Surprise Winners

In a new twist to the book giveaway contests on M3, the winners this week got no notice from me their prizes were being delivered to their inboxes. Two M3 Readers won copies of Ben Woodard’s The Boy who Flew with Eagles. 

Both copies were delivered on Friday. Did you check your email? Wait, did you enter? You cannot win if you do not enter!

Got a moment for a few suspense-filled questions?

Who do you think won the ebooks? Are you one of the winners? Have you entered to win one of the three copies of GH Ellis’ Re-Membering Frankenstein?

Take a moment to click on the link to the book giveaway post just under the million word meter or click the picture of the book cover right here!

(c) Red Dwyer 2012
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  1. Thanks again Red for having me on your blog. I hope the winners enjoy the book.

    • You are so very welcome, Ben. I am sure we will get a chance to do it again with your next one!

  2. Laurie

     /  August 18, 2012

    I was shocked to have email that wasn’t an advertisement. I have no idea if I entered this weeks drawing. I think I’ll do that now, before the short kid informs me it’s time for me “starfall” (new favorite website, thanks to her new Kindergarten teacher who was quick to point out that the short kid could spend all the time learning on a computer that she wanted because technology is the future and computer skills will take her far.)………OK I’ll settle down in a couple days and stop randomly posting how pleasantly surprised I am to have gotten a teacher with first hand experience with the diagnosis and that isn’t going to be calling me to come get my child if she has a melt down and disrupts class, instead she’s going to make her stay right there and work through it!……….OK I’m done now, seriously…….got to go enter for the book giveaway.

    • You can thank Bear. He is the one who picks the numbers every week. Your first statement is why I still actually write cards and letters to put in the snail mail box. There is nothing cooler than opening something from someone who does not want money, time, a donation or some other drain on your resources. I hope you enjoy it and review it on Amazon and GoodReads. 🙂

      And NO ONE is going to say a word about your excitement. Sounds like you have Happy Tension, too!

  3. I was one of the lucky & surprised winners 🙂 I was tickled pink, Red! Thanks so much to you & Ben (and Bear).

    This was my first experience with Kindle Cloud. I love it. I might have to upgrade my technology & get a Kindle! I certainly will give it a review when I’m done reading it.

    I’m with Laurie, I must go enter to win some more!

    Tcub recently posted..A ridiculous system part 2My Profile

    • The best part about the contests is everyone is sure no one really ever wins. The post is getting used to seeing me with striking regularity again!

  4. Hope they enjoy the book Red! 🙂

    I’ve got Emma McClain’s book sat next to me and I really enjoyed reading it! 🙂

    Love and hugs!

    prenin recently posted..Friday – A chapter a day…My Profile

  5. Excellent, Red 🙂 Just great!
    Noeleen recently posted..You say ‘potatO’; I say ‘Frontal Lobotomy’My Profile

    • I hope you got the last comment where I told you to enter. The day it would not let you enter was a glitch. You satisfy a number of the ones for the contest for Re-Membering Frankenstein.

  6. well phooey I was going to guess. 😀 Ok I enter some and I don;t know if they are all the same one or all different. I am now in a mission. Such creative ways to get entries too…
    p.s. I am glad they gave themselves away cause I didn;tknow who I was going to guess…
    Lizzie Cracked recently posted..Thirty Years Ago,My Profile


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