Saturday Evening Post

The M3 Year in Review

2011 has been filled with many adventures. We have shared some, but what we have shared entirely is this blog. Our game of virtual telephone is one where the line bridges the cyberspace between my window and yours. You have learned a lot about me, and I have discovered many things about you as well.

English: First 4 digits of a credit card

Hate credit.

Things you hated.

By far, the most dismal of failures on this blog was the Emergency Funds Series and the Credit Card Series. While M3 Readers could not have cared less, other blogs like the Credit Card Series. Overall, money was not a priority you wanted to share with M3.

Not for lack of content…

Things you loved.

    • Friday Follies


    • Saturday Evening Post


    • Muse for Monday


    • Series


Overall, you are a genial bunch who loves to laugh. Seems nearly everyone could identify with the stupid email I get occasionally (Be honest.) once in a while (No, really honest.) every stinking day. We are kindred spirits or you absolutely love to debate my views on life. You have been conned into believing I can write poetry. (No snickering. Yes, you, in the back.)

And you enjoyed the discovery along the way of who I am. Some of you learned something about yourselves in the process.

Things you voted against.


In what I can only describe as telling, more than half the M3 Readers voted they had tweens and teens, but did not seek any information about bridging the information gulf to prevent pregnancy. I suppose I will have to offer you a link to read elsewhere the week I tackle the subject. For each and every one who did not vote in public, I have an email saying I should write the series anyway. This will be your last chance to dissuade me, so comment if you really do not want it.

love LOVE love

Things you voted for.

Overwhelmingly, you voted to have us know who you are. The Identity Series had the largest poll turn out of all. And your answers were as diverse as you are. You also voted to go on vacation (with money you had saved), drive to where you were going and stay with friends or family. You were vocal about your votes telling friends I love you. And you are all proud of your progeny.

Heartfelt thanks!

Things you gave me.

M3 was blessed by bloggers around the world with awards for the newbie blogger, the versatile blogger (a lot of times) and the 7 x 7. I hope those awards are indicative of me making a wee bit of difference, although based on email I have to wonder what kind of difference. You have given me heartfelt, gut-wrenching, humorous and highly intelligent comments and inbox/in person feedback. Some of them will stick with me long after this blog is cyber space dust.

Things I gave you.

I bring to the table such immortal ideas as Educational Shoes, The Million Word Meter and Grammar Nazis. I introduced you to a few characters, like new authors, hot musicians and Quaint. I celebrated with you some milestones in Man Cub’s quest for a language I understand. I described myself as a snob, narcissist, sadist and masochist, in hopes you could identify with me. What else did I give you? (Headache is an acceptable answer.)

As 2011 draws to a close, I want to wish each and every one of you a bright and joyous new year, filled with triumphs, successes, hope, health, laughter and fulfillment. May 2012 be your best year.


© Red Dwyer 2011
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  1. Red, your blog gave me hope –for various reasons. I really enjoyed it, a great read throughout–and it came across as honest, educated, interesting, funny, cutting, but best of all, enjoyable . It is literate, both insightful and sinsightful, non-bruising but definitely pokey when needed. I really liked it., learned from it,………….and better yet, I DO respect it totally. Well done!

    Happy New Year, Red!

    • Thank you, Ray. You have certainly said a mouthful! A very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year to you!


  2. Red, you gave us terrific and prolific. The only headaches were from thinking too hard. And, best of all, you gave us fun.

    Happy New Year,


    • Thank you so, John! And a very happy New Year to you and Tracy and Sue and the twins! Kiss all the grandbabies for me, Red.

  3. Hi Red! 🙂

    HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2012 is Upon Us!!! 🙂

    Love the post – I found only half of these, but those I read were a lot of fun! 🙂

    Where Doug is concerned I have to be sure he genuinely intends to kill himself as the Police will not come out to burglaries and suicides only get attention when the camera is upon them.

    So far it has just been a case of him using it to get the sympathy vote and express his anger at those he dare not confront openly and as a way to beat me over the head because I refused his advances.

    What you don’t know is that when he moved in and I got to know him I had a bit of a weep and told him what the press and media had put me through, so he went to the Ward gangster family and sold my story to them so that the Investigative Journalists could have another crack at me.

    I know them well because they were the people my dad tried to prostitute me to when I was small and they were used by the Investigative Journalists to try and intimidate me.

    Doug then met me in the middle of Middleton and demanded to know why I wasn’t guarding his flat?

    Obviously they thought I’d be intimidated by this, but I just laughed and hugged him.

    Scratch that attack…

    I am in a position where I can see behind the Ward mask of reputation (mass murders, rapes, blackmail, protection the 60’s.) and as killing me would put them in a world of hurt they can only get to me via the media as they’ll do anything for money and the Investigative Journalists pay £2,000 per head.

    Doug then repeatedly played his games in an effort to prove I was Gay (I’m not) and when they failed he starts making threats to kill various people who he dare not touch drunk or sober because they have power over him and he has to obey them or lose his benefits.

    When that fails to impress me he switches to suicide threats and desperate attempts to make a pass at me – all of which were either ignored or rebuffed, culminating in him sniffing a pair of my used boxers.

    Now he’s been warned off he is once again using threats of suicide to gain sympathy, so I cannot do anything until he posts his final suicide note through my door as he intends so he can be rescued.

    If Doug does actually manage to kill himself it will be by sheer accident…

    Love and hugs!


  4. And thank goodness I found your blog and learned about you. A prosperous and healthy New Year my friend.
    ~Your Bud in Educational Shoes

    • And a very happy, healthy, fur-lined, leather-clad New Year to you, my friend!

  5. Wow. Well when you summarize it…it all looks pretty good. Thanks for the hope and cheer.

  6. You made me wipe my screen more than once, thankfully I was thinking I was going blind.

  7. Red, I have enjoyed getting to know you over the past few months. Your blog has helped me understand the work needed to blog effectively and you do it well. I see you as a professional with a sense of humour who is relatable as well. Those are wonderful qualities! All the best to you and your blog for 2012.

    • Oh, Christy. I am humbled by your words. I wish for you much success in your new blog and all the joy 2012 can hold for you.

  8. Happy New Year to you.
    What I didn’t get:The secret to how you manage to write so much that actually sounds good and has content still escapes me. How about that little tidbit?

    • ROFL! A never ending barrage of questions. You may well be surprised at how many of my topics come as a direct result of questions my children (of all ages and locations) ask me.

      As to the how much? Let’s just chalk that up to a massive vocabulary (compliments of the LA Times Crossword…15 years worth…until I discovered they recycled the puzzles) and a verbosity which normally gets me into trouble long before my point is made.

  9. bear

     /  January 1, 2012

    2011 was kinda good to Bear. It brought me close to the one I love and will spend the rest of my life with. I learned a painful reminder, you can’t trust in people for the most part because, as I already knew, that most are for themselves and will use anything they can to get at you or hurt people you care about, just to get back at you. But I will let 2011 roll off my back, forgive, and keep looking toward the future. 2012 is gonna be a hoot!


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