All posts in category Jobs

No Bread Please

blue steak

In terms of people skills, I am decidedly lacking in the eyes of corporate America on the basis my sandwiches have no bread. Let’s examine my deliberate lack of carbs.

Prompt: Character Sketch of Me

Pink Cannondale mountain bike

All of the pertinent details of my newest character in a supporting role for a book: me.

Prompt: The Movie I Starred In

Marquee starring Red Dwyer

Leave it to me to poll my social media for the title of the movie I starred in… The top ten answers all had XXX ratings. The next ten were more fitting with this venue.

Prompt: In My Next Life…

Greek delta symbol of change

In my next life, I will be…

Muse for Monday

Mantra cold

It is hard to contemplate a world where words are simple, yet daily we find the simple ones explaining the quantum complexities in their minutia.