With all the talk of time and managing schedules, M3 had to take the advice to heart and catch up with some of the bloggers who make the blogosphere a wonderful place to work. Today, we are going to shine the light on two such bloggers and then open the door on quite a few […]
Inspiring is such an odd word. Its varied definitions makes it very versatile. I rather like its archaic meaning. Of the five viable definitions, figuring out which one best fit was a mite difficult. Rather than put it to a poll, I thought I may as well just ask.
Spring Decorating
I have been remiss in my duties, so I need to clean off a shelf and put something on it. Kearney has been waiting on me since the 5th, but alas, there were some which were ahead of her. This post goes out to her, but you are more than welcome to take a peek
By the Letter
In celebration of the moving I wanted to have a housewarming party for M3. Alas, before I can just throw a meet and greet, I need to take care of a bit of business which happened the day before the move. The mail has yet to be all forwarded, but I did get this one.
Double Up
“Enough is as good as a feast” is one of the quotes with which I am most readily identified. Excess is not something to which I subscribe…often. Yes, say that to the hundred pairs of shoes, but I digress. I have recently been bestowed some excess which I happen to enjoy. Shall we?