Ten Things I Love About You

This Valentine’s Day, I decided to take a page from Kim’s playbook and write about ten things I love about Bear. Be forewarned, I edited so much out of this the cuttings could be a full Red post. Get to know my Valentine.

Back off!

1. Growl

There are days when the whole world is completely wrong. Wherever I am, I pick up the telephone. At the other end, the voice I hear brings calm and solace and pain relief. It also scares away would-be predators. In its sultriness, it summons my inner bear. I love Bear’s growl.

2. Arms

With biceps larger than my thighs, Bear’s arms can lift me up, for a kiss, a celebration or just because. With them wrapped around me, I am safe from any and every thing which would come against me. In them, sleep comes quietly.

3. Eyes

Laughter makes Bear’s eyes dance like snowflakes glistening in the sun. When the blue sky clouds, the lightning in them is ferocious. In the calm, they are azure pools into which I can gaze upon his soul.

4. Temper

It is the Reddest thing about Bear. It does not show often, but when it does, it is mighty. His temper reminds me how deep his passion runs. Most importantly, it is never directed at me.


5. Protection

Bear is very appropriately named. He is territorial and protective.  Be it animals, our children, our grandchildren or us, nothing will get close enough to harm us. Nothing. He is a protector. More than just a character trait, it is a profession.

6. Tenderness

He is not all gruff claws and teeth. There is a profound gentleness in Bear. The tenderness with which he handles little girl hurts and baby bear tears seems just as perfectly placed as the growl. I see it when, after a long day, he brushes a stray curl from my cheek.

7. Brain

The order of knowledge:

  1. Know.
  2. Ask.
  3. Seek.
  4. Find.
  5. Deliver.

Bear knows. When he does not, he asks. If that person does not know, he seeks one who does…until he finds one. Then, he delivers the information to the one who asked or to the task at hand. It makes for no days without discovery.

8. Strength

Bear’s strength goes far beyond what he can lift. It shows in the silent tasks and the backbreaking heartache. With a singleness of mind and heart, he supports.

You did what?

9. Independence

If you want it done right, do it yourself.”

Bear can do it. Bear does do it. What makes it special? Bear chooses to do it with me. What is it? Anything and everything…and on special occasions…nothing.

10. Heart

No, it is not frozen.

I saved this until last because it is so much more than all the rest. Bear’s heart is big. In it, he holds kindness, truth, compassion, conviction, faith.

It is strong. Despite being entrusted to people who embattled and abused it, Bear’s heart is a fortress. He holds those he loves within its walls.

It is steadfast.  Bear does not waver. Whatever obstacle may appear on the path, he finishes the course.

And with my head on his chest, Bear’s heart is a rhythmic reminder of his love for me.


Joyeuse Saint-Valentin! À mon ours, mes enfants et vous tous.

(c) Ann Marie Dwyer 2012
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  1. A wonderful post and a beautiful idea for an essay. think I’m in love with Bear now as well.
    Have a wonderful day Red. Big Hugs for your big heart.

    • He is worth every word and the nearly thousand I cut from this to stick to ten. Happy Hallmark Day, Rachael! {HUGZ} Red.

  2. You answer your own … soft and hard

  3. It’s always great to have someone who has your back! I just love these pictures!

  4. Makes me wish I had a father like that…

    God bless you both! 🙂


  5. bear

     /  February 14, 2012

    Some of the nicest things come from people you hardly know, Thank you Prenin That is one for the books . To my Dear Annie there are so many outstanding qualities you have I cannot Name 10.

    The things you say and do speak volumes about you. The care you take of the little ones, the look in your eyes when you look at them, and when we talk about them and are sharing time with them, it shows what type of person you are.

    You listen when I’m mad at the world and have a calming effect on me.
    You understand me and are able to help me when I need it the most.

    Giving. You are the most giving person I know.
    I could write for hours on her but I will close with I LOVE YOU!

  6. You’re so sweet. What a nice valentine for your “valentine”.

  7. Dana Greco

     /  February 14, 2012

    That was a nice little piece I can Bear with !

  8. 3. Eyes
    This is my fave, although I love all of them!!! Xxx

    Bear sounds gggggreat.

    • He is, Kim. Glad you liked it…and thank you for the inspiration! Happy Hallmark Day! Red.

  9. Great post Red. You are clearly referring to a rock solid, fierce and fuzzy TeddyBear. “:)

  10. We already knew Bear was a keeper 🙂


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