In cruising through my daily blogs, I discovered what I consider either very enlightening or very disturbing. This three day foray into the male and the female of the species will focus on what we view as strengths and weaknesses and a comparison of the two. Today, the female.
Strong Women
What is the first image which comes to mind at the words “strong woman”? Choose one:
It is the woman who stands up for what she believes to be right?
Or the one who can lift her own body weight?
Or is it something entirely different? Amazon princess in battle? Mother Superior, willing to die for her faith? What makes a woman strong?
Weak Women
The absolute first image which comes to mind is this one:
Or were you thinking some delicate flower or pixie? One whose feelings stay hurt? Whose tears fall freely?
The sheer magnitude of a woman’s will can make her infinitely strong. Once her mind is set to something, the strong woman will conquer it. Weak-willed women take orders, on the job and at home.
The strong woman has a tenet system which may well be written into bylaws. The weak woman believes what is popular, demanded by the strong people in her life or sent to her in a tweet.
The strong woman has an abundance she has earned through survival and hardship. She is well-rounded, articulate and/or eloquent and may be exquisitely complex. The weak woman is as shallow as her reflection.
There is nothing the strong woman will back down from, kowtow to or fail to try. Pansy will wait for someone to do it for her, shiver into submission or tremble in fear.
Before swallowing anything hook, line and sinker, the strong woman will consult her intuition and experience, a professional and/or a confidante. The weak woman will nod like a bobble head to everything she is told.
But what if…
…she is both? All women have the capability of being the demure arm candy. Many strong women choose to take this role as a hobby or as a courtesy to their lovers. Choosing to be meek or being vulnerable does not compromise the woman’s strength.
And all the rest.
Strong women come in all ages, shapes and colors (with matching handbags). They possess many characteristics not listed here, but for the sake of our discussion, we will consider these top five.
Are you or do you know a strong woman? Which of the five characteristics do(es) you (she) possess?