Everyone wants to feel as though they are important, at least to one other person. How one projects the desire could make or break a friendship.
Light It Up Blue
If you have been off social media in the last week, you may have missed the thousands of posts reminding everyone to wear blue today (02APR) for Autism Awareness Day.
Dear Mr. Stood-Me-Up
While you may think it is a fun position, this is not what you may have come to expect from me. You have been warned.
Only One
We did the Widowed Blog Hop, and you read Killing Us Softly. You got to know the part of me which dealt with becoming a widow. Most of you looked on with my train wreck fascination¹. What we have never discussed is singleness.
Saturday Evening Post
Week, schmeek. Clyde is foaming at the mouth. Want to keep the news to a minimum? Grab a cuppa and snuggle into a rocker. We will be done before the espresso is cool.