OK, so this is the skinny. I have been on the road for more than 26 hours and more than 2,000 miles between 1530 Monday and 0230 Saturday, which, incidentally, means I have 0.325% power left, more than 100 unanswered comments, another five voice mails…still…, three blog posts with no pictures and two segments of the story still to proof. Has anyone figured out what to call the story?
I am currently typing more with the backspace key than is my custom (even considering I type looking the other direction…with my mouth moving… or with my eyes closed). I am so tired I got the recipe for my coffee wrong, and it takes like tea. Although, to be quite honest, I cannot see the bottom of the cup, so it is likely I am just immune to it at the moment…a clear sign I should not be vertical.
When this post goes live, I will have already silenced the alarms, threatened the children with starvation and refused to answer the tele a minimum of eight times. So, if you do not mind, please hit the snooze button on this post and look for me in the comments in a couple hours. I promise to tell you all about it, but I have to answer a few things, find the illustrations for the last segment of the loneliness series and
find feed the dog.
/ January 21, 2012Will do snookums!!! 🙂
God Bless!
/ January 21, 2012ROFL! Thanks, Pren 😉 {HUGZ} Red.
/ January 21, 2012I believe we can all identify with your descriptions Red. I hope you have been able to catch up on your work and also get to rest.
/ January 21, 2012Blech on the work. Slowly getting there. Need …more …..coffee (hear in Zombie Braaaaaaiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnssssss voice).
Raymond alexander kukkee
/ January 21, 2012I’ll help you out here, Red….zzzzzzz—-zzzzz——zzzzz–zzzzzzzzzz
/ January 21, 2012I am going to bank these for later 😉
/ January 21, 2012Glad your home
/ January 21, 2012Me, too.
Rachael Black
/ January 21, 2012Know the feeling. Get some rest Red. You deserve it.
Red Hot Momma! Hardest Working Gal on the Internet!
/ January 21, 2012LOL! I need to send you a pic of what was waiting for me when I got home! Still scheduling a nap for later. The weather is perfectly vile. Methinks what stayed in the truck last night may well wait until sunshine tomorrow 😉
/ January 21, 2012zzzzzzzzz I love snooze buttons!
/ January 21, 2012Some days I love them…others wish I had just gotten up and gone back to bed later. 😉 This morning…loved it.
/ January 22, 2012Well as they often say ‘There is no rest for the Wicked’ and as you are much more wicked than I could ever be. What can one offer you as a solution? 🙂
Okay rest, find / feed the dog, catch up on a few Zzzzz’s and come back all refreshed and ready for it, I mean a bit, I mean for some of that, okay I actually meant for a bit of blogging 🙂
Phew, I am soooooo glad that I have sorted that one out or you might have thought that I meant something entirely different 😉
Be good now Red, or else? 🙂
Androgoth XXx
/ January 22, 2012I knew precisely what you meant 😉 And I believe I just might take else! 😉
/ January 22, 2012Yes that varies a lot depending on…
Well depending on how wicked I am
feeling at the time 🙂 lol
Oh I see what you mean, well I was
talking metaphorically of course 🙂 😉
Androgoth XXx
/ January 24, 2012I’m glad you took a break, but it’s good to have you back.
/ January 24, 2012I needed both. I hate coming home from a vacation feeling like a need a vacation.