Over the last two weeks, I have gotten a few awards, which I have been sitting upon whilst I was on vacation (and because I did the awards thing between Christmas and New Year’s). Plus, I am so behind in my reading (I would blame vacation, but blame is such an ugly word.) which helps me choose winners who do not already 17 of the award I want to bestow.
Enough excuses. Time for me to get off my duff and hand out some awards.
Today, the award I am sending ’round is one which does not require me to undress admit anything or name every stinking blog I read a set number of blogs. Instead, this quiet little award only requires I copy this post:
Whenever you see a post or blog that you think brings light to the world, put a copy of this post and give them The Candle Lighter Award. What does the recipient have to do to accept it? Just accept it. They can copy and paste the photo on this post onto their blog.
What else do recipients have to do? Nothing. If they think someone else is a Candle Lighter, they can give them the award anytime and as often as they want. There is no limit to how many blogs you award The Candle Lighter Award to and no limit to how many times someone can receive it.
Lorre from Articles of Absurdity gave me the candle with the following quote:
This award is for those bloggers whose words light the way through the blogosphere. It originated for blogs “that bring light to the world [and offer] inspiration, hope, optimism, good advice, faith filled assurances, and even humor.”
If I ever thought anything I wrote was inspirational, I would have named this blog something entirely different. (But enough about the M3 Identity Crisis and the poll on the left.) I truly appreciate when anyone finds what I have to say at least useful, and Lorre giving me this lets me know some of what I am trying to impart may actually be getting through. (Although, it may simply be payback for me giving her an award!)
Who lights the path?
In my list of blogs I lurk through in the wee hours of the morning, there are many who truly light the path. In an effort not to duplicate the award, I have chosen the following knowing full well I shall award this particular one without another post as time transpires.
Angie brings to the blogosphere an uninhibited love of spirituality, humanity and Christianity. She concentrates on ways to be a better human being. And when she least expects it, she shines a Q-beam on the path.
Nigel is on a quest to uncover non-scam writing sites in an effort to further his career and save others the pitfalls which await the starving artist sitting before the keyboard. He is definitely a beacon in the blogosphere.
These two are a lovely couple who bring poignant reflections of the Bible, simple living, kind consideration and the occasional haiku. Being passionate about being demure may be an oxymoron, but they pull it off with grace and light.
Totsy has gone so far as create a page which insists she is not an award winner. I say, Pshaw. You will enjoy her amazing humor and her innovative way of highlighting whatever comes across her path. Best I give her an award which requires her to do nothing.
I hope you enjoy these blogs as much as I have. When I do award this again, I will annotate this post with the additional recipients. Best to comment so you can follow along. And if you have any Candle Lighter recommendations for me, I would love to know which blogs shed light into your corner of the blogosphere.
And now, for something completely different….
And while I am asking for recommendations, I need some personal opinions. I am going to be purchasing a new ereader soon…very soon.
If you had to choose, Kindle 3, Kindle 4, Kindle Fire or Nook…and why.
Raymond alexander kukkee
/ January 15, 2012Congratulations to the new Candle Lighter Award winners. How come they don’t have 49 things to do? “:))
/ January 15, 2012Because they have better math skills. The 7X7 is “seven by seven” award…not “seven times seven”. You had 14 things to do…not 49. 😛
Marc Phillippe Babineau
/ January 15, 2012Hey, they have non-chain mail awards? Cool! I want one! But, deserving and wanting are always two different things.
Kindle Fire is your best choice of the ones you have picked – you want to have one that will be able to update to future codes and whatnot. Also, bluetooth for finding those WiFi hotspots. But, why not add a few bucks and get a Tablet? You can do some blogging and blog post reading when you tire of the story, or when you only have a few minutes to spare!
I still say “Missed Manners Moderately”:(gives you “Miss Manners” type followers at least checking you out) would be better than the choices given for your new title. I guess “M3” is a requirement? If not, your choices expand exponentially! And, you could have a daily or weekly about what manners you miss in the new society that technology has given us…
/ January 15, 2012I have given some Miss Manners advice already. The mother in me is compelled to advise when I see the offensive. And a tablet is not off the block, but I think I really want a reader/player (like Fire). I also have not heard from anyone who has a Nook…at all, including my little sister. (Scribbles note to self to kick li’l sis in the inbox.)
/ January 15, 2012Congrats on the awards you earned while on vacation Red. What a nice thing to return home to! As for Kindle etc I personally prefer the paper books still, I like the weight of them in my hands and the feeling as I turn a page. I wonder if I stand alone on this?
/ January 15, 2012You absolutely are not alone in this. I prefer books, but have a two-fold reason for wanting a reader.
1. Many of the indie authors I really like are digital only.
2. The quality of what I have bought in the last year has been so poor (mostly NYTBS), I refuse to buy another new book until after I have read it.
I love that my authors send me copies of their books to read because it helps me get to know them better. Ironically, I like those books. As to the ones which tout the best writing since papyrus, not so much.
/ January 15, 2012Thank you, thank you bow left, bow right, bow centre. I have prepared a speech just in case I won such an award but I’ll blog to you.
Christy & Red I agree about real books but we do have a Kindle basic no need for 3G can keep it topped up easily. I use audio books too great for driving or when working in house or garden 😉
Thanks again Red x
/ January 16, 2012Looking forward to it!
/ January 15, 2012None of the above! But then I like books, if you really must by something electronic to read book on though go with an IPad, thus you will have a tool that is multi-functional.
/ January 15, 2012I have a lot of people telling me just to go ahead and buy a tablet. I may have to wait until I am convinced PlayBook is not going to blow up in my hands.
/ January 15, 2012I handled a nook in B&N once. This was a year ago. I have a Kindle3 and I love the thing. The e-ink screen is just like reading a book and the ability to highlight passages is great. People say the Kindle is a closed system. Not true at all. Plug that sucker into your main computer and it acts like any other external drive.
My mother has a Kindle touch 3G (she doesn’t have a computer). The touch is nice but I still like the physical keyboard on mine.
I’ve discovered how easy it is to format and sideload (I still think I’m uploading) my own writing into my Kindle and that’s a plus for me.
Batteries last for weeks between charges. If you only want to read books, the e-ink screen can’t be beat. It’s easy on the eyes and really does feel like reading a book.
/ January 15, 2012I have a touch BlackBerry, so for me the physical keyboard would be a detractor…I specifically chose touch screen, as I have a hard enough time hitting the physical keys on my laptop keyboard. And I had someone ask me how I do it with no letters on the keys. Well, duh. I can just see me counting little nubbies on a micro pad…not.
Thanks for the input. Any opinion on the Nook your played with in B&N?
/ January 15, 2012The nook was last year’s B&W version. It was nice enough but one generation behind the Kindle e-ink technology. I chose Kindle because it was better, I have had an Amazon account for years and B&N, besides being more expensive would cost me sales tax for the machine and any content I wanted to add.
Regarding the physical keyboard, I don’t use it much but after typing on mom’s touch keyboard, I’ll stick with the Kindle 3 keyboard. I’d suggest you take yourself to one of the retail outlets that sell the devices and handle them.
I can’t imagine buying a tablet for reading. E-ink is best for that and my Kindle with the nice leather cover feels remarkably like a book in my hands. On the other hand, if you like streaming video, etc. and want a single purpose device, a tablet is a must.
One of these days I may spring for a tablet so I can load it with my photos. I think it’s funny the way people carry on about tablets these day. It’s just a form factor with the electronics built into a portable, touch sensitive monitor. I don’t see Moses coming down from the mount with one. LOL
/ January 15, 2012ROFL! I do not stream video on the go, so it is why my LT is considered one of the worst on the market, yet has seen more than 2 million words since I got it. I have worn the texture and the letters off of the keys, but it does what I want it to do. Over and over and over again. Video is the only advantage to a tablet over a reader, which is why I am soliciting advice.
I think I would rather have a BlueRay for the truck and a reader than a tablet at this juncture. Still toying with the idea, but hate the thought of anything else backlit.
/ January 15, 2012Congratulations, Red, for the awards you’ve received! You deserve it.
Thank you, Red, also for including our blog in your list of Candle Lighter Awardees. What an honor! We really appreciate it.
As to my recommendation for that ereader purchase: I highly recommend the Kindle 3. I have one, and I’m really happy with it.
It’s easy on the eyes, and you don’t need to charge the battery frequently. I charge it only every 2 or 3 weeks. By the way, mine is the one that comes with the physical keyboard. I haven’t really gotten use to touch screen keyboards. I prefer to have the physical tactile sense of a physical keyboard when I’m typing.
For quite a number of people, one downside of Kindle ereaders is that its display is only black and white. For me, I really don’t mind. An advantage of KIndle’s black and white ereader ink techology is that it’s easy on the eyes. But if you want colored display, you might consider the Nook.
Also, another downside of the Kindle 3: although you can surf the web with it, the experience is kinda awkward and not so user-friendly. However, this doesn’t bother me, because I want to use my ereader simply for reading. I can always surf the web in my laptop.But if you want to use your ereader also to surf the web and use apps, a better option would be the Kindle Fire (or other tablets out there like the iPad).
~ Matt
/ January 15, 2012Thank you for the feedback. I am not certain I am looking for the whole handheld surfer. I spend enough time on the web now between my BlackBerry and the stinking LT. The thought of having relatively unfettered access to it smacks of having a Star Trek communicator, if you know what I mean.
And Congrats 😉 You deserve it, too.
Angela Young
/ January 16, 2012Congratulations (your awards are not a surprise to the rest of us though). And thank you! My first award – and given so nicely! Thank you for not making it too arduous on me. I am looking forward to checking out the other winners. You have pointed me to quite a few good blogs via your green room and posts. Thanks again. Angie
/ January 16, 2012Oh, nothing doing. You deserve it! I hope you like some of the others as well.
/ January 18, 2012It wasn’t just a payback. You get people to talking and actually thinking about a range of subjects (inspiration). You have the most insane commenters/emailers, which I find funny (humor). You qualify for all the candle lighter crap..I mean stuff. If you are doubtful about receiving it, imagine how I felt.
/ January 18, 2012HAHAHA! I know why you got it 😉 So, I suppose I should not be as well. But it was a happy surprise. Thank you!