Despite the corporate world often complaining I have no heart, or I do but it is a microbial piece of titanium diboride, in fact, I do have a heart. It stays generally on the mend from one occasion to the next. There are definite ways to permeate the sutures.
1. Know me.
Think this is a no brainer? In more than 10 posts on The M3 Blog, those who have read them all have only begun to scratch the surface of who I am. There will always be parts of me you do not know.
Those who work very closely with me are amazed cyclically at what I accomplish and what I know which keeps them from being neck deep in some pile or other.
Those who are friends stand back and scratch their heads when they mention some situation, convinced it is a singular occurrence. I normally can name one personal example and a handful of experiences where I was a player, spectator, instigator or corrective agent.
My clients bring me their life conundrums, convinced they are insurmountable. I ravel the knot into a bullet list.
Those who have gotten close enough to me to see vulnerabilities I hold close to the vest become shy. Over the years I have learned being in the room with someone who is a force of nature can be intimidating. Not many venture that far without succumbing to an inferiority complex, a broken heart knowing what has not killed me or information overloaded to the point of drooling and mumbling obscenities.
2. Trust.
Without #1, you simply cannot get here. Ultimately, trust is the utmost of respect.
When I attempt things, many fish eye me to see if they can discern what has possessed me. In fact, I often take the less traveled path, arrive faster and stay longer. If I could bottle it, I would cure ED.
This leads to a questioning of my motives more often than I think is appropriate. While I readily admit a past which includes giving some what they righteously deserve, I am not (always) malevolent. If I love you, I will do nothing for which I will ever need to apologize. You have to trust I have your best interest at heart (hand and mind) and await the finale. I am the queen of the surprise happy ending. (Just do not read my flash as proof.)
This is a two-way street. You have to be trustworthy as well; otherwise, there is no point in trusting me to do anything other than what you righteously deserve. Chances are good, I will use the best revenge ever: Live well, without you.
3. Be kind.
Not just to me. To everyone who is greater or smaller than you.
- Children
- Animals (with fur, scales or skin)
- My family (extended around the globe)
- Less fortunate (which is most everyone)
- The undeserved (This is the hard one.)
- Elderly
- Misfits (One day you will be, too.)
It does not cost any more to be nice.
4. Laugh.
Not just at me. With me, for me, because of me, in spite of me, at yourself. As the cliché goes, this woman loves a man who can make her laugh. No, this does not let the women in my life off the hook. I want to laugh with you as well.
5. Let it out.

Keeping it in freezes everyone out.
In the last 40+ years, I have grown up to be a big girl, emotionally if not physically. I can handle a lot, not to be overly descriptive. Whether what is weighing on your will cause #4 or be the opposite, share it with me. I deserve to know what is happening in my world. Although I have the power to keep secrets under the right circumstances, the one who has my heart needs to level with me about everything.
In short, I cannot help if I have no real concept of what is going on.
Which (if any) of these is a deal breaker for you? Are they on your prerequisite list? Are you willing to take the challenge?
Hashtags: #30daychallenge #blogging #relationships
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If you are taking the Challenge, leave a comment so we have a link to your latest post (or know to look for it). The list is on the 30 Day page.
/ May 1, 2013Great List Red 🙂
Your #1 is exactly like an old saying in Indonesia ga kenal maka ga sayang (Not knowing therefore not caring – word by word translation) it means that get to know people so that you can start caring them.
Novroz recently posted..EPIC JAVA – See The Beauty of Java Island
/ May 1, 2013OK I guess I’ll play. Yes, it can intimidate some to be around someone with so much knowledge in a world where intelligent conversation can send you into shock.
Red of M3
/ May 1, 2013It puts me into shock on a regular basis. Rare things do that. 😛
Gail Thornton
/ May 1, 2013#4 For me. I have taken a long time learning to laugh, especially at myself and with you. It was never intimidation, I was always too serious. I don’t have anything going on which you don’t know about aside from the day to day stuff of a bad serial comedy. I’m drawn to people I can emotionally grow with and from their experiences I see mine in a new light. I felt your love of others before your array of intelligences, and that’s due to emotional intelligence as well.
Gail Thornton recently posted..Mantra’s Book of Shadows, Dark Poetry by Red Dwyer
Red of M3
/ May 1, 2013LOL! I think I have the script to that comedy. Perhaps, I could gain something from reading it. xxx
/ May 1, 2013I can be bought for chocolate or baked goods.
Binky recently posted..Ultimate Weight Loss Plan
Red of M3
/ May 4, 2013Then, how is it you completely resisted the chocolate post?
Bo Lumpkin
/ May 2, 2013Just keep bein’ you.
Bo Lumpkin recently posted..Clearance Sale
Red of M3
/ May 4, 2013Why thank you, Bo. Great to see you today.
/ May 2, 2013honest and open intent lead to intentional living with purpose, an open mind a positive intent, open and honest give and take…
these are all part and parcel of the same things, the same platforms that create our voice, inner and external.
Do no harm and always allow expression to the fullest extent… encourage, too.
Our paths may travel usually within the laws of nature, together, side by side or intersecting.
Always keep in mind the balances of nature, such that all are mobile, nothing is stagnant.
Perspective is our key to the light. And everyone holds whatever keys one needs to proceed.
Add all of these to a burning passion for curiosity, shake or stir, behold and partake.
rinse and redo, as preferred.
seems like a good recipe for a shining success…
I adore your intros!!!
BuddhaKat recently posted..CAFE COMICS
Red of M3
/ May 4, 2013The intros have gotten netter. Too much practice with jackbacks. This sounds like a terrific recipe. xxx
Tess Kann
/ May 2, 2013I’m an open book. I may wear my heart on my sleeve once I trust someone (am not talking about matters of the heart here). In return, I expect all of the above. I am not complicated, and like to keep things simple. Equality in all things, especially in regards to honesty, respect and trust.
Tess Kann recently posted..New Themes: Newsworthy and Visual
Red of M3
/ May 4, 2013I am horrifically complicated, yet still appreciate simplicity in relationships. Equality is something I doubt I will ever find. It would be a terrific surprise should I find it. xxx
Gray Dawster
/ May 8, 2013Hey you never know, that could happen when you least expect it to, mind you, you will have to share the paddle and be sparing with the handcuffs if you do find that perfect example of manliness. I wonder if chocolate handcuffs would be best? 😉 🙂 lol Hey just kidding Red, I think? 😉
Andro xxxx
Red of M3
/ May 28, 2013I have thought about this and calculated the statistics based on my encounters to date. The older I get, the lower the odds. I am almost to the point I am okay with it. 😉
Gray Dawster
/ May 8, 2013Hey no more lists 🙁 lol Seriously though I thought that you were getting away from this place for a bit, which is why I haven’t been around, well actually that is not exactly true as I’ve been busy doing other things but I am still surprised to find so many postings. Not that I won’t be trying to catch up on the morrow but you know what I mean 🙂 Grab some ‘Me’ time and relax for a change, or else? 😉 lol
Andro xxxx
Red of M3
/ May 28, 2013By the time you left this, I was long gone. I am back for a quick minute to answer comments before I head out again. I have a vaca planned for the weekend 😉 Glad you stopped by!
Lizzie Cracked
/ June 15, 2013Hmmmm.. ♥
Much love.
I was ahead before I got behind…I did five ways to win my heart on…30 days condensed like soup… Can I just start tomorrow? Anyone else coming in …oh lol..its more than just late..well..lets see whats next.. I think it will be fun.
I did wait on my totem post…to see if it was one of your days 😉
I am curious to see what’s next my quixotic friend…not overly much ..would that be a paradox..? Oxymoron? Ifeel a fable coming on… but it does
indeed fit on occasion and just popped into my head….so there ya go…quixotic.. 😉
♡♥ Lizzie
Lizzie Cracked recently posted..Free Spirit
/ June 15, 2013Absolutely! When you start, I will post the first one on the page 🙂
ROFL! Yes, definitely a paradox. I love your totem post. I can see where it would make a good challenge. <3 So glad to see you in the sphere today! xxx