All posts in category Life

Straightjacket Defense


I want to divorce the human race.

Dear Water

Seltzer with Lemon

The absolutely necessary ingredient for life.

Resolution Sex

Off the top of my head, I cannot think of a single time the answer to my societal problem was sex. You?

No, Pank You… A Top Ten

For the upteen-hundredth time, I have been asked to be a teacher. At some point, nearly everyone who sees me more than twice realizes every time I engage with the public, someone learns something. Years of experience and exposure means I have a lot to share with anyone who is willing to listen.

Clyde on Sabotage

Orangutans are a lot like humans when it comes to predators: They have nearly nothing to fear. Although others may be stronger or faster, they possess faculties to escape becoming prey. Us? Not so much.