All posts tagged children

Saturday Evening Post

In a week where I thought disaster was the norm, are you in for a wild ride? Since we managed a fire and a stabbing in one day, grab a cuppa, snuggle in and hold on. Clyde is primed. Let’s talk.

Through Small Circles

Little V eye

Our lives are often quantified by the number and size of our circles. The nuclear family is our first circle. Our corporate and social circles expand in our youth and contract as we age. Coins stashed for retirement or merely to be amassed treasure are stacked into cylinders. We even count the circles under our […]

Mantra Miffed

Mantra cold

Yes, you noticed. Mantra boycotted yesterday. In fact, she would not sing. She did nothing but pout. This morning, on the other hand, was a completely different story.

Saturday Evening Post

What a whirlwind of a week. The temperature is finally beginning to fall for autumn, which has decided it is not going to make much of an appearance this year. Perhaps, it will preclude winter. Grab a cuppa and snuggle into a rocker. Let’s talk.

Not Without You

It is time to MAD. If you never thought you could make a difference, never thought you could change the world, never thought you could be a hero…you were not looking in the right place. It is right here and right now.