All posts tagged jobs

Enough Frivolity

For those who were disappointed in the level of intelligence at the dinner party I attended, be not distressed, it did create blog fodder of a different, more fulfilling sort. Namely, a rather in-depth look at being true to oneself. Observe.

Get Over Yourself

The final three reasons for divorce from our list are ones which are perspective and opinion. They are not the ingrained beliefs which help us define who we are, but the matters of preference, comfort and choice which can seriously handicap or cripple a marriage. To quote a dear friend: Just like belly buttons…everyone has […]

So, how do you like this weather?

The number one concern at an introduction is to make the right impression. This takes a three-pronged approach.

What is your name again?

More employees are asking this question to the “under new management” crowd. Climate Control The middle-management revolving door will keep the office cool on the thermostat, but searing with pressure. Job Security = Not folding under the pressure Who’s on first? When your bosses disappear into the magical cave of down-sizing or the abyss of […]

Athlete’s Scalp

So, what do you do when the slacker, gossip or incompetent in your office is the boss? Go over his head. Giving him athlete’s scalp may mean, in the end, you will have a new job, but that is not necessarily a bad thing. One: Go to the boss first. This may seem counter-intuitive, but it […]