All posts tagged contests

Help @LizzieC Win!

Red Dwyer

Guys and Dolls! Lizzie Cracked entered yours truly’s mug into a contest for International Women’s Day!

Surprise Winners!

Two of this week’s winners had no idea he was entered! Who do you think won the copies of Mac Kinnon’s Breaux: An American Icon?

Surprise Winners

In a new twist to the book giveaway contests on M3, the winners this week got no notice from me their prizes were being delivered to their inboxes. Two M3 Readers won copies of Ben Woodard’s The Boy who Flew with Eagles. 

Winner & Free Books

Last week’s giveaway was for an autographed copy of Red Tash’s Troll or Derby. This winner is…

We Have a Winner!

This week’s book giveaway was for an autographed copy of T3 (Check out the whys and wherefores if you missed it.) And your winner is…