All posts tagged RedmundPro

It is live!

Christy Birmingham

Show of hands, who knows the estimable Christy Birmingham?

Day 17: Peacock Feathers

FTP3: Wave of Emotion

If pride goeth before a fall, I should stay prone for my own safety. You are not innocent. No, really. And I have pictures to prove it.

Flash in the Pan

Every surface gleamed. He could see his reflection in stainless counter tops and appliances. Knives so sharp, their edges glittered. Bowls of fruit, spices hung to dry from the racks, prep bowls lined up waiting to be filled: Everything was perfect.

Hot Flash

Tools arranged on the tray were surgical instruments. He dropped the thermostat, donned gloves and took a deep breath.

Flash in the Pan

“Maxine, I don’t have anything else even remotely your size. I weigh 50 pounds more than you.”