Choose a favorite, and tell everyone what you would name each one. (No peeking.)
One is wind. One is water. One is something I doubt anyone ever celebrates.
Which one is your favorite?
Last Week’s Names
- Bows and Flies
- Bird Brain
- Flower on the Bias
- Space Beans
- Ribbon Dancers
If I have not come back and put in which one was your favorite, kick me in the comments!
Space Beans reminds me of a fun house mirror. Flower on the Bias makes me think of winter and fuzzy sweaters. Ribbon Dancers is the one with the skulls in it. Lizzie spotted them immediately.
Which one is your favorite? What would you name them? Do you see flowers?
Hashtags: #WW #fractals #art
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/ September 18, 2013Firefly fairies
Hot air balloons (fav)
Binky recently posted..Rocket Racer Wagon
Red of M3
/ November 3, 2013I hope you like the one a few weeks after this one which really did look like hot air balloons! Burnout? Hmm…
Tess Kann
/ September 18, 20131. Fine Wine
2. Nuclear Snowflakes
3. Crystal Ball
4. Time in a Bottle
5. Cooties (Really–can’t help it)
My favorite is number 1 (Fine Wine)
Tess Kann recently posted..Flash in the Pan – Backward
Red of M3
/ November 3, 2013ROFL! Did you find out what I named the first one? *giggles*
/ September 18, 20131The Alice in wonderland cat
2 dark forest during a full moon
3 mystical water fountain
4 chinese finger trap
5 bouncy house floor
my favorite is the mysticsal water fountain.
Red of M3
/ November 3, 2013See, I can see Cheshire Cat in it now that you mention it! Love your #4!
Valentine Logar
/ September 18, 20131. Skinny Dip
2. You Got Me
3. Dance with Me
4. ImaSee
5. Snuggles
I am bouncing between 1 and 3
Valentine Logar recently posted..Fall Flash 12
Red of M3
/ November 3, 2013Oh, I like your name for #3! Skinny Dip. Bwahahaha!
C. Brown
/ September 19, 20131. Rooster Dance
4. Mirror Mirror on the Wall.
#1 is my favorite.
I don’t ‘see’ flowers, but in one of them I get a feeling of flowers.
C. Brown recently posted..The Good Server
Red of M3
/ November 3, 2013Interesting. I wonder if it was #2 or #5 which made you feel flowers. Love your #4 name. xxx
C. Brown
/ November 4, 2013#2 though it reminds me of snow flakes, I “feel” flowers.
C. Brown recently posted..Sun Shine In Me
/ September 19, 20133 Green Lantern
Bearman recently posted..Imitation Crab
Red of M3
/ November 3, 2013Funny man. The cartoonist sees a cartoon. Great to see you, Bearman. I need to email you. I need a new caricature.
John McDevitt
/ September 22, 20131. Butterfly wine
2. Lace and old ladies
3. Conception
4. Diamond mouth
5. Kissing cousins
I have to pick two this time, #1 and #5. What? I can only choose one favorite? OK then, my favorite is #5.
PS – The text for All Non-spambots and Check here to subscribe is messed up on my system (Firefox 24).
PPS – I’m guessing you’re getting ready for Halloween but red on orange is unreadable. Nice try.
John McDevitt recently posted..Flash Fiction: The Chosen
Red of M3
/ November 3, 2013I think I have a way to fix the header boxes. I just wanted really away from the greens. May have to add in more CSS to make it happen. Not for Hallowe’en. I love the orange and was seriously tired of the green after nearly two years. 😉
Love your name for #1!
Gray Dawster
/ September 24, 2013Another five Fractals to enjoy 🙂 Okay so what are my thoughts on these beauties? Here we go…
1/ Valentine in Creation
2/ Swirling Vortex
3/ Alien Iris
4/ Surviving Compression
5/ Central Glow
And my favourite for
this week is number four 🙂
Keep adding these wonderful
Fractals Red they are brilliant 🙂
Andro xxxx
Red of M3
/ November 3, 2013So interesting you see compression. I see it as very freeing. Half empty? 😉