Top 10 Things I Hate…

…about the world we live in today.

Being an eternal optimist, I had to do some soul-searching to find ten things I really hate about the world. Taking in a news program, the prime time hour and a conversation with a few people, I realized the majority of what I hate is the deplorable way humans treat one another.

These are the top 10 things I hate about our world, in no particular order.

1. Popularity of dishonesty
2. Unbridled avarice
3. Unadulterated sloth
4. Assignment of blame/Lack of personal responsibility
5. Celebration of crime
6. Rewards for mediocrity
7. Entitlement to reward without sacrifice
8. Abandonment of work ethic
9. Failure of parents to raise children to be participating citizens of society
10. Revisionist history

Why I hate them.

(Writer’s note: The term you is not indicative of accusing the reader of these actions, but rather the pronoun chosen to represent society.)

No political correctness
1. Lying is expected. From politicians to job applicants. Now, lying has a name: political correctness. I would much rather everyone just tell the truth.
2. It is ridiculous to have a contract worth $23,000,000 per year, while families struggle to make enough money to keep food on the table and clothes on their children. I could put that much money in my fireplace, and keep my house warm.
3. Unemployment, welfare, disability…where does it stop. Healthy, able-bodied people who choose not to support themselves or their families. Get a job. (This is not a jab at the legitimate claims.)
4. It is your fault. Admit it, apologize, rectify the wrong and do not repeat it.

Ball-peen hammer
5. Gangsters and drug dealers are not role models. Charles Manson did not write a parenting guide book. John Gotti should have had to break rocks with a ball peen hammer. Our entertainment is filled with a love affair our society has with crime.
6. You do not “graduate” from the 3rd grade. Not everyone who plays the game deserves a trophy. The reward of a task completed should be sufficient when one does as one is expected. These celebrations make the real standouts feel as though they excelled for no reason.
The nurses, military, support staff and the hard-working are overlooked when they quietly go above and beyond the call of duty, day in and day out.
7. No one owes you anything until you earn it. As children grow up thinking they should be congratulated and rewarded for the tasks they are expected to finish, they become self-righteous, entitled adults who believe the mere fact they graced the job with their countenance should earn them a raise.
8. Punching the time clock does not entitle you to a check. Actually doing your job is what entitles you to a paycheck.

9. Children do not learn life lessons, discipline, values or ethics from school. Parents must be examples of good citizens and upstanding individuals. Children learn more from observation than they ever do from a book.

10. See number 4.

There is a lot of good in this world. These ten are the not good ones I happen to hate. Anyone with me?


© Red Dwyer 2011
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  1. Are you talking about me again? Seems like you and Pastor Steve use me for all your messages. Haha.

  2. James Parsons

     /  November 20, 2011

    I agree that people that are able to work should get off there fat bums and get a job so the rest of us do not have to support them. Can’t stand laziness, but some times a break is good.And crime never does pay sooner or later you will get caught. You are right children don’t learn what they need from school books. most is learnt from home, family and friends. But the children today think they know it all already, and we as parents are the ones who need the schooling. Great reading !

    • Well, this one fired you up! I still have the sign somewhere: “Attention Teenagers: Please Move Out While You Still Know Everything” ROFL! Thanks for stopping by to comment! Red.

  3. 1. One thing I hate more than that is the fact telling the truth is construed as being rude.

    2. if you’re talking about Sports, part of that is our (collectively) fault. If every person stopped complaining and actually followed through and NOT financially support the industry, maybe those contracts would come down to earth. Yeah, right.

    3. Where does it stop? Hmmm… when decent production jobs come back, and folks stop being lazy. Yeah, it’s a simplified answer but things are different depending on the area of the country… meh.

    4. What do you mean it’s MY fault? It’s tommy’s! bwahahaha

    5. …and lately neither are a lot of cops.

    6. I agree.

    7 and 8. I wholeheartedly agree. I see this with younger adults… and when I was a leadman, it drove me nuts…

    9. There are some parents that don’t deserve the ability to procreate.

    • Welcome, Devan! Poked a stick in your ant nest, did I? And I fired Tommy, so yes, it is YOUR fault! Glad to see you stop by for a comment! Red.

  4. I’m running slow tonight. Remember, PAIN! Of course I’m with you. You know how disgusted I get about everyone wanting something for nothing, children thinking they know and deserve EVERYTHING, people not understanding what’s being said, etc. Sorry for the tardiness. Hope you understand. Love, Grant.

    • Get some rest, my friend. The party was enough to wear all of us out. Which reminds me…I need to see if the universal translator is in the letter box. <3 Red.

  5. James Parsons

     /  November 20, 2011

    Everybody blames somebody else for something once in awhile. We as people think it is easier to blame others than it is to own up to the truth. Some of us skirt the responsibilities and shove them off on others, because we can’t handle them. We think we are getting over on someone when in do respect we only cheat ourselves.

  6. Tiffany Whaley

     /  November 20, 2011

    I think the only thing I’d add to your list is how acceptable it has become for young teenage girls to be sexually aggressive. They are giving themselves away with no idea about the life long consequences that await them. It’s terrifying to this mother of 3 little girls.

    • Oh, Tiffany, that is a scary one. Yours are still young, so you have time to prepare. I am dealing with that same issue with my 13yo. S.C.A.R.Y. Thanks for stopping by and commenting! Hope to see you around more! Red.

  7. James Parsons

     /  November 20, 2011

    No, I believe that #4 and #7 go hand and hand with each other. Lack of responsibilities and rewards without sacrifice, is the parents fault because they didn’t instill responsibilities in the children when they where small and obedient. They where given rewards just to keep them quiet or to get them out of the parents way. In doing so they now think the world owes them something and that the responsibilities belong to someone else.

  8. James Parsons

     /  November 20, 2011

    (#9) Yes, you and I both know people that have done this very thing. They want their children to grow old at home with them and never see the outside world for what it is. So the children end up with none or very little social skills and can’t function in today society.

    • You have discovered the reason I put them in no particular order. They all are interdependent. None of them stand alone because another thing on the list influences it. #10 was the hint.

  9. Red you forgot one…..or maybe it is just me.


    I hate IGNORANCE. It is easily corrected and yet so many cling to it as if it is a shiny crown, an ermine mantle flung across their narrow shoulders. Ignorance the bane of our society.

    • No, Val, you are so very right. I do so despise it. So, how silly is a Top 11?

      On second thought, it would have to be a Top 12 because “stupidity” is the direct descendant of IGNORANCE. I have long recited, “Stupidity is having the chance to learn and actively turning it down.”

      Good morning to you! Red.

  10. Good points. Actually one of the first points to come to mind when I read your title was Complacency. Its like..’tomorrow is enough’. Why wait for tomorrow when you can do something about your life / work today? So often, we come across people around us who don’t give a damn about how urgently they have to attend to something. Yes, its something akin to Unadulterated sloth, in many ways.

    You’ve covered a whole lot of points that are very valid. And yes, people need to be reminded of these aspects that could in fact give them better futures, better job opportunities and make better people out of them. Alas… I’m only preaching…. Try telling that to the Media, government and schools. As for many parents… responsibility isn’t even in their dictionary.

    • I think, Mandy, the “Unadulterated Sloth” is the parent of complacency. Inertia is considered a good thing in science, but in real life, relationships, employment, especially parenting…inertia is deadly. I tend to think of it as a car rolling toward a cliff with nothing impeding its path.

      Do call again to comment! I like the way you think! Red.


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