first congratulations on your international sales, and second Let me take a breath.. LOL
    I read that and got out of breath as I felt your energy and fastness as you speed typed this article ,
    You are so right in what you say. we are Human at the end of the day with the same problems as everyone else and we all of us have the same bodily functions, we are not Guru’s or the labels some like to take on board thinking they are above their public readership..
    What I so so love about you Red as I see your comments here and there all over , I love your generous spirit… You give your comments from your heart, and you find the time in your busy day.. Even if you are the Speed Queen! LOL
    Im not as fast in my typing skills, or for that matter as fast as replying to everyones post..
    But I do thank you for your wisdom and honesty in being out there..
    And the poems I have read Red, 😉 , Have held meaning and depth..
    You have what I call ‘Soul’ and I am Happy that M3 is the success it is…
    Wishing you a relaxing day! this Sunday
    Sue xxx Hugs
    Sue Dreamwalker recently posted..Everyone is Looking!My Profile

    • Oh, Sue, you are such a doll. Make sure to mark the calories you burned with this post off on your lsit 😉 I have said it from the beginning…I am human. I have faults. I make mistakes. I am very real. For all my life, pedestals are the only thing which make me dizzy.

      Thank you for your praise on my making time, especially in the last two weeks when I feel like I have been nowhere beyond my text editor. I am hoping to be able to spend a few days catching up to everyone in the blogosphere who is so supportive of M3. <3 I hope you are having a wonderful day, Sue <3 {HUGZ} xxx


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