All posts tagged identity

Saturday Evening Post

No more talk of roller coasters and other nauseating events. No more hatemail. No more awards. Tonight is a quiet fireside look into the ticker. Pull up a rocker, grab a cuppa. Successes are sweeter than sugar cubes. How about some saltwater taffy?


What was the question?

If you tuned in earlier, we talked about manholes. Talk Tuesday’s discussion goes to the next most logical place: Silverware. This is your chance to talk back. You up for some Truth or Dare? Oh, come on. Are you chicken?



The word brings a picture to your mind. It does for everyone who reads it. I mean for it to provoke you. I mean for it to hold your attention. I mean for it to make you think. Let’s talk about bondage.


Time for Talk Tuesday. M3 has featured some of the original reasons we are attracted to Mate and how that attraction begins. How is it we move from those things we initially find attractive to the qualities which keep us in a relationship for a lifetime? This is your chance to talk back!


There is no denying the bonds and the experiences of elementary school change the way we view the world and ourselves. The introduction of other family constructs and such concepts of responsibility, self-help and teamwork help us form some identity characteristics we carry into adulthood. Not all of those experiences are truly positive.