All posts tagged Redmund Productions

Flash in the Pan

The entire house was spotless. Dinner was warm and waiting. The children were stashed for the weekend with her mother.

Flash in the Pan

As long as the noise aroused no suspicion, he could get away with it.

Flash in the Pan

He placed the empty champagne flute on a passing waiter’s tray and stalked off the deck onto the lawn. Beside an enormous, blooming bird of paradise by the back fence, he turned to look back.

Flash in the Pan

“Yes, I saw. Can you believe?” “I wouldn’t be caught dead looking like that.”

Not All By Yourself

We often are sucked into the solitary nature of writing. It is not something which requires an audience to perform; the keyboard is not conducive to duets; and the fewer people to distract the better. Writing a book is normally just the author and the characters until it becomes an official manuscript.