All posts tagged fractals

Wordless Wednesday

Red Dwyer Fractal Art

Put on your creative hats. What would you name the fractals?

Wordless Wednesday

Red Dwyer fractal art

If you came here via an email, please visit the correct Wordless Wednesday. What would you name these fractals?

Wordless Wednesday

Red Dwyer fractal art

Did you name the last set of fractals? Stop in and tell me what name they whisper (or scream) to you. No peeking. (Click to enlarge.)

Wordless Wednesday

Splintered Pane

Did anyone miss the fractals? Same rules apply. No peeking, click to enlarge.

Wordless Wednesday

You know my answers will be at the bottom to the last set. Here is your chance to shine. What would you name these fractals? Which one is your favorite? (Click to enlarge.)