All posts tagged stupid email

It is merely a suggestion.

In a week where I was missing for the majority of the time, one would think the crazies may well have taken a holiday. Where would the fun be in that? The stupidest inbox in the blogosphere was chock-o-block full. Buckle up for this week’s edition of Friday Follies. Not only does the standard drink […]

Penny Postage

It is time to open the stupidest inbox in the blogosphere, since it is bursting at the rivets. Buckle up for 25th edition of the Friday Follies. Stow your drink out of reach. Your program will begin as soon as everyone returns from the restroom and is seated. Silence is neither required nor suggested.

A Sampler

In a week where I was truly under the impression nothing controversial posted on M3, you can imagine my surprise when the stupidest inbox in the blogosphere blew up…crammed full of the loonies we have come to serve, fricasseed, on Friday Follies. Put your drink down out of reach. Let’s open the box.

Animal Incarnations

It is time to open the stupidest inbox in the blogosphere…not only because it is time for Friday Follies, but also because there is no room in it for any more hatemail! M3 is not responsible for computer screens which have been spat upon, so put your drink out of reach and snuggle in for […]

Making Red Cranky

This week the stupidest inbox in the blogosphere was stuffed full. It is time for a special edition. This carries the standard warning and lots of fun. Put your drink across the room and settle in for the 450th post on M3 and the 22nd edition of Friday Follies.