All posts tagged books

Writer’s Spotlight: Mark Roush

Red was icing a tray of cookies in the kitchen whilst Claret was pouring cocoa into mugs. She wondered who was coming to the Coffee Shoppe today who would want cookies in the shapes of mouths and eyeballs. When the wind howled through through the dining room, Red knew Mark Roush was in and wondered […]

Day 17: Peacock Feathers

FTP3: Wave of Emotion

If pride goeth before a fall, I should stay prone for my own safety. You are not innocent. No, really. And I have pictures to prove it.

Day 3: A Book


To say books have influenced me is an understatement. I have a difficult time pinpointing the books which have influenced me the most and keep the reminiscence positive because far more books have influenced me negatively than positively. Overall, the net result was positive since I learned what not to do.

Z is for ZZZ

Babies need 10-14 hours of sleep a day. If they do not get it, they are cranky and uncoopera… What? Yes, we are still A to Z’ing. During the coverage of the Mine Principle, we established your book is your baby. It needs a nap. Frankly, so do you.

X is for Xenophthalmia

blue tooth logo

Gesundheit? Probably need all the help they can get! So, let’s go with it.